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Messages - SomeGuy

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Design / Re: Simple AI/Logic for chosing enemy skills?
« on: June 12, 2015, 08:38:25 PM »
Make it based on the distance

  • If player is far and outside the range of Secondary skill: exclusively Main skill
  • If player is just inside the range of the Secondary skill: 25% chance of Main skill and 75% chance of Secondary skill
  • Else: exclusively Secondary skill

And when it selects the Secondary skill it could have a 33% chance for each type (support/damage/debuff), of course if support is active (for example shielded) then it will be 50/50 damage and debuff and if debuff is active then exclusively damage.

The 3rd option (excusively secondary skill) cannot be entered.

If the enemy is far from player, will always shoot long range spell.
If he is close, the will shot either long or short. The 100% chances are divided among those 2 options, so there is no chance for him to cast anything else.

The only way to enter that option is to be totally out of range, in which case, it will cast secondary skill instead of trying to get closer to the player, which is, I think the most logical way to act.

Whatever, I found a possible solution using your "ranges" idea. The difference is that in either case, if the enemy is unbuffed, he will buff himself with a 45% chance. If the player is not debuffed, he will debuff the player at 33% chance and if he can heal himself, he will do so with a 33% chance

Design / Re: Simple AI/Logic for chosing enemy skills?
« on: June 12, 2015, 05:00:04 PM »
Assuming that these skills have cooldowns, your monsters can use skills on cooldownd. But each time the skills is used you can calculate effective cooldown by adding some random number to the base cooldown.

Your assumption is wrong.

Design / Simple AI/Logic for chosing enemy skills?
« on: June 12, 2015, 11:05:47 AM »
In the current RL i'm developing, enemies will have two skills as follows:

Main Skill: this will be the long range damaging skill. It can be used when the enemy is far away from the player. Not necessarily the favourite skill.
Secondary Skill: this will be a shorter range skill. It will come either as a support skill (buff/healing/shielding, etc..), as a short range high-damage skill or as a debuffing skill.

But I'm not sure which logic should the enemies follow for choosing one skill or the other. Any idea?


Design / Re: Basic role-playing system models?
« on: June 09, 2015, 11:51:52 AM »
We have some RL libraries, but why don't we have a RPG system which is simple, open source (or rather free from license restrictions) and easy to extend with new stuff? For me the RPG system is really the big problem in roguelike (and role-playing game) development. Do we even have anything like that in tabletop form?

Actually, I find your question pointless.
You need first to think about how your roguelike will work in general terms. How the character will increase its proficiency? How combat will look like? Is magic D&D-ish or a different system? Is the game skill-based, level-based or anything else? How does the player creates the character? etc...

I don't think a RP library is any possible because nobody knows how your roguelike will work. Also there are so many styles and variables that it would be impossible to create a RP system flexible enough.

BTW, developing a RP system shouldn't be hard once you exactly know how your finished roguelike will work.

Design / Re: Roguelike mechanics idea
« on: June 09, 2015, 11:29:03 AM »
Do you have a link to the game?

Have you read the title of the topic and/or beyond the first line of my message?

Design / Roguelike mechanics idea
« on: June 08, 2015, 12:24:30 PM »

I'm starting to design a new roguelike, and I have been thinking about the game mechanics before starting coding anything.

The game will require some degree of strategy from the player to be successful. Losing the game will be due to the player commiting many smaller errors, so it is possible for the player to realize that something was done wrong, and mend the error.

Let me explain what I have planned so far, and give me your oppinion and which things would you change.

First, the game is about a mage which has been trapped in a dungeon/dymension/cave/castle/whatever. He must climb to the top floor and find the portal back to home.

At first sight, the game will be slightly based on Drakefire Chasm in what there are several elements (fire, ice, lightning, whatever) and each enemy is resistant or weak against a certain element, but the player won't know this information first hand, since the enemies' names will be "frenzied zombie" instead of "fire zombie". In this case, this will be a zombie made of fire, so it is resistant (or immune) to fire spells, then, the player will have to adapt to that type of enemies.

The player can only attack using magic attacks. There won't be close combat at all. And magic is organized in different schools of magic, and increasing your proficiency on a specific school will give you more spells (not necesarily more damaging spells), so, lets say, you increase your fire magic proficiency, you will get fireball, fireblast, but also utility and buffing spells.

The schools of magic are organized in such a way that increasing a certain school will decrease the opposite one.
For example, increasing Fire will decrease ice, and increasing death will decrease life, and the other way around.

This may look a bit counterproductive if you are full fire and you find a fire-immune enemy. Well, actually, the game will provide two methods to avoid this:

1.- The game will reward the player when creating an hybrid class. For example, increasing Fire could grant access to utility spells that increase ice damage, so even your low level ice spells may deal good damage. It is basically a synergy system, that may reward players that are 50% fire and 50% ice rather than 90% fire and 10% ice.
For example, lets say the maximun school proficiency is 10. It may be possible that fire level 5 will provide a utility spell that absorbs heat from enemies greatly reducing their resistance to ice. Or a level 5 Ice spell which may see its damage increased by 100% if the player has certain fire buff that is also a level 5 fire spell.

2.- After completing each level, the player will be able to redistribute or change the spells proficiency, so s/he can try different builds which can match his/her playing style. But changing proficiencies doesn't come for free: along the level the player will find mastery orbs/scrolls/jewels/... that will allow to change assigned points. One orb/scroll/jewel/... will be consumed when you reassign a mastery point. Of course, these orbs will rather easy to find, but won't be as easy as letting the player to completely rebuild the all of the proficiencies each level. The player must decide either to continue with the current build and save orbs for later, or keep doing small changes.

Now, when enemies attack, there won't be a random dice throw to check if they hit, or even for calculating damage.
Combat will be deterministic, and the way in which the player builds the character will have a lot of weight in combat.

First, the same as enemies, the player will have resistances to different schools of magic. These resistances change when the player increases the mastery of his/her magic proficiencies in each school.
For the player, resistances will be granted to the opposite school of magic that is mastered. For example, increasing Fire, will increase Cold resistance.

So, in this aspect, the game is rewarding pure builds rather than hybrid. A full fire build will be immune to ice, but will receive full damage from fire attacks.
Of course, hybrid builds will have some benefit, such as buffs that slightly increase your resistance to a certain element.

Combat mechanics, as I mentioned before, will be deterministic.
Spells will deal a fixed amount of damage. Or maybe wil deal random damage in a set range, such as 10 - 20.
Spells from both, player and enemies, will always hit their target, but damage will be reduced according to resistances.

Now, how do you increase your proficiencies? I didn't thought too much about this but I have three possibilities: either give 1 proficiency point at the end of each level, OR allow the player to find "proficiency scrolls" that will increase proficiency in a certain school or magic, OR my prefered one, increase proficiency when you use spells of such school, making each time harder and harder to increase that school. Something like a experience but for each school of magic.

Now about the "mana system". There won't be "mana" as is, but rather, an "overcharge" system. Let me explain: we will have one "overcharge bar" per each school of magic. Casting spells of such school of magic will fill its corresponding bar for a certain amount (more powerfull spells will fill more). The more filled the bar is, the more powerful the spells of such school will become.
For example, fireball may deal 10 - 20 damage, but that damage will be increased by 1 per each point of "fire overcharge", so if "fire overcharge" equals 20, then fireball will deal 30 - 40. BUT, if the fire overcharge bar reaches its limit, the player won't be able to cast fire spells anymore.
After a set duration, the bar will fully empty.

About the overcharge system, if the bar is not full, you can decrease it a little bit by casting spells of the oposite school of magic.
Of course, the amount reduced will be small, so situations like "infinite mana" won't be possible. It is more like a delaying a filled bar, letting the player to develop a good strategy.

So far, that is what I have been thinking so far.
Any thoughts?

Other Announcements / Unknown Roguelike: Dungeons of Morabis
« on: March 27, 2013, 03:55:52 PM »
Found this while looking for some Dungeon Master clone:

Couldn't pass the first room: some kind of blinking ghost killed me.

You can download it from here:

Note that the game is real-time and turn based. You will understand if you try it. Basically, time is passing and computer gets its turns even when you are idle. But when you move or do some action, the computer will take its turns too.

For playing, you will need to use DosBox or Dosemu.
Next download an uncompress the .rar.
To actually play the game, you need to execute MORSETUP.EXE with DoSBox first.
Then you can play the game with MORABIS.EXE.

In fact, when you run MORSETUP.EXE a new character and dungeon will be created.

Some keybindings I managed to find:

ArrowKeys: move
I: inventory
L: look + direction
Q: quaff
E: enter a place. Probably to go downstairs
A: attack (in fact, using A+arrowkey is the only way to attack)
R: Read Scroll (R + inventory letter)
O: Open with key (actually it says 'you are short of keys', so it is supposed this will open something closed)
S: Search (probably traps & hidden doors)
D: drop (D + inventory letter)
G: get, pick up
Z: zap
C: rename object
V: turns on/off the sound
Shift+Q: save and quit
Shift+E: eat something (Shift+E plus inventory letter)
Shift+S: save game

Programming / AI for RPG chess-type game from scratch
« on: January 18, 2013, 11:11:42 AM »
Hi there.

It's a game I'm developing now, much more advanced than WitchavenRL in some aspects.
It is/will be something like Chaos: The battle of wizards but with some different game mechanics.

I know it's not a Roguelike Game, but some RL developers may have some ideas about AI development so I would want to discuss here some "homemade" methods for this game.

Right now, I'm implementing an AI based on threat level and character personality. Let me explain this:

The map or board is cell based. The player can summon creatures, and the enemy too (if you watch the video before you know what i'm talking about).
The player will be able to move his creatures, so the AI part will be only for enemy creatures and enemy mage.

When the enemy turn starts, the game calculates a "threat table", that is exactly like the game board, but each cell contains the threat level of such cell.
The threat of a cell is calculated by "running" through every player creature and adding to all his possible movement cells a threat amount based on the creature overall strength.
So, after checking all player creatures, the threat map is filled with numbers.

The second part of the AI is the movement itself. I'm using an efficiency method using personalities.
When the enemy mage wants to move to a cell, the game checks every possible cell where the enemy mage can move. For each of those cells, a cell efficiency is calculated. To do this, the game adds or deducts efficiency by having into account if the cell is closer to the player mage, if the cell has high or low threat, if the cell has or not a player monster, and some other parameters.
After running for all those cells, we obtain the most efficient one, so finally the enemy mage (or enemy creature) moves to that cell. Of course, the cell efficiency calculation has into account the enemy personalities such as aggressiveness and wariness (more personality aspects could be included).

That's basically the AI for choosing the best cell to move.
It doesn't have any possible future movements checking like in a true chess AI. This would be fairly easy to implement. But right now, I got the AI like described above.

What I would like is to know some opinions and tips on how to enhance this, or even other algorithms that are simple as this one.

Programming / Re: Cursed items on item-based RLs?
« on: January 18, 2013, 10:49:53 AM »
If you're worried about balancing how often the shards get found then consider using a card-based system or gap-based system rather than a straight 10%.

Card method:
There is a deck of ten drop cards, one of which is the item card, and each time a monster dies a card is drawn randomly.  If a blank is drawn, no item.  If an item is drawn, a shard drops.  To stop predictability the deck is refreshed after an item is drawn, and a new card is always added if the deck gets down to 1 with no item found.  This ensures a player is unlikely to go very long without getting any upgrade, and also doesn't get them too often.

Gap method:
Every time an item drops roll a 1d10 - that's the number of further kills required for the next shard.  You can add more special cases to the 10 roll to again ensure it isn't too predictable.

Since these systems are hidden from the players it looks like plain random, but it ensures more balanced play.

Regarding the negative statuses, I'd say they can add flavour, especially if it's interesting like in kraflab's suggestion.  Best way to find out is to test  :)

I would say the card method is better since the number of "empty" drops is random, while the player can know that after 10 kills he will get a shard if we use the gap method.

Programming / Re: Which name is best?
« on: January 18, 2013, 10:46:45 AM »
I wouldn't have a preference for any of those games since they doesn't mean anything to me and they are basically equal.

Without knowing the background story I can't know what those titles are talking about.

IMO I think you should think a better name that:

- Shows what is the game about.
- Describes the action type like terror, adventure, lord of the ring, 7drl, etc...
- Is easy to remember because it is unique and can't be confused with other RL game's title.

For example: "World of Darkness", "ASCII Volcano", "Infinite Dungeon", etc...

But "A Thrall Escaped" is not a good title because I don't know what that thrall is exactly, I don't know what the game is about and I don't know if it is an ANGBAND variant, or a Rogue Clone or a Crawl version...
The same for the other titles.

But this is just my opinion.

I guess why people doesn't include game screenshots in their releases.
A lack of screenshots may deter many people to download the game.

And anyone programming a RL game knows how to take screenshots.

Could you please re-elaborate your question? I think it is hard to really understand it well.

I just meant not a lot of people even remember the original Witchaven game.  I understand making roguelikes out of XCOM and Doom because those were well known and well-loved titles.

... and now more people knows Witchaven thanks to me. Isn't this great? ^_^


See first post for links and stuff


Full changelog dump for 0.9BETA5:

Code: [Select]
- Changed Night Vision spell: it now shows monsters on map instead of increasing viewing distance
- Change the obsolete table.getn() for length operator # (thanks to bartbes at LÖVE forums for tip)
- Increased starting weapons durability: random(80,100)%
- Changed Firebraziers chances: success = 30%, unsuccessful = 25%, burn = 45%
- Increased armors chance to lose durability by 5%
- Rebalanced item spawn chances
- Changed random item generation algorithm from multiple algorithms to a single one
- Some minor code tweakings
- Changed items spawning chance during map generation
- Rewrote ranged weapons keybinding behavior: press [t] to throw Bow or Pikaxe, whatever is selected
- Changed player weapons damage formula, adding now the player level
- Rewrote bloody remains spawning algorithm
- Some other minor code cleanups

- Added Scare Spell
- Added Freeze Spell
- Added more morgue dead quotes
- Added dual wield
- Added a small chance that a random enemy spawn during gameplay
- Added Ank
- Added Amulet of the Mist
- Added Shadow Amulet
- Added Crystal Staff
- Added Helmet
- Added Horn
- Added Treasure Chests
- Added auto-identification weapons: unidentified weapons get identified when using them for some time (a.l.a. BRogue)
- Added more info to README and fixed some misspellings
- Added [g] as key binding for pick up items in addition to [,]
- Added player bloody remains: when player gets hit, there is a chance to spawn bloody remains

- Fixed bug where picking a Pike Axe weapon didn't increased the throwing pikeaxes.
- Fixed bug with player health falling below zero
- Fixed bug with items spawned by barrels crashing the game
- Fixed bug with items spawned by corpses crashing the game
- Fixed bug with lava pools, where player was only receiving damage when moving over them. Now receives damage when a turn passes


Programming / Re: Cursed items on item-based RLs?
« on: January 09, 2013, 11:47:59 AM »
I think definitive negative effects are lame and can ruin the fun of finding a rare upgrade item.  I agree with the others that you should tie positive and negative effects together.  For instance, maybe the boost to a weapon is doubled, but the weapon grows in size and slows the player down a bit.  Another idea would be to make it a temporary decrease: perhaps a sword loses 1 attack and a message says "the sword demands a sacrifice!" and you have to kill something to get it boosted to where it should have been.  There are a lot of fun things you could do here.

This sounds great. I think I will stick to the "kill 50 kobolds to restore the lost damage" idea.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn-based) / Re: Lone Crawler
« on: January 09, 2013, 10:41:22 AM »
  It looks like a game you play with a pencil and a die. You print out this gif of a grid and the rules. Looks interesting. Look at the 2nd Nov 23 update on his blog.

  This looks like a junior high school kid, so, you know, be gentle. We all start somewhere.

  The problem with single player table top games is they are just so random. You aren't really playing the system so much as hoping for a good card or die roll. That's been my experience, at least. Table top games tend to shine in multiplayer face to face play.

  That said I'd LOVE a good solo strategy game where my good decisions actually mattered, unlike Solitaire, where you really don't make much of a difference with your decisions.

Print & Play games for the foreveralone geeks without a girlfriend to play with

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