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Topics - Twiccan

Pages: [1]
Other Announcements / New Review Blog
« on: June 13, 2012, 01:06:04 AM »
I have just started a new review blog, and since I am a huge rl fan, a good portion of the blog's content will be rl related.  So if you want to check it out, here is the link:

Out of 4 articles written so far (my goal is to write at least one a day) not counting the welcome post, two of them are rl related.  Here are the specific links for those that don't want to wade through the whole thing, lol:

Review of Cardinal Quest for iPhone:

Preview of Crystal Catacombs, a game being funded on Kickstarter:

Vic Davis, aka Cryptic Comet, is the creator of Armageddon Empires and Solium Infernum, two very deep PC strategy titles that play more like board games than computer games, and are known for their very deep mechanics.  Now he is turning his attention to what looks like it could be a roguelike in computer board game form.  The following is from an interview with him I found on the Rock, Paper, Shotgun website:

RPS: In your plans for 2010, you’ve mentioned “Project Rogue Expedition: I am designing a strategy adventure game. My core design goals are to foster a fun sense of exploration and push your luck decision making”. Any chance of teasing anything else about in that? Presumably, this is returning to a single-player focus of Solium Infernum, but… well, it seems very different. Am I wrong by looking at those sentance and thinking that it’ll be a non-traditional representation of adventuring? More management than close-tactical-control? Or am I just desperately grasping?

You’re pretty close on target. You will have a map and a mission (you will be able to select from several) and the goal will be to explore the map (randomly generated paths) and manage your risk vs. your reward and push yourself at the same time to complete your mission. As you travel over the map you will have to overcome “challenges” which require you to use your stats, items, allies, special move type cards etc. I’m working on some neat mechanics here that are sort of like a card game in that you have a base set of rules and then look for ways to change and manipulate the rules. You will have to make hard choices on how you want to approach the challenges given your strategic situation on the map and the status of your mission. It will be single player primarily. I’m exploring some ways to make a meta game component but my primary focus is on single player. As I was working on SI, I found that I really missed the exploration aspect of Armageddon Empires. It just didn’t fit in with the design of SI and my idea was that new things showing up in the “Bazaar” would compensate a little for that “What is behind door #1” feeling that I like in my games.

But with Rogue Expedition I have the chance to play around with a lot of the rogue-like concepts and see what I can do. So a big part of the game will be exploration. I want it to play like a board game as well…so although you have a “character” with stats and an inventory I am going to keep those aspects tight and focused. Hopefully it will force tough “push your luck” type decisions on the player. I’m also hoping that players will get the sense of a “creating their own story” type of experience. I don’t want to talk about the theme quite yet but it might include a fedora hat.


Looks EXTREMELY promising!!!

Other Announcements / Torchlight
« on: October 22, 2009, 07:51:27 PM »
Not sure if this is the right place for this topic, but it's not about actually playing the game yet, since it is not out at this time.

Anyway, with the release of Torchlight less than a week away, I thought it was time to make a topic just for that game.  Who plans on checking it out, and what are you most looking forward to about it?

It's not going to be as deep as your typical "traditional" roguelike, but it looks like it makes up for that (if you even consider that bad) in looks and charm.  I just hope my computer can eek out the juice to run this one.  it will be close either way, I'm sure.

Edit:  Oops, there is a big difference between noW out and noT out.  What a typo!

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