Hi, I'm Mosenzov

. Around a year ago I really started getting into roguelikes. Well, certain ones such as Dungeons of Dredmor, which was pretty much my first favorite roguelike. After many hours playing it, I decided to program my own Roguelike game. During my game's development, I got into the adventure mode of Dwarf Fortress. It's complexity really reeled me in, and I spent a while really enjoying that game. Dwarf Fortress caused my game's design to become more "realistic" oriented. I went on to find the RogueBasin wiki soon after, but it was after I had about half of my game complete, so I didn't have any help creating algorithms for my game from it. But work continued, and a few months later (with delays from School), I finally finished the game. It became the longest program I had ever written, and It was a pretty fun arcade game. Too bad that I gave it the generic name of "Dungeons". However, it lacked in content.
I found out about the 2012 7DRL after that, and decided to participate in it when it came around. When it finally did, I devoted the entire week to my new roguelike, except for the School parts of the week. When it ended, my end result was a Bunny/Wolf hunting simulator called "HunterRL". But again, it lacked in content. Part of this was because of the game being made completely from scratch, as with my last roguelike. Another part was because of how slow of a programmer I am, and the time limit.
A few weeks after finished HunterRL, I just had to continue making new roguelikes that were even better, so I brainstormed ideas for my next roguelike. I wanted to make it complex, more than my last two roguelikes. Complexity to at least a fraction of Dwarf Fortress', one of the games that drew me into the genre. Currently, I'm still at work on the game, and I plan to take as much time on it as I can this Summer to make it as complex and detailed as I possibly can.
I had found this forum months ago, but only recentally started following it. And so I finally joined it.
I wouldn't have ever gotten into the roguelike genre just because of Dungeons of Dredmor or Dwarf Fortress. The main reason that I got into it was because of the community. The community of roguelikes is mostly single developers who make games without caring about money or popularity. At least most of them

. I believe that roguelikes are the frontier of single-person, homemade games. Being a mostly self taught programmer who takes development as a hobby, I don't see how I couldn't love the genre!