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Topics - nhdaniel

Pages: [1]
Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Interhack 2.1.39 released
« on: March 12, 2010, 10:40:58 AM »
Note: This is still an alpha version (despite the version number).

You can find more information here:

And download the source from here:

Release notes are also available:

Another two version releases... I just skipped actually release 2.1.38. Mainly bugfixes and improved support for multi-weapon combat. Note: Given the way Interhack works, a player or monster with multiple arms could wield more weapons. Of course more weapons can have advantages and disadvantages, and thus is balanced by DEX and STR etc. So if you are wielding four weapons but lack DEX, you could seriously injure yourself. (The body-slot system used also allows players to loose limbs etc, however the loss of limbs has yet to be fully coded).

I have received some more feedback on the multi-player turn based algorithm. Quote:
The way you came up with to adapt this turn-based
SP game for MP really seems to be a good compromise.
It plays much better than the ToME MP version for sure!

There are a few "big" gameplay items to finish off before the game can go beta... when it will also be released under a completely new name. As always, people who want to help are welcome.

Version 2.1.39    2010-03-12

Added - interfaces/ - Colour warning for low HP
Bugfix - - 'remove' not declared (thanks to Stefan Hahn)
Bugfix - interfaces/ - (,[,% not displayed in inventory window

Version 2.1.38    2010-02-09

Bugfix - plugins/magic/othersight - Applying to oneself crashed
Bugfix - Level::Refresh - increased # of objects added to level
Bugfix - Objects in slots are loaded / saved correctly
Bugfix - Global File << Map and >> declr was incorrect
Bugfix - Monster's memory of maps are now saved / loaded
Bugfix - Removed "silver" - complicated gameplay too much
Added - Support to wield nothing (bare handed combat)
Bugfix - Monster::PutOn - wording for nowhere to _wield_ a weapon
Bugfix - Monster::AddToPack - merging objs and non-ident additions
Bugfix - Level::NewPlayer - current player map memory was not loaded
Bugfix - Monster::DoAttack - rewrite to support multi-weapon application
Bugfix - MonAttack::DoAttack - support for applying weapons in combat

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Interhack 2.1.37 released
« on: February 06, 2010, 08:15:23 AM »
Note: This is still an alpha version (despite the version number).

You can find more information here:

And download the source from here:

Release notes are also available:

Another two version releases... I just skipped actually release 2.1.36. Bigfixes as per normal. Big changes this time round include player role and race selection now works. It is very simple to add new roles or races... More weapons have been added and I am in the process of improving the code where weapons are applied.

If anyone with C++ experience (C experience should be okay for the most part) wants to help create more plugins, send an email to the address found in any of the source files. You can tackle anything you want - from Monster AI, to monsters, to objects, magic, special levels...

Version 2.1.37    2010-01-29

Added - plugins/players/
Added - plugins/objects/
Added - plugins/objects/
Bugfix - interfaces/ - corrected menu prompt offset
Bugfix - server crash on invalid role or race selection
Bugfix - Objects can now be created without a group name (improves wishing)
Bugfix - Updated bits of game documentation in doc/
Added - plugins/players/
Added - plugins/players/
Added - plugins/players/
Added - plugins/players/
Bugfix - plugins/players/role_*.cc - Multiple object creation
Bugfix - Level::Move_ObjectInteraction - obj count was not being updated
Bugfix - plugins/objects/ - Magic not being applied
Added - plugins/players/
Added - plugins/players/
Added - plugins/players/
Bugfix - - Weapon/Armor enchantment not working / displayed
Bugfix - migrated race and attribute initial code to Player::PostCreate

Version 2.1.36    2010-01-26

Bugfix - interfaces/ansi - Menu page count corrected
Bugfix - plugins/object/lockpick - Corrected name of object
Bugfix - plugins/object/drawbridge - tune is loaded/saved to disk
Bugfix - interfaces/ansi - Menu being displayed when no objects to choose
Added - Support for menu input from a monster / player
Bugfix - - cerr output not showing socket file descriptor
Added - plugins/players/
Added - Role selection menu for new players
Bugfix - interfaces/ansi - Menu page count displayed when only one page
Added - Initial code for more armor and weapon types for samurai role
Bugfix - interfaces/ansi - Extra ':' in some prompts
Added - plugins/players/
Added - plugins/players/
Added - plugins/players/
Added - Race selection menu for new players
Added - plugins/players/
Added - plugins/players/
Added - plugins/players/
Added - plugins/players/
Bugfix - moved attribute creation into Monster::PostCreate
Bugfix - moved player attrib creation to Player::PostCreate

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Interhack 2.1.35 released
« on: January 21, 2010, 09:27:15 AM »
Note: This is still an alpha version (despite the version number).

You can find more information here:

And download the source from here:

Release notes are also available:

Since I missed announcing version 2.1.34, here are the updates for both... lots of bugfixes as per normal. The server can recover nicely from most crashes. Disconnected players games are saved, and players can save/load nicely now. I have also done some testing of playing the game with network latency. The game is generally playable up to 300ms latency. Beyond that, it starts to get annoying.

Version 2.1.35    2010-01-16

Added - MonAttack - More support for variation in attack types
Added - plugins/monsters/ants
Bugfix - plugins/magic/Invis - Directional / vs Immediate application
Added - support in main code for displacement, invis, projection etc
Bugfix - Map::op>> - Obscure client bug (passing reference, returning ref)
Added - Level::Move_Kick - Damage levels and kicking walls etc
Bugfix - Level::Move_Kick - Dead monsters now show msg + exp gain
Bugfix - plugins/objects/magicmarker - Many small fixes
Bugfix - plugins/magic/invis - Was not timing out on potions
Bugfix - plugins/magic/displacement - Again, not timing out
Bugfix - Player::op>> - Obscure bug (passing ref and returning ref)
Bugfix - Map / Interface/ANSI - Infravision / Infrared now works
Bugfix - Action::op>> - Obscure bug (passing ref and returning ref)
Added - plugins/objects/drawbridge

Version 2.1.34    2009-12-20

Bugfix - Minor fixes for potential race conditions (using valgrind/helgrind)
Bugfix - Map::Map - Clear the flags for "visible" (uninit value)
Bugfix - Level::MainLoop - integrated Action read into main mutex lock
Bugfix - Branch::Recover - templates are now recovered correctly
Bugfix - Branch::Recover - forgot to set parent on levels when recovered
Bugfix - Branch::Recover - Levels need cleaning after temp construction
Added - support for password validation on save games
Bugfix - Minor fixes for login bugs and support for 3 passwd attempts
Bugfix - Player::NeedMoreInput... - Killed client was locking up server
Testing - Added / Tested code to simulate network latency
Bugfix - Global "players" changed to "roles" due to Level::players
Bugfix - Better selection of monster AI

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Interhack 2.1.33 released
« on: December 06, 2009, 10:27:20 AM »
Note: This is still an alpha version (despite the version number).

The server can now recover from crashes. Players can save and load games too, and monsters are now saved to disk as well. I have also made some more changes since then, including lots of little bugfixes, more multi-threading issues sorted out. Work will now start to shift towards more monsters, improved AI, and more types of magic.

(For those interested, multiplayer can be simulated using the script. Open the server in one terminal, open and run the script in a second terminal, and login on a third terminal).

Note: Soon I may be looking for people to assist in coding more AI, monsters and objects. Interhack uses a plugin based system, so you can develop say, AI for rodents. Or write a new type of magic, and simply create a few objects than can use it. Plenty of examples for objects and magic already.

You can find more information here:

And download the source from here:

Release notes are also available:

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Interhack 2.1.31 released
« on: November 28, 2009, 10:42:12 AM »
Note: This is still an alpha version (despite the version number).

Lots of work so the server can save / load to disk (and eventually recover in the event of a crash). I have also re-written a big chunk of the socket and file IO. You can also now find a copy of the "Roguelike Theory of Relatively" (RTOR) paper on Sourceforge - this helps to explain how some of the fully turn-based movement works in multiplayer.

You can find more information here:

And download the source from here:

Release notes are also available:

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Interhack 2.1.27 released
« on: November 03, 2009, 10:22:30 PM »
Note: This is still an alpha version (despite the version number).

Major work has been done to make the main server more thread safe. And also a big thanks to Jeff Garneau who has compiled Interhack on Mac OS X (not sure if it is running) and provided a patch. A few minor things have broken and will be patched soon enough.

OS XYesYes?
WindowsYesClient Only

You can find more information here:

And download the source from here:

Release notes are also available:

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Interhack 2.1.22 released
« on: October 26, 2009, 12:59:24 AM »
This is the original Interhack - as in multiplayer variant of Nethack. It uses a fully turn based system. No real time in any form at all. Note: It is currently in an alpha state - despite the version number.

You can find more information here:

And download the source from here:

Release notes are also available:

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