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Topics - jocke the beast

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Off-topic (Locked) / Captain Forever
« on: May 28, 2012, 05:32:45 PM »
Far out! Just came across this beauty. Quite cool, in many ways.

In each game in the series, with the exception of Captain Impostor, the player pilots a ship with the ability to be expanded by attaching 'modules' (such as lasers or boosters) gained from defeated enemies to a command module, represented by a box containing a broken heart. The goal in the game is to keep your ship alive for as long as possible. As the game progresses, stronger enemy ships (labeled according to letters from the NATO phonetic alphabet) arrive. Destroying stronger ships increases the Law (levels within the game), until Protectors (Peacekeepers in the original game) arrive to attack. The game effectively ends after the first Protector is destroyed (replacing the command module's broken heart with a complete one) but the player may continue accumulating parts indefinitely. If the player's ship is destroyed, it explodes, destroying all ships in the immediate area and clearing the area for the player to begin rebuilding their ship from scratch. The default background is a grid of green lines over a black background with a faint image of a pilot's face in the middle. The background can be changed, however, to an image taken by the player's webcam.

Game here:

Devlog forum:

Just in case anyone have missed it. Great new release with minecarts, tracks and new hauling-features! Awesome  ;D

Here is a hauling release.

New stuff

-    Minecarts can be used to haul things around on carved/constructed tracks/bridges ('h'auling to set up routes)
-    Dwarves can be set to guide, push off, or ride carts that are ready to move to the next stop
-    Track stops used to slow/stop cart and/or dump the contents on vehicle entry, can be disengaged with lever/plate
-    Pressure plates can be triggered by carts
-    Rollers can be used to push cart along when powered
-    Minecarts limited to one per tile in general, various collisions can occur
-    Wheelbarrows can be linked to stockpiles in order to move heavy objects (it'll auto-request one for stone stockpiles)
-    Falling objects can collide with critters
-    Camera can be attached to unit or item, can be linked to hotkeys from the unit/item screens

Other bug fixes/tweaks

-   Stockpiles can be linked to workshops, can be set to give to multiple piles, can be set to accept items from links only
-    Hauling jobs will often be combined, using one container
-   Heavy items harder to haul
-   Densities/colors updated, based on Uristocrat's data collection thread
-    Can filter creature names in arena
-    Mine drop rates tweaked, no longer skill-based
-    Puzzleboxes/drum makeable
-    Stopped blinking on bridges
-    Projectiles using new code (most non-shot/thrown projectiles) can skip/skid on liquid/ground
-    All flying units use new minecart parabolic flight paths
-    Many projectiles do not resolve in adventure mode before your turn (so you can dodge a flying cart by moving away)
-    Can create/assign to squads from v-p
-    Squads can be given nicknames from v-p or the military screen
-    Fixed broken clay stockpile option

Classic Roguelikes / Dwarf fortress ( 0.40.1 released 7/7 2014)
« on: November 13, 2011, 08:29:31 AM »
Topic started here since DF should be a major.Right?!

Anyways, I've just fallen in love...
First off, I've tried 2 times before to really "get into" DF but both times it ended up with me angry of the overwelming UI and just frustrated of the depth...resulting in aborting the playing. But now...
I checked out two tutorials (one might do for others but for me two was needed) and after some hours it happend: I began to understand! And....I began to fall in love :)
DF is now not just a game for me, it's more of a religion or a relationship. It's not just that it's so deep and you can do "anything"...the thing I love is that the game kind of acts as a movie (a movie you can "try" to direct and produce but the result is never the same after a new game).
I havn't yet tried Adventure Mode...but that's to come. Right now I'm kind of busy running my "kingdom"  :)

So, any DF-players here?

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / JADE 0.1.0
« on: July 02, 2011, 07:02:16 AM »

My,my alot of new cool content!

Off-topic (Locked) / HSL....seems to be cool...
« on: February 20, 2011, 02:19:49 PM »
Just read about HSL (Hack Slash Loot) at tigsource and I'm quite impressed by the screenshots so far.
Take a look and see what you think:

 Hack, Slash, Loot (HSL) is a coffee break graphical roguelike. HSL features limitless procedural dungeons to explore, hundreds of monsters to fight and hundreds of items to help you do it. With so many combinations no two games of HSL will ever be the same.

 Boasting easy to master mouse controls, you'll be adventuring in no time at all, but there is still enough depth to ensure that even the most hardened of adventurers will be challenged.

 HSL is currently still in development and as such a commercial strategy has not been decided upon. The game will be available for all three major PC platforms.

 There will definitely be a free version of the game, and some form of a 'paid for' version. In what form that will be has yet to be decided, whether it is add on content, additional episodes, or a more complete full version.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn-based) / Avanor - windows version anywhere?
« on: January 27, 2011, 04:41:20 PM »
I remember I played Avanor some years ago. I liked it alot, very similar to ADOM with a clean interface and good gameplay.
The version I've came across now is for DOS and I'm sitting on Windows here (Vista). So, the question is: anyone got a version that works for Windows? Or anyone can compile one to me(us)?

Programming / Rdc's wikibook "Let's Build a Roguelike"
« on: June 14, 2010, 10:31:53 PM »
I just wanted to spread the word, that Rick Clark (rdc) is releasing a wikibook called  "Let's Build a Roguelike".
It's Freebasic code and chapter 1 & 2 are released as we speak.

Perhaps something for the eager to learn like myself :)
Let's Build a Roguelike is a step-by-step ebook  on creating a roguelike game from conception to finished product. The tutorial covers all the aspects of the game, from creating the title page, dungeon building, inventory items, monster ai, combat, file saving, creating a morgue file and more.

Chapter List

The Title Screen
Improving the Code
The Main Menu
The RPG System
Character Generation
The Intro
Dungeon Building
The Dungeon
Moving Around
Main Display
Inventory Structure
Generating Items
Character Inventory
Character Inventory II
Armor and Shields
Monster Movement
Melee Combat
Resting Model
Character Improvement
Projectile Combat
Scaling Monster Attacks
Generalizing Character Attributes
Scaling Difficulty Levels
Weapon Magic
Tweaking the Game 1
Armor Magic
Jewelry Magic
Spell Books
Spell Casting
Tweaking the Game 2
Locked Doors
Closing Doors
The Wandering Merchant
Tweaking the Game 3
Inscribing Spell Books
Monster Magic
The Amulet
Morgue File
Save and Load
Winning and Losing
The End and Beginning


The distribution includes the ebook in Wiki-On-A-Stick format and all source code for each chapter, as well as the final draft source.

Draft version d/l: (5.82 mb)

Off-topic (Locked) / Rogue for PS2?
« on: December 20, 2009, 03:09:05 PM »
Seems like the original Rogue but with graphic...

Just came across a roguelike made by Tprojects (Telchar) using GameMaker.
It's quite simple yet very funny to play and in my opinion well balanced.
I usually never get hooked while playing more advanced roguelikes...but with "Trapdoor Below"....well, I got really hooked.

Try it out, there's a new version out (v. 1.20.2).

Link goes the the authors thread over at a in the first post:

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