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Messages - SomeGuy

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Programming / Re: When restart shoot target?
« on: December 27, 2012, 11:04:20 AM »

Instead of targeting a location, target a specific monster. As long as that monster is visible/alive, you just always re-target it. Otherwise, you can work your way down a few criteria, such as nearest monster.

Code: [Select]
If LastTarget is not null and visible and Alive:
          LastTarget -> Target
Else if GetNearestEnemy() is not null:
          GetNearestEnemy() -> Target
          Self -> Target

Great idea this is, Sir.

BTW I will add to the ToDo list the "target enemy" instead of "target location".
I also have a "target nearest" for later versions.

Early Dev / Re: Witchaven the Roguelike (check post #1 for details)
« on: December 27, 2012, 10:31:19 AM »
Congrats, I wonder how many releases you can power out by New Year's?   8)

Maybe one more.
And mostly for bugfixing.

Early Dev / Re: Witchaven the Roguelike (check post #1 for details)
« on: December 25, 2012, 07:15:41 PM »

See first post for links.

Full changelog dump for 0.9BETA3:

Code: [Select]
- Slightly changed map description algorithm, to avoid unwanted ")" at the end of the description
- Reviewed/rebalanced looting corpse drop chances.
- Reviewed/rebalanced items generated during map generation process
- Reduced Black & White color mode walls' brightness.

- Added Teleporting Pentagram: to exit level you will need to find the teleporting pentagram first
- Added third color mode: Random color
- Added "animated" pools of water and pools of lava.
- Added Bow ranged attack. The player can use now the bow as a ranged weapon
- Added ranged enemies.
- Added random arrows drop. When the player or enemy shoots an arrow, there is a small chance
  that the arrow drops to floor instead of break and dissapear.
- Added Fireball, Magic Arrow and Night Vision spells.
- Added some more dialogue personalities

- Fixed bug with launch arguments not working on Linux binary or Windows EXE versions.
- Fixed bug with monsters appearing under the player when generating the map
- Fixed bug with gold coins description making the game to crash
- Slightly fixed monster pathfinding. Now they shouldn't get stuck in place much.
- Fixed some misspellings
- Fixed bug with GUi showing incorrect number of arrows left

Programming / When restart shoot target?
« on: December 25, 2012, 03:51:33 PM »
In most RLs, when you want to shoot at a target there appears a X or something, that lets you choose the target of your ranged attack.

It is expected that when you select a monster and shoot at him, if the monster is still alive, the X keeps in the previous aiming position so you don't have to move it all the way back to the new monster position.

The question I have is: when is this X expected to be restarted and show back over the player position?

So far, I restart it when the monster is killed, but I'm not sure if restarting it when the player moves is a good idea because in combat the player may move for any reason, but still he may want to keep the same target.

Also I thought about a "isInCombat" flag, that is true when in combat, and false when every monster is killed and/or inactive. So, moving the player while in combat, the crosshair keeps in the same previous position, and when out of combat, if the player moves the crosshair restarts.

The problem with this is that the player may want to target another target that is opposite of the previous target, and there will be no way to restart the crosshair while in combat.

So basically, what is, in your opinion, the expected or desired behavior here?

I know it may sound a stupid question, but when playing around with many ranged attacks, having to manually target over and over may be annoying, and I want the less annoying way to do this.

Also, BTW I'm not interested ina "autoselect nearest target" thing. That will come in later versions.

Other Announcements / Re: Women & Roguelikes
« on: December 25, 2012, 01:03:00 PM »
Not surprising - as enjoying a roguelike is 99% about dealing with logical-mathematical challenges, which isn't exactly known to be women's cup of tea.

My wife is a woman (duh!) and she doesn't like roguelikes with ASCII symbols, but she enjoys isometric or graphical tiled RLs.
In fact, I presented her NetHack in ASCII mode some years ago, but she didn't like it, nor understood it well enough to play it properly. But then, two or three days after that, I presented her NetHack with Falcon's Eye mode, and she liked it quite a bit, she even played it like almost lets say, Diablo or something and enjoyed quite a lot.

She doesn't understand well an ASCII roguelike, but she can beat most Sudokus in relatively little amount of time, which have a lot of logic into it, as far as I know. So I'm not sure if the problem here is the logical-mathematical challenge, I think it is more about the abstract way of thinking and representation.

In fact, she played WoW for around 6 years, but don't ask her to play a Pen&Paper roleplaying game. I don't think she will wake up and go to computer semi-naked to play NetHack, but hell, she did that with WoW to check auction house at 4:00 am local time. ^_^

Programming / Re: Press to move or press to single-step?
« on: December 24, 2012, 04:31:19 PM »
Finally I implemented the "press to walk, then after xxx milliseconds, start running", like NON suggested.

It's the best way I can think.

I set key delay to 0.2 seconds and key repetition to 0.05 seconds.

It works better this way.

On later versions I will make a config file, so the user can change and save game options like this.

Programming / Re: Any programs/tool to convert images into pixel art?
« on: December 24, 2012, 02:40:52 PM »
You can try also GIMP.

It has a filter called "Pixelate", that makes your image to be pixelated with the pixel size you want, for example:

Normal Saturn and Pixel Saturn with pixels of size = 10 screen pixels.

It's only matter to go to Filters>Blur>Pixelate

Early Dev / Re: Witchaven the Roguelike (check post #1 for details)
« on: December 23, 2012, 02:19:14 PM »
Nice work on reckoning that windows binary and all else so promptly!  If this pace even remotely holds up---this project will definitely get somewhere in a jiffy.   8)

Yes. Windows exe was something I had planned even before releasing the first beta, but the problem was that I only use Linux, and creating the Windows exes was impossible... but I literally dreamed two nights ago  with DoSBox and "compiling" the windows exe on my Linux. Just upon waking up in the morning that was the first thing I tried.. and it worked!!! ^_^
Also I have planned a Linux 32bit standalone, without the need of downloading extra libraries. But this may get longer to do, I think, mostly because of libraries compatibility problems and such.

Also, the ToDo list is really huge, and there are many important things I'm going to complete for the next BETA, such as finishing magic system and ranged attacks.
Also I have added a "switch game resolution" in-game trigger, allowing to set game resolution to 640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768. Basically because someone told me he was trying to play the game on a TV with lower resolution. This is just matter of changing fonts size and spacing. Only a pair of lines will be enough.

Early Dev / Re: Witchaven the Roguelike (check post #1 for details)
« on: December 23, 2012, 10:27:50 AM »

See first post for links.


Full changelog dump for 0.9BETA2:

Code: [Select]
- Moved potion keys from numeric keyboard to Alt+Number
- ^Q doesn't remove your possible suspended game files.
- Removed the health recovery every 10 turns.
- Slightly reduced monsters damage
- Slightly increased corpses appearance
- Slightly increased item appearance during map generation
- Increased experience gains due to killings and gold pick ups
- Disabled "Save game" options ( Ctrl+S )
- Changed monster stats, now growing with depth level
- Changed key handling method from love.update+sleep to love.keypress+setKeyRepeat

- Added "load suspended game" when game starts (read next, please)
- Added launch flag: -n or --new. It starts a new game instead loading suspended game.
- Added GUI tips overly when start a new game
- Added Armors
- Added Poison, Invisibility and "Über-strength" status (read next please)
- Added Invisibility, Strength and Antidote potions
- Added interactive decorations.
- Created 5 different traps: needle, lance, pitfall, poison gas and boulderfall
- Added "search trap" command (key binding [ s ] )
- Added "switch color mode" trigger (key binding [ ^c ] ), switches from color to black and white

- Fixed bug with scrolls BSOD'ing the app when dropped from corpses
- Fixed bug with some floor items descriptions do not showing the closing bracket
- Fixed some misspellings and some twekings to in-game help commands text

Programming / Re: Press to move or press to single-step?
« on: December 21, 2012, 01:10:50 PM »
but I got some feedback from people that says that "move your character while key is pressed" is not good , it could be dangerous, etc...


You can easily just go one step at a time by releasing the key before repeating starts.

Basically you say here is "perform a step-per-key but bait xxx miliseconds to see if player keeps pressing it". Isn't it?
That's a good solution.
I will look into that method.

Is the person who gave you this feedback retarded not experienced with Roguelikes, or with typing on a computer?

Well, he may have a point. If the @ keeps walking, you may walk into something you don't want.

But then, here is Holsety comment.

The stop-player-when-find-something is a nice solution too. And I think it is quite easy to implement, at least for when the player detects a monster.

Programming / Press to move or press to single-step?
« on: December 21, 2012, 10:30:56 AM »
Sorry for the poll, I know it may annoy some people, but I got some feedback from people that says that "move your character while key is pressed" is not good , it could be dangerous, etc...

SO basically, I am interested in community opinion about this matter.

The options in the poll are, I think, quite self explanatory:

1: means that you like to move your character while you keep the key pressed, and he will always move or attack until blocked by something or killed, or key is released
2: means that you prefer one key press per step, so transversing a 5 squares corridor requires 5 key presses, and attacking an enemy requires you to press the key for each weapon blow.
3: means that you would find interesting that the game allows switching modes, so you can use whatever you want in different situations.
4: means you got some other method that you find interesting.

Thanks a lot.

Early Dev / Re: Witchaven the Roguelike
« on: December 21, 2012, 09:29:00 AM »
Looks promising with a good array of initial development targets---keep at the fine work and best of luck making this happen!   8)

Actually, I got a growing list if things to do.

Also I have some improvements that are quite interesting.

Having problems trying to download. I get a file not found page when I try to download the zipped package.

Are there windows binaries? Or plan on it?

Yes, other people already complained about downloading problems.
I have provided new links to that should give no problems.

Win binaries are planned, but you can play already in Windows with the .love files provided.
Actually I'm a penguin user, so I need to find a way to build the win binaries. I read somewhere that I can use dosbox/dosemu to do this, but I was a bit busy to try it.

You only need to download "LÖVE engine", then download the zipped .love file, then install LÖVE, that is damn easy (only click 'continue button') and finally, double click on the file to enjoy.

In addition, the .love file is in fact a .zip file so you can open and edit it as you please.




Access download page with changelog, and news here:

Direct link to download files:

Please, let the bug reports and feature request to flow.
Remember that it is still a beta version and some features are still unimplemented, although the game is 100% playable, you can win the game... or die ^_^

Other Announcements / Re: RL map ASCII symbols for uncommon objects
« on: December 20, 2012, 01:31:16 PM »

...Because everyone dreams of just another clone of Rogue or Nethack that doesn't have any distinctive features? As long as you conform to the genre standards that you've listed in your first post, nobody should object at "weird" symbols for several not-so-standard objects.
Well, who says he tries to make a game for everyone? I think there is too much focus on making your game popular and user-friendly nowadays. You can create a game entirely around your individual taste, and making a purist Roguelike is a perfectly fine and noble endeavor.

You both have a point.

The game I'm almost going to release the first beta tomorrow, or maybe even today if I got time enough, is quite different from Rogue and all classic RL's in many game mechanics. It is not D&D at all and some people may get hard to adapt or even enjoy the rpg system.

But I want the map symbols to be as close to Rogue as possible, so there is no need to learn or read manuals or even "examine" that item to know if ")" is a weapon or something else.

Other Announcements / Re: RL map ASCII symbols for uncommon objects
« on: December 20, 2012, 09:11:34 AM »
Thanks for all answers.

The problem is that I want to make is as "Rogue"-like as possible, and using custom symbols or non ASCII characters will make it less Rogue-ish or Nethack-ish

But I think I can make some exception with teleports.

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