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Topics - almozayaf

Pages: [1]
Challenges / Gave me you games for Let's play
« on: October 18, 2015, 02:46:16 PM »
Hi my name is almozayaf (nickname not real name)
and just few days ago i start make a Let's Play videos on My channel

Any way if any one of you like gave me you game and il play it in my channel with all ..... 4 subscribers  :'(

so don't be shy

Yasterday i made two post in my blog, searching for all RL Games on Steam and Consoles
If you know any other games that i miss please make a comment, I try my best

Steam Games list
I catalog them in TurnBase or normal RL, Tactic, Isaac-Like, Platformer , FPS , and all others uncatalogued

Consoles and handhelds (Not Phones or PC)
I’ll mark the Japaneses only games with RED, and the one that have same editions in japaness only with blue
I think i miss alot of games but that what i can find so far.

So if you think i need to add any thing tell me.

I know rougelike games first from dame steam games and like the idea of permanent death and randomness, but i have that feeling that the hardcore RL fans hate these kind of games that mix FPS or Action or even Platforming in RL, i just want to hear what you guys think.

Player's Plaza / final fantasy tactics rougelike
« on: April 29, 2015, 03:02:35 PM »
I love Turn Base games like JRPG (final fantasy) , Classic Rouge like (TOMe), and tactics (Disgaea 1-4 and final fantasy tactics)

I know that all RL games are Turn base Stratgy in a way but i mean games that you have a group of unites like ...
  • final fantasy tactics
    Fire Emblem

I like all RL game Text graphic or 3D and 3D like, i'm not anti Rouge lite

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