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Topics - anton

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7DRLs / Rollgue (7DRL 2015) - Complete!
« on: March 15, 2015, 04:07:50 PM »



I wanted to share with you guys my first ever 7DRL entry: Rollgue. It's a combination turn-based combat Roguelike and Physics game. You play as a D6 making its way through a dungeon of other monstrous dice, smashing them to pieces, acquiring monies, and (hopefully) encountering and slaying the final boss (a massive ancient D6 with dark powers).  :)

For the challenge, I was able to get a full first level (~26-28 rooms), working. The layout/composition/contents is different each playthrough. There are:
- 6 Different Enemy Types + the Boss
- 3 Stat Upgrade Glass Counter Powerups + Healing
- 7 Different room types
- All the destructible doors, columns, urns and bridges you can handle

The controls are still quite futzy, and if you give it a shot remember the following tip:

Where you click-drag from on the die for a move/attack has a massive influence on the force/spin direction. If you want a straight shot, click on the lower half of the die, if you want a ‘jump’, click from the top surface of the die. There’s a lot of nuance to the behavior, so it might take a while to get used to.

Anywho, I would love any feedback you fine folks might have, I’m over on twitter at @AntonHand. It’s been wonderful following all these cool projects as I’ve worked this week.

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