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Topics - PtKaisen

Pages: [1]
7DRLs / Top Down Real Time Roguelike
« on: March 07, 2016, 03:50:35 PM »

This is my second game in 7DRL, i hope to create something than last year.

It will created using the free version of Construct 2.

I am planning to create a top down game, and lets see what can i do

Updates will be published here

7DRLs / Challenge Accepted RL [7DRL 2015] FINISHED
« on: March 08, 2015, 07:00:54 PM »

I am going to participate on this year and i hope to finish the game in the given time

More updates  about theme, settings and everything are coming in the next days.

Design / Help Choosing a theme
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:27:57 AM »

I know this is not an easy question but here it is:

I want to participate in 7DRL 2015 but i am having a little trouble finding a good theme/setting for my RL

I think that if a am going to do something equal to all of the other RL's, then there is no point in doing it.
I mean, just changing the name of the item to something more SCI-FI and changing the name of the monsters will not create a RL

I am following the libtcod + python tutorial and i understand programming (i know a little bit of Visual Basic and Object Pascal, and i find Lua [using LÖVE2D engine] and python very easy to learn)

Programming is not the problem, just finding a good theme/setting and create the is a little bit different, not the same ASCII chars on screen with different meanings.

May be i can take ideas from SCI-FI pen and paper RPGs?

Can anyone help me on the steps to choose a good Setting/Theme for my RL?

Thanks in advance

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