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Messages - jasonpickering

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Early Dev / Re: Fathoms: barely a Submarine Roguelike
« on: December 20, 2010, 02:13:55 AM »
Ask and you shall receive.

so its very simple at the moment. this build is just moving and battle.

Click here to test

so you can move around, fight some things, the ocean is still pretty empty. nothing to exciting, but its starting to take shape. next I need to add items and a town. Once I get that done. I should have the basic engine and then its just filling the world with stuff.

Z is select, X is cancel.

Edit: oh forgot to mention it. this is being programmed in flash.

Early Dev / Fathoms: barely a Submarine Roguelike
« on: December 17, 2010, 01:00:36 AM »
alright guys. I have been cruising these forums for a while cause I decided I wanted to make a roguelike and I came her from RogueBasin.

so basically what I was doing was creating a Victorian Science Fiction one, which takes place aboard a small sub travelling through the ocean. Now this started like any other roguelike but has gone through many iterations and lost some of its "Roguelike"ish qualities. so here is a basic idea:

1. you pilot a sub around the ocean.
2. the game is room based instead of tile based.
3. the game is you as the captain and you can hire 2 other crew members.
3. each crew member including you has one perk that affects the game.

some major deviations from the norm though:
1. its flash based
2. games should be quick no more then 30 minutes
3. its all graphics and with limited stats.

now I guess the main question is does all this sound good and what cool things would you like to see whether it be features, monsters or treasure. the gameplay now is a combination of a roguelike and DungeonQuest boardgame.

and heres a picture to give you an idea.

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