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Topics - dden911

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Programming / Game balance and leveling.
« on: July 30, 2013, 12:52:45 PM »

I have been working on my first RGL, and so far have come across some balance questions.

Leveling system

At this point I think that XP cap. for every level should be twice as much as for previous:
Level 2 - 10XP
Level 3 - 20XP
Level 4 - 40 XP
and so on.
However I am  not sure that such system is good. Can you recommend some articles about such balance things in RGL games?

Player grows stronger with time. It gains XP, HP and Attack boosts, possibly he peaks some items and weapons that further buff him. The question is: how I should scale monsters he encounters to maintain balance between easy grinding and hardcore gameplay. Generally I want two main things to be in my game:
-   Player cannot “overgrow” the game universe easily one-hit beating everything, game should be interesting even at high levels of player XP.
-   Leveling speed should possibly decrease not so quick as XP needed for level. In other words, I don’t want to have something like:
Level 2 – 3 minutes of game play needed
Level 3 – 6 minutes
Level 4 – 12 minutes and so on.
It would be good to have less decreasing numbers of minutes.

Obviously my second question may require some math and calculations, however I will be very grateful for any links and articles regarding these problems in RGL game development.

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