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Topics - george

Pages: [1]
Temple of the Roguelike / Going to unread posts logs me out
« on: January 23, 2013, 06:30:25 PM »
If I go to

It logs me out and gives me the login page. This link used to work. What's the problem?

Programming / Caves of Clojure
« on: July 15, 2012, 01:11:45 AM »
For those who haven't seen it, there's a series of posts underway on writing a roguelike in Clojure over here,

It's based on a Java example that I hadn't seen before,

Temple of the Roguelike / MarkRead broken?
« on: November 13, 2011, 01:45:13 AM »
When I MarkRead from, I get this:

An Error Has Occurred!
Unable to verify referring url. Please go back and try again.

And the page's url is;sa=all;sesc=3a51531844de40c65c350a6418062593

Any help?

edit: sorry, I didn't think of signing out and back in, which fixed the issue looks like.

Programming / Java roguelike libraries?
« on: November 13, 2011, 12:46:58 AM »
I've been getting into Clojure lately and so I'm wondering what Java libraries/engines are available for making RLs. I don't have any experience with Java so I'm starting fresh.

I found serf, libjcsi, blacken, Ng engine, and then Java RLs themselves of course and some other things on Roguebasin; any other good ones I'm missing?

I've been working on a simple site for weekly interactive fiction links for the past month, it's called IF URLs, and I wanted to introduce it to you all.

While I admit there isn't much crossover between IF and RLs, I know there's at least a few people here who might like to check it out. If you don't already follow the many IF feeds, but still would like to check in with the IF scene, this site is for you.   :)

Off-topic (Locked) / forumHACK
« on: February 13, 2010, 10:57:14 PM »
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You awake with no memory of who you are.

Pages: [1]