Other Announcements / RL map ASCII symbols for uncommon objects
« on: December 19, 2012, 10:03:46 AM »
Hi there.
I would like to ask to the community about opinion for different ASCII symbols for uncommon objects in the map.
I will be using the typical symbols for common items in Nethack or Rogue:
# Walls
· floor (the high point, not the common point)
) weapons
! potions
[ armors
% food / corpses
? scrolls
! potions
= rings and jewelry
* gems
$ gold
Monsters use letters as usual.
But within my RL there are some items that there not appear in other RLs, so I would thank some ideas on good ASCII (preferably NOT unicode) symbol for it.
The items are:
- A Map-to-Map teleport : it is not a pickable item. When the player walks in, it gets teleported to another level. It is basically stairs down, with the only difference that once the player gets to the new level, there is no way back.
- A Cell-to-Cell teleport: the same as before, but it teleports to another place in the same map. I need this to use a different symbol to the previous one, so the player know what type of teleport is.
- Enchanting Shrine: it's a map cell, again, not pickable. When the player walks in it gets some magical effects. I think I could use here the Nethack's shrine symbol, but maybe there is another one that could be more exciting xD
- Arrows: the player can use a bow. Arrows are limited and they can be scarcely found. I'm not sure the symbol that is commonly used, or even if there is one. I think something like | or / or \ could be ok...
- Throwing axes: same as Arrows, but I would like it to have a different symbol that is easy to understand and not get confused with arrows. I would say that / for arrows and \ for axes would be ok?
- Shield: I think I saw a RL with shields but I'm not sure. Whatever, which symbol would fit it well? Actually I want shields to have different symbols than armor since shields work different than in other RLs and are not really equipped as in other RL's
- Other misc decorative items that are not that important: Fire brazier, Wooden Barrel, Medieval Torture table (something like you see in Braveheart)
I would prefer to use symbols instead of letters because monsters are already letters and it can lead to confusion.
Thanks a lot.
I would like to ask to the community about opinion for different ASCII symbols for uncommon objects in the map.
I will be using the typical symbols for common items in Nethack or Rogue:
# Walls
· floor (the high point, not the common point)
) weapons
! potions
[ armors
% food / corpses
? scrolls
! potions
= rings and jewelry
* gems
$ gold
Monsters use letters as usual.
But within my RL there are some items that there not appear in other RLs, so I would thank some ideas on good ASCII (preferably NOT unicode) symbol for it.
The items are:
- A Map-to-Map teleport : it is not a pickable item. When the player walks in, it gets teleported to another level. It is basically stairs down, with the only difference that once the player gets to the new level, there is no way back.
- A Cell-to-Cell teleport: the same as before, but it teleports to another place in the same map. I need this to use a different symbol to the previous one, so the player know what type of teleport is.
- Enchanting Shrine: it's a map cell, again, not pickable. When the player walks in it gets some magical effects. I think I could use here the Nethack's shrine symbol, but maybe there is another one that could be more exciting xD
- Arrows: the player can use a bow. Arrows are limited and they can be scarcely found. I'm not sure the symbol that is commonly used, or even if there is one. I think something like | or / or \ could be ok...
- Throwing axes: same as Arrows, but I would like it to have a different symbol that is easy to understand and not get confused with arrows. I would say that / for arrows and \ for axes would be ok?
- Shield: I think I saw a RL with shields but I'm not sure. Whatever, which symbol would fit it well? Actually I want shields to have different symbols than armor since shields work different than in other RLs and are not really equipped as in other RL's
- Other misc decorative items that are not that important: Fire brazier, Wooden Barrel, Medieval Torture table (something like you see in Braveheart)
I would prefer to use symbols instead of letters because monsters are already letters and it can lead to confusion.
Thanks a lot.