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Messages - Zireael

Pages: 1 ... 33 34 [35] 36 37 ... 41
Other Announcements / Re: My LP channel (Shameless self promotion)
« on: September 10, 2013, 06:34:33 PM »
I would suggest making a LP of the Veins of the Earth. A friend said he'd make a Linux standalone, but I don't know if it would run on your machine, as it uses the T-Engine (although is MUCH less graphical than ToME itself).

Early Dev / Re: The Veins of the Earth development feedback
« on: September 10, 2013, 06:33:06 PM »
404 Link not found when clicking the "released" link from the main Roguebasin listing, though the link over in the Announcements board thread works fine.

Ooh, right, typo. Fix'd.

Early Dev / Re: The Veins of the Earth development feedback
« on: September 10, 2013, 05:03:12 PM »
Thanks getter.

I've killed a bug which was affecting the bard class, so now you can take v.0.0.11 out for a spin.

Another version is out.

You can grab it from As usual, ModDB authorization takes some time.

* new class: bard
* level-up screen now contains tips
* healing now prints out a message in the log
* character sheet shows feats only
*  tooltips added to inventory screen

Help needed, especially with debugging and most of the features listed in the issues page.

Other Announcements / Re: My LP channel (Shameless self promotion)
« on: September 09, 2013, 04:38:28 PM »
It's so cute when girls play roguelikes and other games. It's also interesting to watch those videos, somehow.

Heeey, I resent that! I am a woman!

On topic, do you know what the next project will cover?

Programming / Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
« on: September 09, 2013, 04:34:14 PM »
My head was sideways and I misread your post:
GenresRL - Moar randomness, genre-based. All creatures (including the player) are created using pre-set genres, which affect their statistics and abilities. The genres can then can then combine and/or mutate.

That's a good idea, too! ;)

Programming / Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
« on: September 09, 2013, 08:56:34 AM »
Throwing this out there in case anyone wants to do it:
GenesRL - Moar randomness, gene-based. All creatures (including the player) are created using pre-set genes, which affect their statistics. The creatures can then evolve and/or mutate.

P.S. I love ComicRL idea.

Seems very interesting, but I'll echo the above poster.


I betcha Incursion could get $5-$10k minimum on kickstarter...

EDIT: Especially if it said, "If I succeed I'll release the source to all..."
I bet you that there will never be such a kickstarter.  I bet you we will never see the source to Incursion.  I bet you that you take what you get when it comes to games you got for free in the first place, because you probably got it worse with some game you bought.

I am afraid that you're right.

Off-topic (Locked) / Re: The Obscure Games Thread!
« on: September 03, 2013, 12:07:23 PM »
Is SimLife obscure enough for this thread?

EDIT: Thanks to whoever mentioned Primordial Life, I found Biogenesis now and I think I'm gonna be dead to the world for some time...

Early Dev / Re: The Veins of the Earth development feedback
« on: September 03, 2013, 11:59:35 AM »
Aaaand we're at beta 2.5!

The stuff listed for beta 3 is pretty complex, so don't be disappointed if getting there takes some time.

The long-awaited beta 2.5 (aka. 0.0.10) is out.

You can grab it from As usual, ModDB authorization takes some time.

* new magic items: boots of elvenkind, cloak of elvenkind, bracers of armor
*  new monsters: giant eagle, shocker lizard, monitor lizard; wolf, raven, rat; monstrous centipede, monstrous scorpion, giant ant, fire beetle, stag beetle
*  improved food descriptions
*  rogue & wizard & ranger start with ammo now; ranger starts with offhand weapon
*  removed highscores since they don't work
*  working auto-ID on pickup
*  offhand attack and iterative attacks


I betcha Incursion could get $5-$10k minimum on kickstarter...

EDIT: Especially if it said, "If I succeed I'll release the source to all..."

Yup, so true.

Tolkien set the fantasy fiction world ablaze---but I too think/know there is much more out there that is finally starting to get more action afoot, helped in part by the likes of the OGL that is currently aiding Veins of the Earth/Incursion in our dreams, and any other more permissive licenses and so on.

The author of the Veins of the Earth here *blushes* The OGL is indeed a good thing. However, even with it, you have to be careful to avoid stepping on any toes.
You should be extra careful, as the Lone Wolf has no such things (especially when there's a company with the rights to make a game). For example, you should change all recognizable names. Darklords and Darklands are generic enough, just putting a space in the middle would do.
Even if you were to adapt the Mongoose OGL adaptation, the OGL does not cover place names, character names etc.

Early Dev / Re: The Veins of the Earth development feedback
« on: August 29, 2013, 09:40:44 AM »
Thanks for the link.

I've just pushed 0.0.9a out and I really need to know whether money and magic properties do spawn, or I'm just getting unlucky, or maybe I should increase the numbers in the generator?

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