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Topics - highsodiumdan

Pages: [1]
7DRLs / Night Terrors (2016 7DRL Success)
« on: March 16, 2016, 10:39:07 PM »
Greetings, all!

My name is Dan Clark. For years I have made small Flash games by myself as a hobby and kept to myself. Recently, I decided to join the community and make games to release to the public under the name High Sodium Games.

I decided that the 2016 #7DRL would be a great way to break out.

I made a small, 1hp puzzle roguelike with a nightmare theme called Night Terrors.

You are plagued by nightmares, and the only way to get restful sleep is to successfully navigate around your mind avoiding the monstrous creatures until morning.

I would love it if anyone could take the time to try it out and give some feedback.

I am going to write a blog post soon about my experience over the week, and the process of designing my game, and I will post a link to that here when that is completed if anyone is interested.

Also, please check out my (pretty barren) website:

Also also, please follow me on Twitter:


Try to get some sleep...

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