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Topics - spelk

Pages: [1]
Other Announcements / New Arcen Roguelike on its way!
« on: October 08, 2015, 10:19:44 PM »
Arcen Games have suspended development on their 4X Stars Beyond Reach game, until March 2016, to work on an untitled  real-time "SHMUP" Roguelike!

Other Announcements / Rogue Game Junkie launches
« on: September 01, 2015, 06:50:02 AM »
Brian Rubin, the guy behind the popular site SpaceGameJunkie, covering all aspects of gaming in space, has just launched a sister site aimed at Roguelike appreciation. RogueGameJunkie.



Having followed Brian's success with SGJ, here's hoping he will have equal success spreading the word according to the @.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn-based) / Retro RPG Puzzle [Android]
« on: February 19, 2015, 08:34:50 PM »
It feels like a movement based roguelike, but has a puzzley quality to it.

The basic premise is to get from one door to another. And you can select the starting door. Although the only decisions you make is where to move, as you move you knock out the available routes you can take. Also, some tiles require the HP to take them on, or a key to open them up.

Interesting abstract game for your commute. Unlocking different classes the more levels you cumulatively make it through.

Other Announcements / Occult Chronicles
« on: March 07, 2013, 10:09:33 AM »
New official web page was put up for Occult Chronicles yesterday. It's a roguelike-like coupling card and boardgame mechanics with a roguelike formula. Strategy and Cthulhu it sounds like.

Also in Vic's blog post, he mentions that both of his other strategy games, Armageddon Empires and Solium Infernum will be going on sale!

I’ve also lowered the prices on AE and SI to $14.99 each or $25 for both.  It’s a bit of an experiment to see if the conventional wisdom is correct. I’m hoping that it brings up volume and revenues. I’d still like to get them both on steam someday.  Gabe, Valve, Steam call me.

The price for The Occult Chronicles will be $19.99.  I’ll probably set up a Greenlight page once I can get a video finished. I’ll post the link here if that happens.

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