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Messages - Kneller

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Player's Plaza / suggestions for a "thematic" RL?
« on: April 15, 2014, 02:57:46 AM »
So, I've been playing a bit of dredmor and TOME to get my feet wet. I'm going to keep on with these, but I'd also like to add another RL into the mix. I'm looking for something with a more solid theme. These other two just seem like generic fantasy to me. I'd like to find something a little less generic and a little more immersive. For example, I tried Cataclysm. It was closer, but there were a bazillion classes to choose from so it all felt pretty random (and it displayed way too small on my screen so I couldn't see anything anyway). I'm going to give Infra Arcana a shot, as that seems to stick to the Lovecraftian theme, but I'm looking for other suggestions for (completed/stable) RLs that fit this bill. It really doesn't even matter much what the theme is. I'd settle for another medieval fantasy, but I'd like to give something else a shot, as long as it's not just a mishmash of concepts. What do you suggest? Thanks.

Player's Plaza / Re: skill-based RL?
« on: April 10, 2014, 02:40:45 AM »
I don't know what games you played before...

DoomRL: I kinda liked it, but even going with "optimal builds" I would get to a point where the odds were so stacked against me that it would take a lot of luck to survive a level. I remember it specifically because of the Doom reference and it's clearly different than a lot of RLs.

I played a zombie one where I would get mobbed and be dead in under five minutes, even after getting a guide on the web.

I played a few other traditional medieval fantasy RLs, but I can't remember the names, they all seemed pretty samey to me. I'd find stuff (weapons, armor, etc.) but have no way to identify it. I remember one in particular where the only way to identify your items was to drink/read a "mysterious" potion/scroll (which you also had no way of identifying) in hopes that it would identify all your gear. Of course, it was just as likely to be poison and kill you. I often felt like I was playing Russian roulette. I wish I could be more specific, but all that fantasy medieval magic stuff just blends together for me. On that note, do you also know of any stable modern or post-apoc RLs?

I'll check out MageGuild and PrincessRL, though.

Player's Plaza / skill-based RL?
« on: April 09, 2014, 10:05:09 PM »
If this multiposts, I apologize. I'm having a little trouble getting my first post to show up on the forums.

Lately, I've been playing a bit of Spelunky and Labyrinth: Secrets of ShadowHaven (on ArmorGames). Both of these I like. I die a lot, and often don't get far, but it's always due to sloppy playing rather than random chance. I also liked the first couple Diablo games, and Torchlight, even though they are a bit of a clickfest. I know that these aren't pure RLs, but they are in that vein. I've played a few proper RLs many years ago, but was discouraged by frequent deaths due to circumstances I could not control or even avoid. Anyway, I'm looking to delve into some more in-depth RLs, and am looking for suggestions. I don't mind the dying, as long as it's (usually/mostly/maybe always) because I screwed up, and not the game screwing me. Despite listing a bunch of real-time graphical rogueish games, I really don't mind anything that is turn-based or has ASCII graphics. Thanks for any suggestions.

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