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Topics - JedimEmO

Pages: [1]
7DRLs / 100 Campfires [7DRL 2016] [success]
« on: March 06, 2016, 09:41:23 PM »
This project has now been completed, and I consider it to be a successfull 7DRL entry.

To play the final version, go to, or build and deploy it yourself using the instructions found in the repository readme file here:

Here's a screenshot of the final game:

--- Original thread hea:

Time to start a progress thread, after day 1 is (mostly) over.

I'm creating a RL from scratch using ES6 and canvas. The gameplay will be centered around gathering supplies for campires, that must be lit during night time - or the player will face the consequences. As the name of the game indicates, lighting up 100 campires will be the victory condition.

My git repository is public, and the source is under the MIT license. It can be found here:
I will also try to keep a sort-of up to date version of the game running here: This will be unstable.

As for the progress, I got the tool chains for development set up today, including building a release docker container. Additionally, I got a rudimentary hexagonal tile map rendering working (this is nowhere near done).

Here's a screenshot of the map rendering in action, just to have *something* to show for a days work :D

7DRLs / DartRL (7DRLC 2014)
« on: March 09, 2014, 07:07:16 PM »
This seems like a good place to keep updates, links and ramblings, as it seems others are doing it.

The announcement post on
For those interested in the source, here's my git repository for this:

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