Fury is a roguelike with a collectible-card combat mechanic. Screenshot (updated as of 2/25):
*Updated *
Alpha 1: Ornery Orc has been released for iOS. You can sign up for the alpha by visiting our forums and signing up:
http://wwflgames.com/forumsNew art:

Screenshot (a few weeks out of date):

I started work on Fury as part of the 7DRL challenge last year, and never finished. Off and on over the last year I have tried to get it going again, but it seemed to be missing something. Anyway, about two weeks ago I decided to re-boot it and learn unity3d at the same time, and I have made good progress. Some of you may be interesting in following the progress, and I keep a devlog here:
http://wwflgames.com/index.php/topics/fury/There are a couple of posts there which outline the gameplay ideas. I'd love to hear feedback on the ideas I have posted about, so let me know what you think!
I also have a facebook fan page, if you like that kind of thing (I know that many don't):