7DRLs / Re: 7DRL 2014 Massive Videos Thread
« on: March 19, 2014, 05:09:55 PM »
7DArrrL, by Paul Jeffries
Overall Thoughts:
What an eclectic set of controls! I'm rather fond of mixing up control as a part of changing gameplay, and this one seems to make the jump easy and intuitive: wind can be hard to see, but other than that I had no issue trying to control. Whether or not I could control well is another matter, but figuring out the right timing and adjusting to the enemy's movements is the main reason for real-time games (or rather, whenever it's a reasonable choice between that and turn-based). But, well, it's just not a roguelike! Right now it's uniform combat, so after you figure out how to beat one ship, you're set beating them all (or doomed to eventually lose if it's impossible to do so flawlessly).
Of course, I never actually killed a single ship, so there may be some sustainability in the form of getting more crew. But unless there's a goal and/or a stark increase in variety (different ships, ways to improve your own, weather fluctuations) it's just a fun sea combat simulator, which does not a roguelike make. Definitely play it a little, it's fun anyway.
Overall Thoughts:
What an eclectic set of controls! I'm rather fond of mixing up control as a part of changing gameplay, and this one seems to make the jump easy and intuitive: wind can be hard to see, but other than that I had no issue trying to control. Whether or not I could control well is another matter, but figuring out the right timing and adjusting to the enemy's movements is the main reason for real-time games (or rather, whenever it's a reasonable choice between that and turn-based). But, well, it's just not a roguelike! Right now it's uniform combat, so after you figure out how to beat one ship, you're set beating them all (or doomed to eventually lose if it's impossible to do so flawlessly).
Of course, I never actually killed a single ship, so there may be some sustainability in the form of getting more crew. But unless there's a goal and/or a stark increase in variety (different ships, ways to improve your own, weather fluctuations) it's just a fun sea combat simulator, which does not a roguelike make. Definitely play it a little, it's fun anyway.