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Messages - Alex E

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Programming / Re: Procedurally Generated Building Environments
« on: June 20, 2012, 07:13:10 PM »
So, the most logical solution would be to choose a "purpose" for the building, find out what is needed to fulfill that purpose, and put it into a building.  

check out rogue survivor, and possibly cataclysm, though I think rogue survivor has more interesting looking interiors.

I've played rogue survivor, but not cataclysm. I guess it would be a good idea to make many different types of buildings, such as those ranging from apartments to markets, and make each of them have a set of instructions on how to create them. In those instructions, there could be random values for things, such as wall size or door placement. That's a good way to do it Pueo, thanks for saying.

Programming / Re: Health and Limbs
« on: June 20, 2012, 08:55:18 AM »
NOM, I see what you mean. Those do sound frusturating, and it could be a problem in a game with multiple enemies attacking you.

Xlambda, I agree that Dwarf Fortress is punishing, and how annoying a "whoever hits hard first wins" approach can be.

 But what if combat was scarce, and there were ways to avoid combat?  I think that it would make even the weakest enemy a possible threat. With magic and such, you could heal the body parts as well. Maybe limbs instead of a health bar is better in games that try to keep combat to a minimal, such as one where sneaking and running away from fights is important. Maybe limb systems don't belong in action-oriented roguelikes.

Programming / Procedurally Generated Building Environments
« on: June 20, 2012, 08:17:44 AM »
I've played a lot of roguelikes, and I've seen a lot of randomly generated environments. I've seen nicely generated dungeons and wilderness, but I don't think that I have played a game that has had an exceptional building generator.

I've played a few roguelikes that create a rectangular outline of a building, and then divide the space inside a few times to create rooms of varying shape. But I just don't think it looks "random" enough.

What's your opinion on randomly generated buildings in roguelikes? How would you go about making them?
Would using predefined tiles be the best way to go about it?

How about the inside of said buildings? Where would the cabinets go? How about the tables? 

I ask this because the current roguelike I am creating takes place in modern time, and I don't think my current procedural building generation is varied or detailed enough  :).

Programming / Health and Limbs
« on: June 20, 2012, 08:12:44 AM »
What's your opinion on using limbs and body parts instead of the usual Health bar? In what ways does using the Health bar help the game more so than using limbs and body parts to separate the areas of damage?

I'm trying to make my roguelike have a complex health system, where different areas of damage affect your status and overall preformance, since I believe that it adds a lot more to the game in terms of depth and detail.

Also, when it comes to other enemies, what would affect what body parts they attack when it's their turn to move (and they decide to attack you)? Would you make it totally random as to what body part they would hit?

Programming / Re: Newbie programming Q's
« on: June 18, 2012, 08:50:58 AM »
I'm not sure how exactly you're doing everything aside from what you put, but I can offer you a bit of insight based on my experiences.

You probably don't have to worry about memory when it comes to the stats of enemies. How many enemies are going to be spawned at once? If there is a maximum of 50 (which is usually plenty enough for many roguelikes), then you probably wouldn't use many variables for their stats and such. If the game is set in a multi-leveled dungeon, then you wouldn't need that many enemies, unless your roguelike is meant to have tons of them. If you want enemies to save depending on the area, then you could have the game create a text document filled with the values of that level, and just load/save it when entering/exiting areas.

I don't think that you need to worry about whatever your collision detection is or how you're doing it (unless you're looping through all of the tiles in the area or something, since you really only need to check the tile you're going to).

The amount of tiles in an area can actually slow the game down. If you want REALLY big levels, then I'd recommend saving the tiles into a text document, and loading them when you get to the specific part of the area that uses them.

Again, I really don't think that you have to worry about the amount of memory you're using up for enemy stats. For me, the actual level (assuming is large) and enemy AI is usually the memory problem :).

Incubator / Re: Intro to the Incubator
« on: June 18, 2012, 08:27:26 AM »
I personally don't like the idea of having the bundle cost money. It could end up being successful, and get the developers a bit of money (and possibly Charity). But considering that most people don't know what a roguelike actually is, they probably wouldn't even bother with it. If it was a free thing, then more people would try it out and possibly even get into roguelikes themselves. I would rather the bundle be a way to get more people into roguelikes, than have it be a source of a bit of cash. If I saw a bundle of games I've never heard of, I probably wouldn't get it. Though if it was free, I would definitely try it out :).

The Humble Bundles build up quite a bit of money, but the games in them are usually advertised in some way and are generally already popular at the release of the bundle, so people are more willing to pay for them (Even more so because it's for Charity as well, and it's a way to get already available games for a cheaper price). I don't think that the Humble Bundles are a good comparable measurement for the success of this roguelike bundle if it were to cost money.

Just my 2 cents  ;)

Programming / Re: Weapon durability
« on: June 16, 2012, 06:34:14 PM »
I don't really like "normal" attacks removing durability. It would make armor not as exciting to find since it will just weaken anyway from normL attacks. I do however think that certain enemies, such as those with acid attacks, could damage armor, so that avoiding those types of enemies would be more important.

I'll definitely play it when it's done :).

Incubator / Re: Intro to the Incubator
« on: June 13, 2012, 07:26:04 AM »
I think that a Steam-like service only for roguelikes is an interesting idea, but doesn't RogueBasin already do sort of do that with it's "Games" section? There's also a featured roguelike on the main page. It's not as easy to find for the average passer-byer, and there isn't a launcher, which is always a nice thing to have. However, a service like that could reveal roguelikes to the public more, which is good. If the launcher was only for these "Incubator" roguelikes, then I think it would be a great way to bundle them up :).

Programming / Re: Chasm Indicator
« on: June 13, 2012, 07:13:07 AM »
If you're using Ascii, then commas or periods are a great way to show chasms. I think that it encourages safe and slow play, since you have to check all around you when you move, in case a chasm were to be around. Maybe have a "Chasm/Trap Detecting" skill that would increase the radius of which you could see the chasms. A lot of other roguelikes I've played have something like this, such as Dungeons of Dredmor. However, I've always found it annoying when a roguelike had traps in a large area, since I'd usually want to quickly run across the area instead of taking things slow. Another way I could imagine doing this would to make so that commas or periods didn't appear, and the only way to be able to tell if there were traps/chasms would be to throw an item and trigger the said trap/chasm. Of course it would be annoying throwing items wherever you walked, so maybe have the chasms only be in certain areas or rooms, with a sign leading up to the area waying "WARNING! CHASMS AHEAD". But again, if you're looking for entire dungeons with randomly placed traps/chasms, I'd just go with the commas or periods for those closeby.

Programming / Re: Breaking Items
« on: June 12, 2012, 06:16:04 PM »
It would definitely be interesting to pick up a Broken Wand of Fire, use it in battle, only to catch yourself on fire. Or maybe a Broken Wand of Teleportation randomly beaming you around the dungeon at the most inconvenient time. But they don't have to be all bad. The "glitches" could help you, as said by Peuo. But if there weren't any benefits to them, the player probably wouldn't use Broken items unless they were desperate. Which could be a good thing.

Hi, I'm Mosenzov  :). Around a year ago I really started getting into roguelikes. Well, certain ones such as Dungeons of Dredmor, which was pretty much my first favorite roguelike. After many hours playing it, I decided to program my own Roguelike game. During my game's development, I got into the adventure mode of Dwarf Fortress. It's complexity really reeled me in, and I spent a while really enjoying that game. Dwarf Fortress caused my game's design to become more "realistic" oriented. I went on to find the RogueBasin wiki soon after, but it was after I had about half of my game complete, so I didn't have any help creating algorithms for my game from it. But work continued, and a few months later (with delays from School), I finally finished the game. It became the longest program I had ever written, and It was a pretty fun arcade game. Too bad that I gave it the generic name of "Dungeons". However, it lacked in content.

 I found out about the 2012 7DRL after that, and decided to participate in it when it came around. When it finally did, I devoted the entire week to my new roguelike, except for the School parts of the week. When it ended, my end result was a Bunny/Wolf hunting simulator called "HunterRL". But again, it lacked in content. Part of this was because of the game being made completely from scratch, as with my last roguelike. Another part was because of how slow of a programmer I am, and the time limit.

A few weeks after finished HunterRL, I just had to continue making new roguelikes that were even better, so I brainstormed ideas for my next roguelike. I wanted to make it complex, more than my last two roguelikes. Complexity to at least a fraction of Dwarf Fortress', one of the games that drew me into the genre. Currently, I'm still at work on the game, and I plan to take as much time on it as I can this Summer to make it as complex and detailed as I possibly can.

I had found this forum months ago, but only recentally started following it. And so I finally joined it.

I wouldn't have ever gotten into the roguelike genre just because of Dungeons of Dredmor or Dwarf Fortress. The main reason that I got into it was because of the community. The community of roguelikes is mostly single developers who make games without caring about money or popularity. At least most of them  ;). I believe that roguelikes are the frontier of single-person, homemade games. Being a mostly self taught programmer who takes development as a hobby, I don't see how I couldn't love the genre!

It sounds to make like a "Quick-Play" mode, so why not name it that  :) ? Unless maybe you're looking for something more original.

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