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7DRLs / [7DRL 2018][Success] The Sky and Depths of Kobrade Hills
« on: March 10, 2018, 03:42:58 PM »
For 7DRL 2018 I am happy to claim success of my entry 'The Sky and Depths of Kobrade Hills'.

"In the Hills of Kobrade you find a mysterious locked church. Maybe your newly aquired jumping boots can help you to find a way into it... and into the adventure taking you to the sky, the depths and back up again."

Download it here:

7DRL submission and rating page:



It was made with libtcod and BearLibTerminal in Python.

I was interested in making a ASCII-3D roguelike after playing a lot of Dwarf Fortress. The different z-levels triggered my imagination and I thought, what if you could move relatively freely in such an environment. So I made a very simple jump mechanic, that allows to hop up to the next z-level and a bit of airtime to move to higher grounds. I was educating myself on heightmaps from the libtcod package, to create the slopes on the ground and later also caves and more. I felt from a gameplay persepective, this is fun to just jump up and fall down the hills.

One common challenge of 3D maps in the classic 2D top down perspective is to give the player hints of other z-levels, like the one below and the one above. The ones below are now hinted at by the color and shape of the layers of air above, so they 'shine' through about four layers, and you get the impression to be able to see down. For the layer above you and the question, wheter I can jump up, or whether the block above me is blocked, I made a small HUD. Probably not the best solution, but you can get used to it and also find your way up again quite easily.

The game is filled with a few jump'n'run challenges and is in general about exploring the world most of the time vertically. Due to lack of time and a 100% convincing design idea, I skipped monsters and combat... it makes the game quite relaxing, you cannot do anything wrong and happily jump everywhere possible. Yes, a roguelike without dying... maybe I add these things after the challenge one day.

This way it became a ASCII-3D-7-Day-Rogue-Like-Adventure-Game with jumping! Enjoy the game!

7DRLs / Unlichtwesen [7DRL 2017] - Success!
« on: March 11, 2017, 09:39:41 PM »
I am happy to announce a success for my 7DRL Unlichtwesen! It was a good time and my second 7DRL was a lot of fun to make. Last minute I decided to add the most complicated feature, but it seems to work.

First things first, you find it here on and via roguebasin:

News about it on twitter

and props to libtcod and bearlibterminal that I used to make this happen.

The game is released as 0.9 to be "the nearly complete 7DRL version".

The game is named Unlichtwesen and the true heros should be the procedurally generated demons that you fight in 1on1 turn-based battles. It is basically only boss battles without any dungeon-crawling or puzzle solving before. These demons own their unique moveset and feature compositions, names and bodyparts and you hardly find two similar enemies.

Interlude 1: The list of bodyparts, features and movesets in the game could be infinite, the more the better. For the challenge I was happy with the number of attacks, patters and descriptions, but I will definitely extend this after the challenge and further work on this game.

The player can choose from two out of four different weapons and take one in each hand to face the opponent. The traditional-roguelike-staple "bump to attack" is replaced by directional swings, swipes and bashes, that affect certain quares when you attack. Every weapon has to independent attacks and you can use these with a respective cooldown. So timing in movement, attack pattern and evasion of enemy attacks is  akey element.

Interlude 2: The weapon choice and additional items and options leave still a lot of design space open. I see the addition of a shield, two-handed weapons and many other movesets possible and when I find time I'll add on.

There is limited progression in the game, as every battle stands for its own. However, in the beginning 10 demons are created and saved. You can choose, which you want to fight and nothing happens, when you are defeated. You can fight as often as you want, and when you defeat the enemy, it will stay defeated. Deafeat all 10 and you have basically won.

A meta-feature of the game is, that the unique procedurally generated demons, are stored as separate files and will remain even after their defeat. Share them with friends and brag about you victory, or show impossible fights around, whether someone can do it!

This last feature was important for me, I liked the creatures that I summonend and was sad to see them dissapear everytime the game gets closed.

Enjoy the game!

7DRLs / The Prancing Bard [7drl 2016, success!]
« on: March 12, 2016, 01:12:02 AM »
Uploaded my 7drl 2016 game and marked it as success, so might as well announce here! It is my first 7drl and I consider it successful, it is a small game about an idea I had for quite some time. Did not turn out as a dungeon crawler-exploration-RPG, but more of a puzzle game, bullet hell, tower defence, sort of.

Download it on this site:
Blog entries:
Contest list:

The Prancing Bard

Play notes while you move and chime into the melody of the world to unleash the harp of the storms.

Fight your way through 5 stages to defeat the cyclops or strive for the highscore in an endless stream of foes.

    * Movement patterns have to be matched with the streaming notes to unleash magic
    * ASCII graphics and effects
    * 5 stages with monsters
    * Defeat the Boss to move to the next stage
    * Endless mode for highscores
    * Colorblind option

Welcome to rng clrc (pronounce: RNG cleric or ringo cleric), a roguelike game developed with libtcod in python.

It is in Beta stage currently. It contains all things planned for the game and hopefully only few bugs.

Check it out on Roguebasin:

Or directly on the rng clrc page with download:

It is my first release, so I really hope everthing runs smoothly. However, as I am a hobbyist programmer, no guarantee :).

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