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Topics - hawk66

Pages: [1]
Programming / curses library for JVM
« on: December 13, 2014, 12:21:12 PM »
I've found and it looks nice - except that it has no mouse support but could be added according to its author.

Does anybody know an alternative or even a roguelike library like libtcod for Java/JVM?

Programming / C# and MonoGame...anybody else?
« on: November 16, 2012, 06:20:24 PM »

I've started to develop a roguelike in C# and MonoGame...would be curios if anybody uses the same language and framework to discuss issues, architecture and other things?

Programming / Tablet ideal device for a roguelike?
« on: July 14, 2012, 08:31:42 AM »
What do you a tablet PC a suitable platform for playing roguelikes or do you think the PC still wins here due to the availability of the keyboard, which is usually the most efficient way to play a rl?

On the other hand a tablet is ideal in that sense, that rl do not need have much requirements concerning cpu/memory/graphics and an ascii/tile UI can be nicely done on a tablet. I might also be more convient to play on your couch...

Appreciate your thoughts^^

Off-topic (Locked) / Shop system for a ss2 rl
« on: April 25, 2012, 06:38:30 PM »
My personal feeling is that a roguelike with a System Shock 2 setting (not an exact clone of this great game) would be really awesome.

What I did not like in System Shock 2 was the 'shop system' that is the slot machine, that has allowed you to buy ammunition and all other similar 'dangerous' stuff, which would surely not be available in such a slot machine :).

I'd be curious if there are any good ideas out there, to make a 'shop system' in such a setting (spacecraft) a little more realistic?

Programming / wilderness generation
« on: October 02, 2011, 08:40:48 PM »
So, I need a more or less realistic 'wilderness' generator for my rl. I have found this article, which is quite interesting.

Does anybody know a more detailed article about this topic / any coding examples?

I'm using libtcod, so I think I have a look at the heightmap-generator there...


Programming / developing a roguelike with a functional language
« on: April 25, 2011, 06:03:27 PM »
I'm currently learning F# and I have the feeling that this (and other hybrid functional languages) language would help a lot in developing the game engine of a roguelike - since you can express algorithms in a  much more powerful way and with less number of coding lines.

Has anybody already started developing a roguelike with F#/Scala etc. and can share his experience?

I plan to do the UI in C# (using libtcod) and the engine itself with F#.

Programming / 3D roguelike in ASCII (modern-set)
« on: June 30, 2010, 07:04:51 PM »
Hi guys,

basically, I have the idea for a modern-set roguelike. In principal, some crew members of a shot down military aircraft have to survive until they get rescued. So, they have to travel until they reach a destination point, from which they can be rescued. Sometimes they have to fight, but stealth is more important and not all civilians shall be hostile (so that country is occupied).

The world shall be consisting of a typical European landscape...that is, grass, lakes, rivers, small villages, mountains, different vegetation (due to the tactical combat).

My biggest headache is how to create such a 2,5D/3D world in ASCII...I think 2D is not sufficient, since combat shall be tactical.

Any ideas?

Thanks :-)

Programming / Mixing roguelike and tactical squad combat
« on: January 10, 2010, 01:38:34 PM »
Hi all,

this is my first post here, so I say hello to everyone  :).

Actually, i plan to create my own roguelike (in python) and have a modern (realistic) setting like in mind - but with a different scenario/setting (not fully sure about this, yet).

I'd like to get some feedback about integrating a tactical squad combat system, similiar as it exist in X-COM series, in such a roguelike. I think the combat should be resolved faster - that would mean, the map for example would be smaller to fight in.

Also, in general this would be not your typical hack-and slash, instead of many 'dump' monsters/enemies you only face a couple of more-or less intelligent foes.

What do you think? Is it a good idea to integrate a squad-tactical combat engine in a roguelike? Another possibility would be that the tactical combat could be switched off...

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