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Topics - wire_hall_medic

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I should really keep a list of changes, 'cause I don't remember 100% of what I've added.

Two more monsters, difficulty balancing (later monsters are harder, you start finding better loot sooner), a final stage, more stats tracked, killing sprees, bad stuff happens if the audience gets bored, new item abilities, behavior changes for the vampire family of enemies, crash bug fixed, and a lot of little things.

I'm keeping a current link on the RogueBasin page, so I'll just link there.

Well, it's finally to a state where I'm comfortable releasing it to the community.  While a long way from finished, I'm ready for some player feedback!  I'm really excited about this game, and hope you enjoy it!

You can find the RogueBasin page here:

Or directly download it here:

Design / "Fun" Maps
« on: January 29, 2016, 08:26:31 PM »
So I'm making good progress on my current project, to the point where I can actually call it a game.  However, in playtesting I find that my levels feel very same-y, or at the very least mostly uninteresting.  I'm using six different level generators (village, forest, cave, BSP building interior, Rogue-style, and arena), and only the cave feels that different.  Granted, I only have limited dressing at the moment.

What have you found that makes exploration more enjoyable?  What makes for a "fun" map?  What monster behaviors support a fun map?

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Decoration
« on: May 08, 2015, 12:15:12 AM »
My desk at work was a bit empty; this should help.

Programming / Storing Changes for Persistent Zones
« on: March 17, 2015, 06:22:42 AM »
So I'm laying out my new project.  There is an overworld, and several dungeons; all are at the same scale.  However, the player will have ways of interacting with the environment; destroying walls, burning trees, opening chests, etc.  To make the zones persistent, I plan on simply saving the seeds.  However, I also need to save the changes the player made to the environment.

The best way I see is as follows:
Have a class ChangedTile which has variables xLocation, yLocation, and changeType.  ChangeType would be an enumerator for things like OPENED, CLOSED, DESTROYED, FLOODED_WITH_ACID, or whatever.
Have a class called ZoneChanges which has a list of ChangedTiles of dynamic length, for each tile that has been changed.
Have a list of ZoneChanges corresponding to the number of zones in the game.

But this feels hideously inelegant to me; I feel like there must be a better way.  I'm going to have 5 main dungeons of 5-7 zones, a final dungeon of 13 zones, perhaps 10 optional dungeons of 2-4 zones, and an overworld of probably 15x15 zones; if this proves too crowded, I might wind up with as much as a 20x20 overworld, though it doesn't need to be square.  All in all, I'm looking at several hundred zones.  Thankfully each changed tile is only three shorts, and I'm only loading or writing one zone at a time, but it's still a lot of information.

Does anyone have any experience with something like this, or just have a slicker idea than what I've got in mind?

Programming / Structured Enemy Design
« on: March 14, 2013, 04:53:31 PM »
So I was reading a book called Trailblazer; Trailblazer is a modification of the d20 tabletop game system designed to smooth it out and provide consistency.  Here's a review:

One of the core concepts is that of the "spine;" that monsters of a particular level should have stats which fall within certain values (hit dice, base attack, and saving throws; damage output is largely based on hit dice).  This is so that enemies are consistently a reasonable challenge for the players; that is, consume a particular amount of the player's resources (hit points, spells per day, etc).

So I was thinking, that ought to work REALLY well for a rougelike.  Something like this:

Mechanics:  The player initially has 20 hit points, and hits for 4 damage.  Every level, the player gets +5 hit points.  The loot generator is set up such that the player can find a better weapon (+1 damage output) on starting every 4th level, and better armor (-1 damage taken) starting every 5th level; assume useful loot drops are reasonably likely.  Combat is supposed to be pretty dangerous, so the player should be able to kill the enemy in 3-4 hits, and will die if hit 10 times.

So when an enemy is created, rather than having hard stats which are tweaked during balancing, the enemy generator turns to an algorithm.

For example, an area features bandits, which should be level 5 enemies.  At 5th level, the player is expected to have 40 hit points, deal 5 damage per hit, and have a damage reduction of 1.  So the bandits would have 17 - 22 hit points (3-4 hits), and deal 4 damage (10 hits to kill the player).  Bandit brutes, which attack half as fast, would hit for 8 damage, and bandit rogues, which attack twice as fast, would hit for 2 damage.  A champion bandit would just be a 7th level bandit (20-25 hp, 5 damage).

To keep monsters from feeling identical, we'll just do what we've always done; give them abilities.  If snakes inflict poison and thieves steal from the player, they'll feel very different even if they have the same health and damage.  You might need to give particular abilities a level value; for example, the poison above makes the creature more dangerous, while the stealing not so much.  So a snake might be generated with the stats of, say, a creature 2 levels lower to account for the damage his poison deals.

Note that the idea is to generate creatures based on how powerful the character SHOULD be; if they dive too fast, they'll run into creatures they can't handle.  Conversely, if they have the option to grind, that would be a useful option.  You'd need to make sure that your advancement system lines up with the generator.

Has any one implemented something like this?  Thoughts?

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / QuickHack 1.4.4
« on: February 05, 2013, 06:10:03 PM »
Minor update; fixed an issue with puddle generation, added download help to the .help file, and corrected the release version number.

Available directly at, or visit the RogueBasin page at

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / QuickHack 1.3.4!
« on: January 31, 2013, 12:57:13 AM »
Programming has been a little low priority recently; new job, new baby, etc.  But I was making some progress on my current project (Rogue City Heroes, a superhero roguelike) and hammering out a portable little BSP building interior generator.

While I don't plan on using it by itself on RCH (only as part some levels, not the whole thing), I thought it'd be a nice addition to QuickHack.  Functionally, it operates different from any of the other level types; it has much more connectivity than the catacomb and lava types, but has more choke points than the cavern levels.

So anyway, enjoy.  And as always, thanks for playing!

You can download it directly here, and and the RogueBasin page is here

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / QuickHack 1.4.2!
« on: November 15, 2012, 07:44:56 PM »
New this version:
Gold now adjusted based on the difficulty of the class you select.
Level generation much faster, particularly cave levels.
Lava caverns now have a significant number of pillars between the platforms.
Help text file included.
Launch batch file included.

Download at
RogueBasin page

New this version:
Scrolls:  Powerful items which can be stored, and used when things look grim.  Always beneficial, and often work best when surrounded.
New Help Screen: Describes what the status conditions do.
Cave Level Chest Frequency: Caves now spawn 20% more chests, due to how inherently dangerous they are.

This is the last version I plan on releasing that has new features.  While I am always happy to fix any bugs that come up, or address any balance issues that are brought to my attention, this game is everything I wanted it to be and more.

I had initially planned on just spending a few weeks on QuickHack, and releasing a simple, fun game.  After I did that, I was flattered by the feedback from all of you, and added a great deal more content to really make playing worth your time.

But it's done now.  This project has been an incredibly positive experience for me, largely thanks to you.  So thank you.  Please play, and enjoy.  This is now a finished game.

Also, if you like this one, keep an eye out for my next project.  (Theme: Comic book super heroes)  It's a ways off, but I'm pretty excited at how it's gelling together.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / QuickHack 1.3.1!
« on: October 07, 2012, 04:09:03 PM »
Minor update; tweaked the A* algorithm, AI behavior, and alarm mechanic for more speed.

Towards the end of the game, it was easy to alert enough enemies to bog down the engine.  While I wasn't able to totally eradicate that (would have required a pretty significant rebuild), I did make it significantly faster.

RogueBasin page:
Download page:

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / QuickHack 1.3.0
« on: September 30, 2012, 09:24:26 PM »
New this version:

2 more level types
Lava (like acid, but more burny!)
New loot type:  Tokens (random effect on pickup; usually good . . .)
Levels stop getting bigger after level 20
Enemy populations don't stop getting bigger
Numpad navigation of level-up panel, inventory panel, etc.
Reworked inventory screen; easier to read, more information presented
All screens resize properly
Inventory screen resizing bug slain
Minor visual improvements

And, I'd just like you all to know how much I HATE working to layouts and GUIs.  But I love all of you so much, that I did.

Anyway, direct link:

RougeBasin page:

Programming / Cookie I/O
« on: September 27, 2012, 03:23:10 PM »
Hey all,

So I'm in the planning stages of my next project, and I'd like to do it as an applet (I'm a Java programmer).  My reasoning is that it would make updating very easy, and I'd be able to make it accessible to mobile devices while still allowing keyboard input (I'm thinking a button bar on the side; phones are TERRIBLE interfaces for games).

However, I'd like to be able to suspend the game.  In QuickHack (, I saved high scores and save files by using text files with a checksum, which was a clean, simple way for me to do things.  I'd like to use cookies to do the same.

Sadly, I've had some trouble finding a decent rundown on how to read and write cookies.  Maybe I just missed a tutorial on the Oracle site.  If any one has any tips, links to tutorials, etc, I'd greatly appreciate it!

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / QuickHack 1.2.3 (balance and polish)
« on: September 19, 2012, 04:12:47 AM »
I am pleased to announce that QuickHack version 1.2.3 is out; get it here:

Or you can always follow the link from the RougeBasin page

New this version:
Wizard and Thief special charge times reduced ("drunk shaky-handed archer;" ha!)
(u)sing potions on the ground drinks them
(u)sing chests opens them
Summoned spirits get out of the summoner's way if not in combat.
Minor clean ups and polishing.

Sorry it was so long between updates; clearer UI, more descriptive inventory screen, and more help screens are next on the agenda.

And as always, thank you very much for playing!

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