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Messages - magellan

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Programming / Re: My quest to develop a roguelike
« on: January 02, 2010, 12:55:25 PM »
Deep Deadly Dungeons is in Freebasic (an attempt to turn QBasic into a modern language (

And another open source Freebasic roguelike is .... dare i say it? ...
But it's code is horrendously messy, maybe you can use it as an example of how not to code...

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Prospector 0.1.9 released
« on: December 31, 2009, 03:00:51 PM »

Prospector 0.1.9 has left the docking bay.

During the last month i mainly tried to make prospectors world a bit more reactive to the player, to allow for less luck, more strategy. For example you can add biotech implants to your crewmembers, to get something similiar to a "crew build" Or manipulate the companies on the stock market. (They can go out of business now, giving you a chance to "reroll" your initial company set) Also i think the prefixes for some of the items are neat. There are cheap binoculars, powerfull mining drills, balanced monoswords and camoflagued space suits availiable now, to name a few.

So here you go, guys:

Changes in 0.1.9

    * 6 Biotech augmentations to buy for your crew
    * added Prefixes for weapons, armor and some misc equipment
    * More resource variation
    * Critters behave minorly more intelligent
    * Random Critters get stored after generation (Allowing to do some
neat new things with them)
    * Comments to make the logbook a little more usefull
    * You can now assigne favourite weapons to awayteam members
    * toughness talent works now
    * Fixed some bugs in quests
    * a certain alien scoutship now displayes the correct statbox
    * Fixed a bug in space rescue
    * Audio alerts now work with aux. oxygen tanks too

Programming / Re: Run and hide
« on: November 24, 2009, 06:41:59 PM »
By some wierd coincidence i have was thinking about a zombi apocalypse game just this weekend. (Made the map generator and then abandoned it ;) )
What I was thinking about was stuff to push that blocks doors (See purestrain)
Traps, maybe a system where you can combine different household items to "Trigger"-"Connection"-"Damage dealing" things, and build "mixer connected by shoe strings to doorknob"-kinda traps.
and: Bikes, Cars, Skateboards. with your facing system that could work pretty well, i imagine!

Programming / Re: Run and hide
« on: November 23, 2009, 05:42:26 PM »
What purestrain said + the ability to make traps out of the every day objects, in an open ended, everything goes way :) (Of course i have no idea how one would go about doing that)

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: Prospector 0.1.8
« on: November 22, 2009, 10:46:46 AM »
Fixed some bugs again
0.1.8d is there for your potential enjoyment.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: Prospector 0.1.8
« on: November 02, 2009, 01:11:30 PM »
And Bugfix 0.1.8b is out. Still in the same place. ( 0.1.8a had some things that could be really annoying, so you might want to get it.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Prospector 0.1.8
« on: October 12, 2009, 03:44:23 PM »
Just put prospector 0.1.8 up. It is still far from bug free, but it at least isn't buggier than the last version.
This is what roughly what happened since 0.1.7a

+ new unique planets
+ more quests
+ New things to plunder in space
+ New possible end for pirates
+ New atmosphere type: corrosive
+ New Officer: Ships Doctor
+ Diseases
+ W shows all items you have not equipped and their descr.
+ E does the same with equipped items.
+ O opens/closes the helmet switching from suit air supply to atmosphere and back
+ A lets you chose wich officers join you on the awayteam
+ new item: auxillary jetpack fuel tanks
+ Mining drills ignore damage reduction of walls
+ Added day/night cycle to planets
+ Suffocation damage ignores armor
+ Gasclouds come in different densities (low density is less dangerous than in earlier versions, high density clouds are more dangerous)
+ Pilots can save your life! (financially speaking) (I hope that is cryptic enough)
+ Lowered basedamge & increased to hit for ground combat, making weapons and tactics more important
+ fixed a bug when picking up artifacts
+ fixed a bug that caused locked doors to be harder to open by better science officers
+ fixed a bug with smoking geysers
+ fixed a bug with loading savegames & autorestart option
+ fixed a bug with binoculars and portable sensor sets
+ fixed a bug with finding random points (thanks to xenomorph for the hint to find it)
+ fixed a bug in damage routine
+ fixed a bug in highscore
+ rewrote awayteam HPs
+ slowed monster respawning, speeded up pirates

You can find it here:

Programming / Re: Map Generation / Tile definition?
« on: October 05, 2009, 02:35:51 PM »
Made by Sirius Cybernetics Company with "genuine people personalities"? ... sounds awful!  ;D

But I might be missing something terribly clever here. Isn't a wall just a door that can't be opened? Ok, a 2nd layer for doors makes sense since you always know what ground is beneath it, i get that. But isn't it an item already in that case? just with their own layer?

Programming / Re: Map Generation / Tile definition?
« on: October 05, 2009, 11:32:17 AM »
Yep, that or make a 2D array of tile structures.
advantage of 1)
Less memory used
advantage of 2)
You can change some property of a tile without changing that tile worldwide

But: I am wondering: (Not to you shaggy, to all the smart people here)
Why would you want to tie your items to tiles?

I do it like this: there is a list with all items currently existing in the game, and when i load a level i generate a shorter list with the location of each item on the long list, that also happens to be on the same level (Not necessary, just to make it a little faster when there are a lot of items, because you do have to go through each item every step to check if its under a player, or monster etc.)
Items have coordinates, and if 99999.3 have the same, the tile that happens to be in that position doesn't even need to know about it.
Anything glaringly bad about that approach? 

Ohoh.... and i have been wondering:
Doors: Items or Tiles? Your arguments concerning the age old debate? :)

Programming / Re: Burnout
« on: October 04, 2009, 09:44:52 PM »
Just yesterday i "watched" someone play prospector by IM.
So i was mainly sitting there answering questions as they popped up.
That was highly motivating for me!

Other Announcements / Re: Sci Fi games
« on: September 29, 2009, 12:58:51 PM »
There is of course also the
page with a bit more stuff in it.

.... why are there two lists for this?

Programming / Re: where to go now?
« on: September 08, 2009, 08:35:26 PM »
I'd go with a map. either hardcoded for starters, or generated.
Next step Items
Then Monsters
Then you have a finished roguelike :)

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: Prospector 0.1.7
« on: July 17, 2009, 11:55:51 PM »
Looks like the linux version is working, so you don't have to try it anymore, anvilfolk (though you are of course more than welcome to try the game  ;D) Good luck with exam season!

& thanks for the pat on the back curseman! highly appreciated!
The new uniques are all pretty clichéd, but at least they are less obviously "sourced" ;)

Also I discovered some bugs and fixed them. (Planetside trading mainly & some rover wierdnesses)

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: Prospector 0.1.7
« on: July 15, 2009, 02:41:05 PM »
Will do, because, you know, this is fun :)
Anyway: wanted to say that there is also a precompiled linux version, but i am highly uncertain if it works. So if anybody wants to/can try that one out (and tell me if it works) it would be highly apreciated!

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