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Messages - rdc

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Programming / Re: Sword of Light
« on: May 15, 2009, 11:04:24 AM »
Thank you. The careful reader may see some hints on game play there. :)

What about distance as a form of language.  "You enter the vault and see before you a Berserker 3 steps/paces away/to the East/South/Northwest/etc, an Archer 5 "" away, and a glowing Scroll Scroll 1 step ahead of you sitting in a large pool of blood.  Action"

This is the description part. And now make it interesting to read.

You could certainly generate a roguelike game using text:

You enter the {south door} of the {Dismal Vault}, a room {10 meters by 5 meters}. {A single torch casts flickering light} on {stone walls} {streaked} {with greenish slime} {mingled} {with blood}.  {3 meters north of you} {a berserker} {stands facing you}, {clutching a large broadsword}. {5 meters} {to the northwest} is an {archer} {readying an elmwood bow}. {1 meter} {to the east} is {a glowing scroll} {laying} {on a large pool of blood}. There are {2 exits}, a {wood door} {to the south} and {a bronze door} {to the west}.

The text is the {} would be the procedural text generated by the room layout.

Programming / Re: Sword of Light
« on: May 14, 2009, 10:40:26 PM »
I added the world building screen and introductory text. The intro text sets out the major objectives of the game, so you have an idea of what you are trying to do. While the screen is displayed, the world is being built.

Programming / Re: Sword of Light
« on: May 13, 2009, 12:05:29 AM »

Programming / Re: Sword of Light
« on: May 12, 2009, 06:45:14 PM »
Sure, I can give you a run down. This is what I have planned now, although everything is subject to change of course. :)

There are several classes in the game. The pic is just for the Warrior class. Each class has a starting level that can be advanced. Here are the class groups.

Chaos Warrior



Battle Wizrd

Battle Mage


I am going to have an overworld in this, actually several. You start on the island of Amanree, in a small port town. The town has several shops, a bank, a tavern, an inn and some others. On the island are 13 portals, 12 that will take you to different islands where you need to collect 12 keys that will unlock the 13th portal. The 13th portal will take you to the castle of the evil wizard for the final battle.

I plan on having a lot of interaction in the game using my Action Object model, different themes for the islands and various puzzles. Hopefully, it will be a bit more interesting that just a plain old hack 'n slash.

Programming / Re: Sword of Light
« on: May 09, 2009, 01:04:44 AM »
Thanks. The screenshots are ascii. :) The game play will be character based with ascii "graphics" supplementing the look and feel of the game.

Programming / Sword of Light
« on: May 08, 2009, 09:57:39 PM »
In case you might be interested: I have some screenshots up on my page of the in-dev progress of The Sword of Light.

Programming / Re: How to make sure every tile connects.
« on: April 14, 2009, 10:07:05 AM »
A flood-fill would be faster since you are only visiting a tile once, not multiple times. As Darren has suggested, simply flood-fill the map with some value (TRUE, 1, whatever) and then scan the map after the flood-fill. Any passable tile that does not have flag set means an unconnected map. Simple and fast.

The way I build my maps is to place rooms and then connect. This gives you the option to change the look and feel of the dungeon by changing the connection algorithm. To ensure connected maps, you use a "pick list" for the rooms. As each room is built, add it to the pick list. Once all the rooms are added, select two rooms and connect them. Mark the first room connected; you are done with it. Pick a new room. Connect the new room to the second room in the previous pick. Mark the previous second room as connected. Continue through the list until all rooms have been connected. You have a connected map.

Programming / Re: whats a good number to test map generation?
« on: April 06, 2009, 11:01:31 AM »
This doesn't sound right. I believe simple algorithms with well defined limits always work, because that's their nature. But sometimes the dungeon generation is too complex and layered for everything to work in all possible situations. Even then there are ways to prevent the generation of totally unplayable levels.

This is of course assuming you know exactly what is going on in the compiler and the compiler itself is guaranteed to be absolutely bug free, that all the supporting libraries are bug free, that the OS doesn't have any bugs in it ... :)

A simple Hello World program in reality is not so simple and is dependent upon a large chain of events that have started long before you wrote a single line of code. Many people seem to forget that compilers, libraries, OSes are programs too, and are subject to the same problems as any program. A problem in any part of the chain that ends in your simple Hello World program can affect this simple algorithm.

This is why you can never say with absolute certainty that any algorithm, even a Hello World, will operate correctly in every case.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn-based) / Re: Good coffeebreak rls?
« on: April 06, 2009, 10:48:51 AM »
My Escape From Lab 42 plays in 30 minutes or less. More of a lunch break game I guess. :)

Programming / Re: whats a good number to test map generation?
« on: March 21, 2009, 06:44:48 PM »
This is actually a general case problem in programming. There is really no way to say definitively that an algorithm will be correct 100% of the time, due to the nature of the problem. (Here is part of an article I wrote on the subject which sites some examples:

There are some ways to approach the problem though. A program will usually malfunction at the limits of the algorithm being employed. For example, you built this nice string parsing function: what happens when you pass it an empty string? Or a string with no spaces? Or a string with no recognized tokens?

In the case of an RL, you can test limit conditions by doing crazy things. What happens when you try to make a 1000 rooms? Or one room? Or no rooms? If the program handles the limit conditions without a major crash, then you can feel fairly confident that in the normal case, the program will probably work ok.

Programming / Re: Alphabit Rogue
« on: March 21, 2009, 08:41:14 AM »
Awesome, some good stuff there. Thanks.

Other Announcements / Re: The 2009 7DRL Challenge has begun!
« on: March 17, 2009, 05:26:23 PM »
Very nice indeed.

Programming / Re: Alphabit Rogue
« on: March 17, 2009, 01:01:36 PM »
Now that the 7DRL is over and EFL 42 is at version .2, I am going to get back to this and try to get a working version out. I still need to figure out the mechanic for the down trip. Right now, it is quite tedious and not worth playing. The up trip has the hang-man style game mechanic, but I need something letter-based and hoepfully complementary to the hang-man mechanic.

If you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them.

Other Announcements / Re: The 2009 7DRL Challenge has begun!
« on: March 17, 2009, 12:01:28 PM »
I added my developer page and EFL 42 page. I hope I did it correctly. I am familiar with wikis (I have my own), but I am not sure of the all categories that Roguebasin uses.

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