Programming / Re: Playing around with a new kind of program architecture: "component system"
« on: June 02, 2013, 12:57:30 AM »
Most games, if not all, are a simulated function of time. Turns are NOT the unit of time that a turn-based game is working with. A 'turn' is simply whenever an entity gets to perform an action. Most TB games use 'ticks' as their unit of time and a turn has a tick-cost associated with it. A player will experience time relative to how frequently s/he gets to make decision, but your game will simulate in ticks.
From a player's point of view, an enemy may move two spaces per turn. But in reality, the tick-cost for moving is simply half that of the player. The enemy's cost to move may be 50, whereas the player's may be 100-- but the game updates relative to ticks, not the player's idea of what a turn is. In this sense, your game is updating everything every single tick.
Now-- we need a system that manages who gets to take a turn. However you do it, you'll simply be waiting however many ticks before an entity gets to act, based on their action, make them wait however many ticks again. Ticks give us a lot more flexibility than basing our game on turns, but it isn't wrong to do the latter.
You avoid phantom collisions by updating the entire game every time an action is made. That way we'll know that the space is occupied before making a decision.
From a player's point of view, an enemy may move two spaces per turn. But in reality, the tick-cost for moving is simply half that of the player. The enemy's cost to move may be 50, whereas the player's may be 100-- but the game updates relative to ticks, not the player's idea of what a turn is. In this sense, your game is updating everything every single tick.
Now-- we need a system that manages who gets to take a turn. However you do it, you'll simply be waiting however many ticks before an entity gets to act, based on their action, make them wait however many ticks again. Ticks give us a lot more flexibility than basing our game on turns, but it isn't wrong to do the latter.
You avoid phantom collisions by updating the entire game every time an action is made. That way we'll know that the space is occupied before making a decision.