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With Manifesto Games gone, they decided to enhance the game in general and place it out there as freeware same as Kamyran's Eye 1 is.  I went over what scripts they had handy and tried to help things to read a bit smoother.

After throwing some time at it as I mention in my latest post in the Renaissance thread, I can easily recommend this as a well wrought game in a unique world with lots of content and choices for the player to make---and I'm quite sure I only scratched the surface of what is there in general and what is possible.  Good exp and levelling system too that discourages grinding as there are many sources of exp gain.

Give it a shot and see if you can discover some of the content that other folk have not after all these years and mess about with the online high score tables.


"So the summer holidays are finally here! It has been a very busy time, but I've managed to find some time to work on Triangle Wizard.

This new update features the usual collection of bug fixes and content adding, but also a completely new things; items! Now, items in Triangle Wizard are quite rare, so they won't be overly present as in say Diablo, but they may make a difference if the RNG graces you with a good one.

Since the items are a new addition I suspect it'll still need some modification for balance and such and I am unable to completely balance everything on my own, so as always any constructive remarks will be very much appreciated!

The fruits of my labour are presented below:

Patch R 6.01 Notes:

-Vampiric Drain can now correctly heal allies.
-Added the Library.
-Fixed a few typos.
-Fixed a bug that could crash the game is you rolled the mouse down whilst starting a new game.
-Characters who don't have permanent death switched on won't be displayed in the tomb anymore when they die (only when they ascend).
-Fire Halo will now grant lava walking from the start.
-Fixed a bug with storage powerups when a spell level is maximized.
-Added items.
-Slightly lowered the occurance of resistances powerups.
-Added support for GML code for the melee event for creatures.
-Added support for increased casting rate modifiers.
-Added support for increased regeneration modifiers.
-Added Alchemical Shrine.
-Added the Spectre race.
-Increased Lich race's health regeneration rate.
-Unexploded Evaporate Wall particles will no longer be transported along the player to the next level.
-Heroes and champion monsters that cast spells move around more."

Hurray!   8)   Items should make things that much more interesting, especially as they get balanced and new ones thought up...

633   Hurray for a sequel of sorts to 3059

Cool feature set:

* Procedurally generated items, landscapes and quests -- endless lands and items allow for great replayability
* Dynamic skill and character development -- you improve upon what you do
* Open "sandbox"-style gameplay includes activities like building, fighting, lockpicking and stealing
* New special abilities like personal teleportation and invisibility
* Improved story that integrates with the game
* 360 degree movement
* Ranged weapons actually fire projectiles you can dodge
* Easier user interface
* Improved graphics, no longer ASCII-based
* Supports importing your own graphics
* State-machine based artificial intelligence
* Developed in .NET using Windows Forms

Also, there's this side project in the links section that caught my eye:

Now,  can anybody explain to me HOW to download the latest and greatest version of this in a simple way?  I got the first public release file...but I'm guessing there's something more to it for the updated bits?

Finally, since it slipped past me for the past 6 and 4 years respectively:  Check out Flatspace 1 and 2 as they do, in fact, exist out there:

Free demos,  can be purchased direct, also both are on Stardock's Impulse Digital Distro service.  As my funds are rapidly dwindling, I hold out hope now for Flatspace 2 on the cheap during an Impulse Weekend Sale.   8)

Cheers folks!

Other Announcements / If you have a Wii...
« on: June 02, 2009, 02:18:09 PM »
At long last, aside from Baroque and Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon, you will have a new Roguelike to play for it come 2010 as Atlus just announced they are bringing over Shiren the Wanderer 3 to the USA.  I'm also hoping this boosts the odds for Shiren DS 2 to be brought over at some point, like maybe somewhere in 2009, so as to complete the trilogy thus far.

Other Announcements / Project: Roguelike Renaissance
« on: May 30, 2009, 04:24:49 PM »
Distinguished folks of Roguetemple and random folks from elsewhere that eventually see this, I have an announcement to make.  Of the many reasons I choose to make this here as opposed to the .Dev or .Misc Google Board, one of them is so this doesn’t get lost among spam for shoes and bags.  There’s not been a post of this ilk on here before, or technically anywhere else on the internet that I know of, so I ask for some slack to be cut as is necessary and proper.  That said:

My name is Brian Emre Jeffears.  I enjoy videogames and Roguelikes in particular.  I am 25 years old, single, childless, have no degree of higher education, unemployed, have a screwed up family/personal life, unusually disabled in a certain way, living at home, and owing to various other private medical circumstances in the background it would not be at all strange for me to shuffle off by the time I’m 30.  Some of the folks here might be on enough in years or circumstances likewise to understand the concept of “Legacy” and what it can mean to a person---for those that don’t you will at some point down the line.

Remember how everybody thought the lads behind Dwarf Fortress were patently insane to chuck it all and expend themselves at their would-be Magnum Opus and count largely on the contributions of grateful players in a classical fashion?  I surely do and nodded approvingly that such a plan of action has thus far proved viable for them.

However, what I have decided to do is quite different, yet much more insane, far reaching, and likely generally counterproductive to having a reasonable go at life in the grand scheme of things.

We’ve all seen many things happen in the Roguelike community and videogame industry over the years.  For the many good things that have happened and exciting moments of progress, there have also been many things lost and obscured along the way as well as things that should’ve panned out but didn’t for one reason or another.  As is often the case, we shrug our shoulders and are content to deal with that which did make it and just hope things work out in general otherwise somewhere down the line.

At this point in time though, I feel it to be a less than optimal use of my remaining time to continue to carry on as a benign spectator in the fine tradition of voyeurism.

Instead, with this serving as my official declaration of intent, I have come to the conclusion that the path now before me is one of direct participation and interaction within the world of videogames and Roguelikes proper---with a slant to the latter in particular.

“What in the world are you going on about?  Just use the announcements section if you’ve got a game you are trying to cobble together or fish some team members for to be the next great or something!”

Indeed, if only that were the case here.  I suspect I’d be on something akin to easy street if this was just a long preamble heading towards another Talkie info stub on the Roguebasin database.  No, this is something entirely different that really has no precedent to work off of.

Relative to the Roguelike portion of what lies on my plate, what I aim to do is acquire the necessary skills to modernize things up and ultimately keep things lively---across the board.  As opposed to a project or projects of my own, which would come much later I suspect, instead this is about settling things up from the past that have gone unsettled for far too long now.

Below you will find what I’ve come up with after digging through the entire Roguebasin database while specifically ignoring certain projects either due to lack of information to make a decision on them, lack of interest on my part, everything seemingly already being well in hand, or they being something to get into much later on account of one aspect of their existence or another.  This list is meant to grow and shrink over time and as people can better inform me of projects out there and these in question.  If you have some to mention, or can clarify on anything I’ve got a question mark on, please do so in this thread.

Current list of known applicable Roguelike projects:

                   Tiles      Language

3059            Yes      C++
Abura Tan         No      C++
Advanced Rogue      No      C
Alan’s Psychadelic Journey   No      C
AliensRL                 No      Free Pascal
Artisan            ?      Python
Atinar            Some      ?
Avanor            No      C++, Lua
BOSS            No      Pascal
Beggar            Yes?      Java
Berserk!                 No?      Free Pascal
Beyond                 Some      ?
CalcRogue         Yes      C
Caravan                 No      Reva
CastlevaniaRL         Yes      Java
Caverns of Underkeep   Yes      Java 1.5
Champion of the Savarian Empire   No   ?
Deliantra         Yes/Some   C++, Perl
Dimension Dungeon      Yes      Java
DoppeRogue         No      FreeBasic
Chronicles of Doryen   N/A      C++
Downfall                 No      C++
dRogue                 No      C, Scheme
DungeonMinder      No      C++
DungeonS         No      PAlib, C++
Dungeon Monkey      Yes      Free Pascal, JediSDL?
Egoboo                 3Dyes      C  SDL/OpenGL
Elona            Yes      Hot Soup?, ?
Evolution                 No      Free Pascal
Fourth Age         ?      Python
Frozen Depths         No      C++
G.O.R.E.                 No      Vala?
Geminum Orbis      No      C++
GenRogue         No      FreePascal
Gruesome         No      FreePascal
Guild            No      ?
H-World                 Yes      Lua, C++
Hokuto no Rogue      Yes      Java
I, Monster         No      Python
IVAN                    Yes      C++
Ighalsk            ?      Python
Jaunt Trooper series   Varies      ?
Kaduria                 Yes      C++
Reptoran Saga         No      C++
LambdaRogue         Yes      FreePascal
Larn                    No      C
Legerdemain         No      Java
Lord of Rage and Death   No      ?
Mage Guild         Yes      C#
MetaCollider         No      Python
Nazghul                 Yes      C++
Netchaos                 ?      O’Caml
Omega            No?      C
Papaki            No      C++
Paprika                 Yes      Visual Basic 6
Peleron’s Brilliant Rebith   No      C++
Prospector         Yes      FreeBasic
Pyro                 No      Python
Scallywag: In the Lair of the Medusa   Yes   C++/Libs
S.C.O.U.R.G.E.              Yes      C++, OpenGL, Squirrel
Super Rogue         No      C
Star Rogue         Yes      Delphi
Valley of Neustria      Kinda      ?
T.o.M.E.                 Yes?      C/Lua
TwilightMMORL              No      C
UltraRogue         No      C
Vampire Hunt         No      ?
Woods of Torbin      Yes      C++/Java
Xenocide                 No      C++
XRogue                 No      C

Total C:  ~12
Total C#:  ~2
Total C++:  ~20
Total Java:  ~6
Total Java 1.5:  ~1
Total Python:  ~6
Lua:  ~3
Delphi:  ~1
Squirrel:  ~1
OpenGL:  ~2
Libs:  ~1
FreeBasic:  ~2
Visual Basic 6:  ~1
O’Caml:  ~1
FreePascal:  ~7
Hot Soup: ~1
SDL:  ~1
JediSDL:  ~1
PAlib:  ~1
Scheme:  ~1
Reva:  ~1

The goal with each of these, as applicable unless they wind up taken off the list, is to get them graphical via tiles(there will be some cases where ASCII will also be needed as well I’m sure) or some such as appropriate, get them working properly, and to help them get effectively finished as can be reckoned---all at as ruthlessly efficient and quick a pace as can be figured out and implemented.  This amounts to me going around raising the bar overall whilst raising the dead.

If you are, or part of, the original or ongoing force behind these games---expect to hear from me at some point unless you wind up contacting me first.  The order of events in terms of stuff definitively starting and happening is still quite up in the air as you can see there’s a decent sized list above as well as the several programming related aspects that I’ll have to pick up on and gain competence at from scratch.  From my prior posts, the sleuths among us will quickly realize 2 projects in particular that hold a high probability of being my first targets on account of buying them and such---but nothing is written in stone.  Logic would seem to entail that the graphical aspect to all of this would happen faster than the programming aspect.

“This is completely impossible pie in the sky!”

It shouldn’t be completely impossible, though I forecast all to be difficult in their own ways as I come to grips with each one’s unique situation and at least one or so to be very difficult despite when it has come to pass that I’ve satisfactorily completed several other of the above listed.

“How do you avoid a common end like starving the death?”

Well, not unlike in the games, part of that comes down to random events I’ve no control over.  Otherwise, an aim would be to break into the videogame industry via developing the necessary array of skills and a portfolio, testing, and so on.  Ideally, I’d like to not be tied into any one company per se but rather able to assist as needed across the spectrum.  I’ve already helped with closed testing for an upcoming PC Retail RPG, and hope it is not the last such instance.  Failing the above, or perhaps ultimately anyhow, I’ll wind up going the one-man corp/small business route of digital distribution without DRM to get by as I don’t need vast wealth though it would be handy.  I also see a void that could be filled in terms of a Roguelike Foundation of sorts, and such would be something for me to look into as the years roll on.  Should random, “normal” work bits avail itself to me in my local area for a change, I’d likely take a crack at it if I can get it for useful bursts of cash for useful bits like development programs, hardware, food, etc along the way.  Once I actually have accomplishments under my belt, I too would likely submit to a Donationware model not so unlike what the Dwarf Fortress lads are doing.

“Is there a website where you are going to centralize all of this?”

Eventually, there will have to be I reckon.  For now, this thread will serve that purpose in terms of updates, answering any and all questions that I can comfortably, and so on as learning how to make a website is another of the skills that I need to pick up and train to competence.  I am very much opposed to the “sporadic updates at random intervals of months and/or years” approach, so the instinctual drive is to post updates in this thread and such at a likely weekly rate or thereabouts.  AIM and such will also probably enter into the equation on that so as to facilitate real time collaborations and whatnot.

Furthermore, and with the intent of getting things livelier within Roguetemple, this is not totally subject to my own arbitrary decisions and whims.  Community feedback, discussion, lobbying, and so on are meant to be very much a part of this in terms of the order I work on this or that and at times the direction things will go when it comes to hard questions.

There are 1 to 3 conditions I do have for working on any given Roguelike project though:

-Properly in the credits/credited by name as to the contributions I’ll have made.
-(when possible) To literally put myself into the game in question in a certain capacity…
-(hopefully) Anybody else being worked with has enthusiasm to get things squared away.

From here on, I open up the floor to comments, questions, vitriol, and so forth.  Thanks for reading, wish me success as luck tends to be something I don’t attract when actually playing.

Ongoing list of projects I've made some manner of difference in:

As of January 8, 2012


"The last few weeks I was pretty busy with my studies, but I've found some time to provide a new update. It adds a few new creatures, mouse wheel and numpad support and also a new unique level. I'll probably be occupied with my bachelor thesis until the summer holidays, so I expect this is the final update until July.

Patch R 5.06 Notes:

-Added mouse wheel support.
-Empty hotkeys will no longer link to the Magic Missile spell.
-Halved the chance on Incarnate appearance.
-You can now also use the numpad to walk around. And use the numpad 5 to jump and 0 to drink a healing potion.
-Added 40 new creatures (mostly to the final stages in Hell) and one new unique. It also adds numerous unique dragons.
-Starting from spell level 21, Summon Demonic Servant now has a chance to summon a greater demon. Beware though as the demon's disposition is not guaranteed.
-Fixed several bugs that could crash the game.
-Wind Ward now also protects against Tornado and the Umbral Blot's vortex ability.
-A summoned hell hound is now correctly named 'Summoned Hell Hound'.
-Uniques which are hostile to all can now correctly have loyal minions.
-Tornado visual will no longer carry over to a new level.
-Added a new unique level."

I do so love the many meaty updates to this game...!   8)

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Elona 1.16Final released
« on: May 19, 2009, 12:55:07 AM »

Unsure as to the big skinny on the changelog, somehow one reckons Google Translate might not be the best way.  Still, wrangles as it goes and I THINK this would then be the next stable version replacing 1.13 from awhile back.


"Peleron's Brilliant Rebirth version 0.106 pre-alpha is now
publicly available. This is a "skills" release that implements
most missing skills (whereas the previous version implemented
most of the missing spells).

And here's the complete list of changes since the last version:

- This version implements or enhances a number of previously
unimplemented/partially implemented basic skills:
* Alchemy (see below for details)
* Ambidextrosity
* Backstabbing
* Blind Fighting
* Channeling
* Dodging
* Element Resistance
* Fearlessness
* Free Action
* Iron Will
* Magic Resistance
* Martial Arts Defense
* Physician
* Smithery (see below for details)
* Soul Protection (fully, was only partially implemented before)
* Whirlwind Attack
In other words, the only basic skill that is still completely
unimplemented is the Disarming skill, since that would require
monsters using/wielding objects first.
- How to use the Alchemy skill: You must first have the correct
ingredients. Typically they are herbs, but sometimes powdered gems
are also used. Then you simply mix them by using the Alchemy
skill. Here is a sample recipe: try mixing Holly and Ginseng. Note
that some recipes may use up more than 1 unit of certain
- Turned on the "slotted items" code. This allows item
modification with the Smithery skill by inserting certain items
into empty slots (see below). There are not many items with
available empty slots in the game so far, but you might find a
couple in the testing dungeons (the Master Dungeon and the Forge
of Chaos). The number of empty slots (if any) is displayed in the
object description.
- The Smithery skill can be used in two ways. 1) Repair a damaged
object (i.e., an object with minuses). The Smith's level must be
at least 50% of the level of the damaged object, and the Smithery
skill must be high enough (vs. the amount of damage/minuses)
before this can be done. 2) Modify an object. If you have an
object with empty slots and objects that can be inserted (like
certain gems), you can permanently modify the object by inserting
an object. The Smith's level must be at least 50% of the object
with the empty slots before this can be attempted.
- Skill advances via practice and training are a lot more common
- Telepathy and Locks & Traps were incorrectly marked as
"activatable" skills. Fixed.
- Implemented the following Martial Arts talents:
* Catch Missiles
* Heroic Leaping
* Levitation
* Pass Wall (untested)
* Roar of the Tiger
* Sideways Walking
* Small Step
* Sweeping Step
* Weapon Dance
- Generally revamped Martial Arts attack modes and code.
Implemented the following special effects for the related Martial
Arts attack modes: Knockout-%, Whirlwind Attack, Tripping,
Slowness, Stamina Drain, Nausea, Pain, Paralysis, Knockback,
Wounding, Electricity, Burning, Lifestealing, Instant Kill.
- Implemented the following advanced skills (not extensively
tested yet):
* Air Mastery
* Earth Mastery
* Fire Mastery
* Water Mastery
* Life Mastery
* Death Mastery
* Mental Mastery
* Planar Mastery
- The relatively useless Potions of Charisma and Blindness
replaced with Potions of Restore Magic and Poison that I needed
for the Alchemy skill. Also implemented the Poisoning and Restore
Magic spells to make the potions work. The Potions of Charisma and
Blindness will be back once I decide on a way to increase the
number of potion types without breaking savefile compatibility
(there are several possible ways of doing it, but they all have
some drawbacks).
- Other new spells:
* Animal Friendship
* Black Oblivion
* Dark Bolt
* Deadly Gaze
* Death Ray
* Deeppockets
* Detect Balance
* Great Fear
* Hold Creature
* Microburst
* Nabusian Roulette
* Nether Bolt
* Poison Dart
* Summon Mercenary
* Transfer Magic
- Updated some of the rune combination table. There are over 375
spells in the game, and more than 200 of them can now be created
with the Spellbinding skill by combining the correct runes.
- Spell finetuning:
* Brightness costs fewer SP to cast.
* The Slow spell can now be resisted (unless critical success
achieved when casting).
* The Identify spell has been beefed up a bit. By pumping up the
power level, you can now make it identify very high level objects.
* Summoning Barrier is also available as a Life spell (at a
slightly higher level than the Planar version).
- Fixed a bug in the Order spell that could cause a monster under
the "attack allies" order to attempt to attack allies outside its
melee range even when it had no ranged attacks. Of course it could
not do this and your command failed. Now a monster without ranged
attacks will only attempt to attack allies in its melee range.
- It is now possible to assign your frequently used commands to
function keys F1 - F12 in the config/config.cfg file. See the
config.cfg file to see how this is done. The basic format of the
assignment is FUNCTION_(function key name) = (key or key
combination name), e.g. "FUNCTION_F1 = A" to assign the "A"
command ("attack recent target / autotarget") to F1.
- There is a new "Training Grounds" level available to parties
that start the game in the Forge of Chaos. The only way to access
this level is to start a new game in the Forge of Chaos. (The exit
in the Master Dungeon takes you directly to the Forge dungeon, not
to the Training Grounds.) You cannot come back to the Training
Grounds once you leave the level. Explore the level and build up
your experience against the monsters. Once you think your party is
powerful enough, use the portal and enter the Forge. This change
should make the Forge a viable startup option.
- Fixed an issue with "The Path of the Priest" in the Forge of
Chaos. If a certain map contained too many randomly generated
monsters already, the monsters that you needed to complete a
specific room would not appear. I fixed this by making the number
of monsters that can be created with specific triggers higher than
the number of randomly generated monsters. So if you are stuck in
a large room with 4 adjoining smaller rooms, an unbreakable bronze
wall and no apparent way to proceed, the new version will probably
help you.
- Added some randomly placed Wands of Entangle to the Forge of
Chaos to help you in certain otherwise difficult areas. Also added
some more charges to the Wand of Entangle that is not randomly
placed. (These changes will probably not be effective if your
party has already explored the Forge of Chaos.)
- Slight changes to the skills of the advanced Neutral spellcaster
class. Some of the changes will have an effect only for characters
who have not been promoted yet.
- Fixed the "Monty Hall area" in the Master Dungeon so that clever
players can no longer all 4 doors. You have only one key, use it
wisely. (Of course you can save and reload to see what exactly is
behind each door before making your final choice.) This change
will not affect your current game if you have already visited the
relevant map.
- Fixed a moderately serious bug that caused stat-modifying
effects (like Haste, being encumbered etc.) to have a very delayed
effect on your skills. Since skills were recalculated only when
you leveled up, stat changes would have an effect only then. This
could be abused seriously and it could hamper your party. For
example, cast Haste, level up, and enjoy the benefits of increased
Speed until your next level-up. This has been fixed now: your
skill scores are recalculated every time your stats change.
- In the previous versions, if you gained a "boosting" effect
(like Angelic Bless, Flight or Invulnerability) again while
already in effect, the new duration value would simply override
and replace the previous value. Now such boosts are cumulative
instead. Up to 250 turns of duration can be "pumped up". However,
stat modifiers (like Haste or Giant Strength) are still non-
cumulative, since they can have different values. Non-boost
enchantments like Zombie Mastery, Time Stop, Teleport Resistance
are likewise non-cumulative.
- Further fixes to the semantic "not aware" bug that was
discovered earlier and partially fixed in the previous version.
The bug was causing, among other things, all pets and
insane/confused/mind-controlled creatures/characters act very
ineffectively. See bugs.txt for details.
- Being "not aware" was also affecting your resistances. Removed
this effect -- it seemed silly to me that a monster that was
virtually immune to fire would suddenly be vulnerable to fire if
it was knocked out or fell asleep. Also, this undesirable side
effect of being "not aware" made many big monsters way too easy to
kill with the newly added Black Oblivion spell.
- Fixed a signed-vs-unsigned integer bug that made certain types
of magic objects activate even when you "failed" to activate them
with the Magic Device skill.
- Ailment letters (character panels) now use different colours to
give some hints about how long the character will still be
afflicted with this ailment type. This is how the colour codes
proceed: dark red (long duration left) -> light red (medium
duration left) -> yellow (short duration left). A dark grey
ailment letter indicates that the character has been permanently
afflicted with this ailment type and it can only be removed with
magic. If a character is afflicted with several ailments that make
use of the same letter (e.g., Confusion and Daydreaming), the
longest remaining duration is used for the colour.
- Fixed a bug that made ailments like Insanity, Discordance and
Confusion "override" certain other ailments that would normally
prevent all actions. Confusion or Discordance will no longer cause
Sleeping or Dead characters to attack their teammates! (This was
pretty rare but possible.)
- Object descriptions now give much more information. They will
now show many empty slots an object has. For fully identified
objects (fully identified = both the name and the curse status are
known), all special attributes (like stat bonuses, extra damage or
activatable abilities) are also shown.
- Fixed a bug in the previous version that made it possible to
repeatedly "repair" Broken Daggers (with the spell or the newly
implemented Smithery skill). Also removed a related silly
debugging message that had been accidentally left on in the
previous version.
- Better object damage messages.
- Inventory damage now also affects non-player beings. Think twice
before you Fireball to death that enemy wizard who is carrying an
intriguing spellbook.
- Starting gear is dispensed when you start the game, not when you
create a character (in order to prevent "give away & delete"
scumming for extra gear).
- Basic ammunition is somewhat more common now and the generated
stacks are slightly larger.
- Fixed the price calculation for Magic Boxes.
- Increased the rarity of certain special monsters that are
intended to be summoned with specific spells only. Otherwise
random summoning spells could fetch them. That is less likely to
happen now.
- Removed some useless combat messages.
- Sunrise/sunset messages should no longer appear unless you are
in an outdoors environment.
- The todo.txt file was getting messy. I moved the changelog into
a new changes.txt file. "

Glad to see more progress made on this, and so soon!

Right, as the release is the release, let's have this topic for running discussion of impressions, deaths, victories, and such for Mines of Morogth---especially since there seems to be no such discussion at all anywhere on the internet near as I can tell.

For starters, as I imagine it to be the most common factor, what're people's thoughts on the demo?  Town/Tower interactions?

Other Announcements / Nifty article on Rogue
« on: May 06, 2009, 02:05:46 AM »

Worth I read I suspect.

Edit:  Oddest part?  S.C.O.U.R.G.E. gets name dropped and a footnote in the article yet Crawl Stone Soup is nowhere to be found.  Mildly surprised POWDER isn't in there as well to a lesser degree.

641   Lost Legends

Various Roguelike features.  Tis early yet but has a standard and ongoing beta version available.  Can't help but think how nifty it could be at time if some other Roguelikes wrangled their First Person/Overhead viewpoints.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Yipe! Series exists.
« on: April 21, 2009, 02:55:27 PM »

Seems to be 3 Roguelike'ish things afoot, latest of which the most feature packed.  Anybody have any prior experience with this?  Seems to be Mac rooted...


I'll edit in whatever's the particulars whenever I notice they happen to exist onsite.

This release is mainly to fix a major bug in 0.4 where you couldn't advance beyond dungeon level 1, because no stairs were being generated, so you were always stuck on the first dungeon level.

There are also a number of other changes:

    * The general skills have been moved into the Train Abilities window from the Upgrade Stats window
    * Fix the Shadow Winds skill not doing anything
    * Fix bug where sometimes the game can't start, because the hero character fails to get placed into the map

Looks like a new up and coming Roguelike with, deliciously, graphical tiles.   8)

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Rogue Touch v1.5 released
« on: April 16, 2009, 12:56:34 AM »
"Version 1.5:
Major Bug-Fix Release. This should make Rogue Touch rock solid and address the things everyone has brought to our attention:
* FINALLY- corrected the glitch that caused game to crash very rarely when going down a set of stairs!
* Throwing worn rings left "ghost" ring on hand. Not anymore!
* Popup menu of doom fixed (was an infinite loop).
* Popup menu showing 2-3x in a row is now fixed.
* Fixed Inventory names not being displayed or at times the entire Inventory display not appearing!
* Drinking potions of raise level at maximum rank could be trouble, fixed crash and give character 10HP instead.
* Xerocs could show as normal sleeping monsters when disguised as a staff or wand. Not anymore!
* Many other random crashing issues eliminated after squashing an overflow bug

Fast-play: major running improvements!
* When you run towards a monster in a room (or run into one in a dark hallway) you will not blindly attack it now!
* Running AWAY from monsters now works correctly, no more running one or two spaces and stopping again :)
* Monsters no longer get a free move or attack on you when you make an illegal move, like hitting a wall :)

Inventory: great tweaks for handling your items and pack...
* When dropping a scroll of Scare Monster, you will only drop a single one if you have a stack of them :)
* Item stacking works properly now when your pack is full! (no more need to exclaim "but I JUST shot that arrow, why can't I pick it up now?").
* If your pack is full, and the item you step on is not stackable with an existing item in your pack, it will tell you what you stepped on so you can see if it's worth making room for! (Example: "couldn't pick up scroll of identify")

New Features:
* Find your previous game's corpse in the dungeon on your next play through! Maybe even find some of the goodies you were carrying when you died in the previous game :)
* Chance to disarm a known trap when stepping on it. The higher your rank the more likely you will succeed.
* Minor new features: Get experience for finding secret doors... Find loose gold pieces randomly on the floor while searching... Find scrawling on the walls!
* Minor gameplay tweaks: Resting with the dedicated Rest button will heal you at a slightly faster rate than walking around. New message warning for treasure rooms. Healing and Extra Healing Potions now cure hallucinations too.
* New rings (2): Disarming (to help give you a good chance of disarming traps!) and Narcolepsy (cursed, randomly... Zzzzzz!)
* New scroll: Safe Passage- when read, it will reveal all secret doors and disarm all traps on the current floor.
* 8 more new secret characters! Yep, even though you haven't found most of the last batch yet ;) A hint for this batch- we had some special requests from female gamers!
* D-Pad is now 25% more transparent. Your thumb is still 100% opaque!
* Screen layout adjusts automatically for playing while talking on the phone with people when you'd rather be playing Rogue Touch (player status used to be obscured by green phone call bar, but not anymore)!"

A Roguelike fan I know has been quite taken with this, so those of you with an iPhone/iTouch would probably do well to try it at such a low price as this is the definitive up and coming Roguelike for the platform.

No word on a PC port...but I elect to keep hope alive.   8)

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