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Topics - Altefcat

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Here is the new release of MoE:
(watch out, the size of the file is about 34 Mb, sorry for short bandwidth, I'll publish a reduced release later with no music !)

Here is the changelog:
- new pygame release with graphics and music, sounds, and ambiance sounds
- if a mushroom is dropped on the player, he will grab it automatically
- weapons flavor bug corrected (first weapons found will be training ones
instead of iron ones)
- fuzzy state of axes and warhammers only hinders damage (instead of prevents
player from hitting monsters)
- monsters cannot move on player position anymore

Here are some screenshots of the graphics.

Here is the first beta release of the final 1.0 version.

Source is at:

Windows binary is at:

Here is the readme.txt file :

Code: [Select]
#                                                                              #
#                              MINES of ELDERLORE                              #
#                                                                              #
# An Ascii roguelike with :                                                    #
# * Permanent levels                                                           #
# * Simple and easy gameplay                                                   #
# * High scores that you can compare with others                               #
#                                                 #
#                                                                              #
# Released under the GNU General Public License                                #
#                                                                              #

Here is the first beta release of the final 1.0 version of Mines of Elderlore.

This version is released for feedback and debugging.

1.1 From the source file
You need Python and the Numeric module to launch the game from its source file.
Once Python and Numeric installed, you can download this file:
and extract it to a folder. Launch it under a terminal window with the command

If you change the terminal size, the game will adjust accordingly to maximize
the display area. The minimal size for the game to play is 80 columns by 25

1.2 From the Windows binary
The game has been ported under Windows by using Wcurses. To play Mines of
Elderlore under Windows, download this file:
 and extract it to a folder. Launch it by double-clicking on "moe.exe".

The display size of the game is fixed at 80 columns by 25 rows, and cannot be

2.1 The game
You are a young hero and to prove your strength, you decide to clean the mines
nearby your native village. Only armed with your training sword, you enter a
maze of rooms and corridors.

This game is a roguelike. It is turn-based, and once your character dies there
is no loading back. By moving in the four directions, you attack monsters, open
doors, collect equipment or use stairs. Your goal is to survive long enough in
the mines, progressing by killing monsters and descending as deep as you can.

A score is given when the player dies, that equals his XP points. If he is a
winner, his score will appear on the top of the other scores, different winner
scores being sorted by the number of rounds they took.

Each weapon is different, and provide different gameplay. Be creative ! I hope
you will enjoy this little game. And remember, if you search deep enough, you
may find your true nemesis.

2.2 The screen
The following symbols are displayed on the screen:

## : walls
.. : floor you can see
++ : a door; bump into it to open it
<< : descending stairs
>> : ascending stairs
M~ : monster sleeping; it will awake at your approach
Mn : monster level n
!  : a health potion; (d)rink it to recover all your Health Points
*  : a magic mushroom; when you (r)est, you can eat them to recover HP. Don't
let monsters eat them !
/n : a sword of level n
Pn : an axe of level n
|n : a spear of level n
Tn : a warhammer of level n
&/ : you with your weapon ! (a sword)

The top of the screen displays some usefull information for the player :
Lvl 1 | HP 10/10 | XP 000 (030 for lvl 2) | !01 | *00 | 000 | M 00/40/120

- Lvl 1 : your current level
- HP 10/10 : your current Health Points amount and your max Health Points amount
- XP 000 (030 for lvl 2) : your experience points, and the number you need to
reach next level (you start at level 1)
- !01 : the health potions you own (you start with one health potion)
- *00 : the mushrooms you own (you start with no mushroom)
- 000 : the rounds (each action equals one round)
- M 00/40/120 : your current mood state, followed by the frenzy threshold (40)
and the berzerk threshold (120).

2.3 The keys
Here are the keys you can use in the game:

- h, F2, F3, F4 : help in-game
- keyboard arrows : move and attack North, South, East and West
- space : wait for a round
- d : drink a health potion
- r : rest to recover HP by eating mushroom
- e : rest and eat one mushroom
- 1 : equip your best sword
- 2 : equip your best axe
- 3 : equip your best spear
- 4 : equip your best warhammer
- i : list your weapons and their quality.
- esc : save and close the game.

3.1 What's new
Version 1.0:
- new key 'h', 'F2', 'F3' and 'F4' for in-game help
- frenzy and berzerk player state
- bumping in a wall, displaying inventory or hitting a wrong key does not cost
a round anymore
- you can charge with swords
- you can push and knock with warhammers
- you can whirlwind with axes
- chaining monsters with special attacks enhance damage
- if wounded, a monster is healed when eating a mushroom; if at full HP, it
gains a level
- player keeps memory of visited dungeons by ancestors
- a movie of every finished game is recorded in the 'movie' folder; to play it
back, type "python movies/" in shell, or
"moe.exe movies\" under Windows command line
- a morgue file is created for each different dungeon, filled with records from
dead players

Version 0.9:
- new colors on the screen :
    * monsters are magenta
    * potions and mushrooms are green
    * player is white when healhty, yellow when hp < 2/3 hpmax, and red when
    hp < hpmax/3
    * stairs are yellow
    * weapons are blue, and bold if usefull   
- new colors in messages
- some balancing in player advancement and monster damage
- Now there is a winning case; if you succeed, the least rounds it took you,
the better.
- messages are displayed on the right for better reading.

3.2 History
The code is only one file: It is
all GNU / GPL v2, so I hope it will be of some help for anyone interested.

It runs well under Ubuntu with Python and Numeric, and under Windows. When
launched for the first time (with 'python' from the source file, or by
double-clicking on 'moe.exe' under windows), it will create an 'moe.ini' file
containing different parameters that you can change at will.

After the first play, an 'moe.sav' file is created to keep your progress.
Launch again the game and it will continue where you previously stopped.

A board of scores and ranks is keeped, and since every dungeon is the same for
everyone, it should be easy to compare performance each other. If you want to
explore another dungeon, just change the 'name' value in 'moe.ini'. If you set
this 'name' value to 'random', a new different dungeon will be generated each
time, with a customed name.

Each game is intended to be fast and fun, so don't be shy, give it a try !

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Mines of Elderlore 0.9
« on: February 17, 2008, 10:43:34 PM »
Hello everyone,

I have improved, balanced and debugged the 7drl I've been working on last week, and I have put it on sourceforge with a windows binary.

The files are here:

Any feedback is welcomed. The Windows binary uses Wcurses, and I don't know (yet) how to resize the term window. So if you have the choice, I recommand launching the game under some free OS like Ubuntu. If you do so, you'll need Python, Numeric and curses to launch it.

Temple of the Roguelike / What about a Roguelike Planet ?
« on: January 16, 2008, 09:08:46 PM »
You know, Planets are websites that present RSS or ATOM feeds from the same category of blogs. So, wouldn't it be great to have a place like that on Roguetemple, were every roguelike dev blogs would be gathered ?

I don't know Slash if it's feasible ? If yes, we could use this post to collect rss and atom urls from every devs. So, what do you think ?

Hi folks,

I have just released Lands of Elderlore 0.0.9, so if you want to have a look at it, you can go and grab it at :

It is still a work-in-progress, with no playability, but can be of some interest as a dev if you want to see an isometric engine and some fractal stuff. Have fun !

Have a screeny :

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