Player's Plaza / suggestions for a "thematic" RL?
« on: April 15, 2014, 02:57:46 AM »
So, I've been playing a bit of dredmor and TOME to get my feet wet. I'm going to keep on with these, but I'd also like to add another RL into the mix. I'm looking for something with a more solid theme. These other two just seem like generic fantasy to me. I'd like to find something a little less generic and a little more immersive. For example, I tried Cataclysm. It was closer, but there were a bazillion classes to choose from so it all felt pretty random (and it displayed way too small on my screen so I couldn't see anything anyway). I'm going to give Infra Arcana a shot, as that seems to stick to the Lovecraftian theme, but I'm looking for other suggestions for (completed/stable) RLs that fit this bill. It really doesn't even matter much what the theme is. I'd settle for another medieval fantasy, but I'd like to give something else a shot, as long as it's not just a mishmash of concepts. What do you suggest? Thanks.