Design / UI design (WIP)
« on: October 06, 2017, 11:30:38 PM »
Looking for tips and suggestions on my new UI design.. black space would be filled by the play field.
The status bars at the top are as follows - left to right; Health, Stamina, Light (see below*), Magic/Mana, Experience.
The 12 spaces below (4 of which are occupied) are for displaying status effects or conditions that are currently affecting the player. The shown status effects are as follows; Poision, Perception buff, Speed buff, Strength debuff. You would be able to mouse-over each 'icon' for more detail.
The stats listed below are player stats; Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Perception, Stamina - and combat stats; Damage, Defense, and Speed. Neutral stats are in white, buff stats in green, and debuffed stats in red.
Below that are 3 hotkeys which the player is able to assign for using common items without going into the inventory or related screens. Hotkey 1 is assigned to a "Healing Potion", hotkey 2 is assigned to an "Oil Flask" and hotkey 3 is empty.
On the bottom portion is your 'current target' area. This would show the info you know (or do not know, as indicated by question marks) about the current target (or last target hit).It also features 4 status effect areas for possibly known status effects currently applied to that target.This would clear out and be empty space once that target is killed.
*Light is used in my game instead of a 'hunger' type mechanic. The player carries an oil lamp, which must stay filled. Letting this burn out reduces the FoV to only the tiles North, East, South and West of the player (not even diagonals), making navigation and combat very difficult, if not impossible.
Let me know what you think!
Message log at the top : https://i.imgur.com/1v7Ahl5.png
Message log at the bottom : https://i.imgur.com/GI3dUBx.png
Edit :: A poster on reddit requested a mockup with the message log on the bottom, so I added that link as well. Now I'm not sure which I like more.
The status bars at the top are as follows - left to right; Health, Stamina, Light (see below*), Magic/Mana, Experience.
The 12 spaces below (4 of which are occupied) are for displaying status effects or conditions that are currently affecting the player. The shown status effects are as follows; Poision, Perception buff, Speed buff, Strength debuff. You would be able to mouse-over each 'icon' for more detail.
The stats listed below are player stats; Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Perception, Stamina - and combat stats; Damage, Defense, and Speed. Neutral stats are in white, buff stats in green, and debuffed stats in red.
Below that are 3 hotkeys which the player is able to assign for using common items without going into the inventory or related screens. Hotkey 1 is assigned to a "Healing Potion", hotkey 2 is assigned to an "Oil Flask" and hotkey 3 is empty.
On the bottom portion is your 'current target' area. This would show the info you know (or do not know, as indicated by question marks) about the current target (or last target hit).It also features 4 status effect areas for possibly known status effects currently applied to that target.This would clear out and be empty space once that target is killed.
*Light is used in my game instead of a 'hunger' type mechanic. The player carries an oil lamp, which must stay filled. Letting this burn out reduces the FoV to only the tiles North, East, South and West of the player (not even diagonals), making navigation and combat very difficult, if not impossible.
Let me know what you think!
Message log at the top : https://i.imgur.com/1v7Ahl5.png
Message log at the bottom : https://i.imgur.com/GI3dUBx.png
Edit :: A poster on reddit requested a mockup with the message log on the bottom, so I added that link as well. Now I'm not sure which I like more.