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Messages - zzo38

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Off-topic (Locked) / Adventure Ideas for Dungeons and Dragons
« on: January 07, 2009, 08:35:22 AM »
Make some adventure ideas for Dungeons and Dragons (version 3.5), or other games (maybe some ideas can even be used in a roguelike game?).

Here is some:
  • You find yourself in a completely different universe. In a few hours it reverts back to normal.
  • A wizard's time stop spell went awry and you now find yourself in someone else's body in the past.
  • A curse prevents people from walking in any direction other than straight N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, or NW.
  • You find a dungeon with a strange smell. It contains a artifact that duplicates itself.
  • Along the road, you encounter a kobold that looks injured, unconscious, bleeding slowly from an arrow wound.
  • You receive a letter from your dead wife (or parent).
  • Townsfolk are somehow being shrunk to six inches in height, and authorities can't figure out why
  • You have a magic item that you must figure out how to use in order to escape
  • Help an army of gnolls take back their city from a force of mindflayers.
Now you can make more to add to this list.

Also, I wrote a program in Furryscript to generate the adventure ideas from a list, look at: (There is a lot of things already, but I want you to suggest more, and make comment of what I already have) (Push "View selected script codes" to view the entire script, learn how Furryscript programs work)

Off-topic (Locked) / Re: Cymon's Games wants you
« on: January 07, 2009, 08:30:00 AM »
I am actually also reviving the day of the type-in, commercially (it's a coincidence!). The program must be BASIC or Forth to be ideal type-in for what I am doing. (You can still write in any program language you want to, but only BASIC or Forth are ideal for type-ins for this new system.) And it will be a new computer/game-console system, everything built-in is free (as in freedom, not as in beer, because you obviously still have to pay) software. It will be able to run many old type-ins as well, for various different old computers. And of course it will have other features as well, such as play audio CD, run complex software from DVD, etc. Maybe I will convert some of your program to ForthBASIC (BASIC programs are automatically converted to Forth when you run, Forth programs will run directly without conversion) and you can include the program in a book you write. You can write book with this programs and with many other things, such as describing things about programming, rules and strategy for the games, etc. Later on I will write some short programs like you have as well, you can post on your web-site. But, it will be BASIC (or possibly Forth), not C/C++. C/C++ just isn't ideal for type-ins in my opinion!

Programming / Advanced Dungeons of Freedom
« on: January 07, 2009, 08:18:15 AM »
I have a idea, which I will start making in a while. It will be written entirely in Javascript (XUL runner based) and GNU GPL v3 or later version, and will be a clone of ADOM. I will do what I can do, and other people can write some of the modules also and then it will be completed with many modules written by different people, which is the completion of Advanced Dungeons of Freedom, it will be a nearly perfect clone of ADOM. And then you can make legally variations of ADOM from this software!

Classic Roguelikes / ADOM Challenge Game
« on: January 07, 2009, 08:13:11 AM »
Some challenge games:
== Pacifist Man ==

Kill as few monsters as possible before completing the game.

== Blind Man ==

Never wipe your face to remove the mud. Identified potions of blindness must
be used as much as possible.

== Mute Man ==

You may not cast any spells or use the Chat command.

== Greedy Man ==

Turn on autopickup for all items and never drop or give away any items.
Make up your own challenge games also!

Also I made a save-game file with a specific goal. Download at: The goal is to reach the chaos gate. It is not necessary to close the gate.

Programming / Re: Developing a scripting system
« on: August 03, 2008, 06:31:48 AM »
I have found a implementation of Forth written in Lua, but it isn't very good, I made a lot of improvements to it, and I might make some more improvement later. See for the improved one (it does have a link to the original, in case you want to see the original one, which isn't very good). I have tested the improved one and it works OK.

If you want to embed Lua, then just make sure to put Lua version 5.1 or newer so that this Forth will work on it OK. Hopefully ToME accepts this, because ToME uses Lua and if I want to write it in Forth instead, then I will use this to make it work.

Programming / Re: Developing a scripting system
« on: August 02, 2008, 06:22:07 PM »
I think you'd be stupid to implement anything other than Lua for scripting / driving the game.

Whatever you do, dont roll your own.
I think you are wrong. Just implement FLISL it shouldn't be too hard and it shouldn't take up too much memory if you implement it good. I guess if you really wanted to, someone could implement FLISL in Lua, but that would just make it slow.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn-based) / Re: Good coffeebreak rls?
« on: August 02, 2008, 02:41:44 AM »
KING game probably qualifies and one that doesn't take too long to play, it can be completed in a few hours.

Programming / Re: Developing a scripting system
« on: August 02, 2008, 02:40:30 AM »
If you want a scripting system, I recomend implementing FLISL. When I implement a scripting, I would do FLISL as well. I think FLISL is better way, anyways. It is powerful and simple to implement without worrying about parentheses or syntax or anything like that, just words (like in Forth).

Thanks, sounds interesting! Unfortunately the site isn't responding to me at all right now, but I'll keep trying.
Sorry, my router was damaged. It works perfectly OK now. You can view it now. FLISL

Programming / Re: Developing a scripting system
« on: August 01, 2008, 06:16:36 PM »
If you want a scripting system, I recomend implementing FLISL. When I implement a scripting, I would do FLISL as well. I think FLISL is better way, anyways. It is powerful and simple to implement without worrying about parentheses or syntax or anything like that, just words (like in Forth).

This is a better way of dealing with darkness than the above PlayerSightQ codes:
Code: [Select]
SUB PlayerSightQ (BYVAL rd, BYVAL cd)
 DIM s(0 TO 7, 0 TO 7), si(0 TO 7, 0 TO 7)
 pr = MapData.row: pc = MapData.col
 FOR r = 0 TO 7
  FOR c = 0 TO 7
   mr = pr + r * rd: mc = pc + c * cd
   IF mr >= 1 AND mr <= 22 AND mc >= 1 AND mc <= 60 AND r + c > 0 THEN
    j = ASC(MapData.floor(mr, mc))
    s(r, c) = (j = 10 OR j = 178)
  NEXT c
 FOR i = 0 TO 7
  LineOfSight s(), si(), 7, i
  LineOfSight s(), si(), i, 7
 FOR r = 0 TO 7
  FOR c = 0 TO 7
   mr = pr + r * rd: mc = pc + c * cd
   IF mr >= 1 AND mr <= 22 AND mc >= 1 AND mc <= 60 THEN
    dark = ASC(MID$(MapData.floor(mr, mc), 2)) AND 16
    dist = r * r + c * c
    IF dark <> 0 AND dist > 3 THEN
     IF ASC(MapData.floor(mr, mc)) <> 250 THEN
      dark1 = ASC(MID$(MapData.floor(mr - rd, mc), 2)) AND 16
      dark2 = ASC(MID$(MapData.floor(mr, mc - cd), 2)) AND 16
      IF (dark1 AND dark2) <> 0 THEN si(r, c) = 0
      si(r, c) = 0
     END IF
    END IF
    IF si(r, c) AND dist < 49 THEN DrawSquare mr, mc
  NEXT c

Off-topic (Locked) / Re: music to play to
« on: July 31, 2008, 07:27:15 PM »
I don't usually put music on when playing Roguelike or anything else.

Here is a different line-of-sight algorithm, in QBASIC instead of VB (QBASIC is a bit similar to VB):
Code: [Select]
SUB LineOfSight (s(), si(), BYVAL dx, BYVAL dy)
 counter = 0: i = 0: e = 0: x = 0: y = 0
 steep = (dy > dx)
 IF steep THEN SWAP dy, dx
 e = 2 * dy - dx
 FOR i = 0 TO dx - 1
  IF steep THEN
   si(y, x) = -1
   IF s(y, x) THEN EXIT SUB
   si(x, y) = -1
   IF s(x, y) THEN EXIT SUB
  WHILE e >= 0
   y = y + 1: e = e - 2 * dx
  x = x + 1: e = e + 2 * dy

SUB PlayerSightQ (BYVAL rd, BYVAL cd)
 DIM s(0 TO 7, 0 TO 7), si(0 TO 7, 0 TO 7)
 pr = MapData.row: pc = MapData.col
 FOR r = 0 TO 7
  FOR c = 0 TO 7
   mr = pr + r * rd: mc = pc + c * cd
   IF mr >= 1 AND mr <= 22 AND mc >= 1 AND mc <= 60 AND r + c > 0 THEN
    dark = ASC(MID$(MapData.floor(mr, mc), 2)) AND 16
    j = ASC(MapData.floor(mr, mc))
    s(r, c) = (j = 10 OR j = 178)
    IF dark <> 0 AND r + c <> 0 THEN s(r, c) = -1
  NEXT c
 FOR i = 0 TO 7
  LineOfSight s(), si(), 7, i
  LineOfSight s(), si(), i, 7
 FOR r = 0 TO 7
  FOR c = 0 TO 7
   mr = pr + r * rd: mc = pc + c * cd
   IF mr >= 1 AND mr <= 22 AND mc >= 1 AND mc <= 60 THEN
    dist = r * r + c * c
    IF si(r, c) AND dist < 49 THEN DrawSquare mr, mc
  NEXT c
You have to call PlayerSightQ for each quadrant, and then it will calculate which squares are visible in that quadrant.

It is possible to use this one instead if you want to. It does work OK, I have test it.

Classic Roguelikes / New IronBand race: Half-Acid
« on: July 26, 2008, 09:17:37 PM »
Sorry, I'm not sure where to put this message, if I put wrong section can you please to move it to correct section.

I invented a new race in IronBand. A lot of the flags I don't know what they mean, but maybe you can tell me please. Probably some of the flags don't do anything on races (they work only on objects), some of them I don't know what they do.

One thing this one does is any experience levels you gained will eventually wear off by itself. You also teleport at random. You cannot get rid of either of these features.

Code: [Select]

Programming / Re: MorphicRogue - help with some ideas possibly
« on: July 23, 2008, 11:22:32 PM »
I would wonder still which spell, and/or which animal, would be Yin/Yang. I found some things below. But, still evertying I'm not sure and want a opinion. Some spells might be: Fireballs, Healing, Teleportation, Lock a door, Unlock a door, Strength, Defense, Create walls, Remove walls, Transmutations, Detections, etc.

Yang animal sign people are Rat, Tiger, Dragon, Horse, Monkey and Dog.
They usually have high energy levels and much forwardness. They tend to be open, honest and not at all good at keeping secrets. Usually chattier, more outgoing, mix more readily with strangers and newly-made friends. They love being showered with plenty of attention.

Yin animal sign people are Ox, Rabbit, Snake, Sheep, Rooster and Boar.
They are more guarded and secretive, act less on impulse and more on well thought out strategy. They often come across more reserved at first meeting, but can be extroverted amongst close friends. They are drawn to spirituality and mystical sciences and knowledge. They often enjoy their own company of others, and tend to get along better with other yin animals.

Yin (陰 or 阴 "shady place, north slope, south bank (river); cloudy, overcast"; Japanese: in or on; Korean: 음, Vietnamese: âm) qualities are characterized as soft, slow, substantial, water, cold, conserving, tranquil, gentle, and corresponds to the night.

Yang (陽 or 阳 "sunny place, south slope, north bank (river), sunshine"; Japanese: yō; Korean: 양, Vietnamese: dương) qualities are characterized as hot, fire, restless, hard, dry, excitement, non-substantial, rapidity, and corresponds to the day.

Programming / Re: MorphicRogue - help with some ideas possibly
« on: July 23, 2008, 05:49:52 AM »
....If races are only animals then I believe it is better to stick to the Druid's magic school, not chineese(or Asian, sorry). ...
It is a mixed theme game (also an idea from RogueBasin).

....For weapons I reccomend add Claw and Bite skills.
You are right. I forgot about skills for unarmed attacks

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