Hey guys,
I threw this together Sunday and Monday, after I finished a prototype for forest generation. This is a SUPER early build, but it gives you a good idea of what I wanted. Hoping for a 7DRL. I still dont have a good name so that will change, It will have something to do with winter and probably of Viking origin.
You are part of an guard that protects small villages from the dangerous beasts that lurk in the woods. there is a new monster and you must destroy it.

Currently you can walk around and kill enemies. the enemies are all the same just with random sprites which don't really fit the snow exterior. Mushrooms heal you 5. There are 3 Weapons Axe, Sword, and Staff.
Staff - when striking will also hit one behind.
Axe - also Strikes Behind you in an attack
Sword - attacks the two diagonals also
This idea started as an experiment in character building. using assigned skills and traits to tell a backstory. so the idea I had was 3 "Heroes" are generated with different weapons, skills, and traits. one must be selected to defeat the beast in the woods. from that I hope to do something simple. No equipment, so the player is basically taking these heroes on a quest.
A characters story will be told through their traits (these will also effect their stats)
Example Traits:
Old One ( -2 Max Health )
Herb-wise ( better chance of finding herbs and mushrooms )
Wolf Bane (Does Double damage to Wolves )
Wolf Dread ( Takes Double Damage from Wolves )
One-Eye ( -1 Max Health )
Wood Brat ( Gain +2 Health from mushrooms )
I am hoping to use these to define a character and I want to weight them so they go together for specific themes
So a character with Wolf Dread, One-eye, and Wood brat. probably lost that eye to a wolf, hence the fear of them. of course their will be a better explanation then I have here for each trait. hopefully fleshing that out more.
And finally I hope to actually make the enemies interesting. I think Wolves will be the basic grunts and then from there I will create enemies that each do specific things like a Ranged class, perhaps one who buffs. I want the Enemies to have very specific purposes and feel unique. We will see though.
Any and all feedback is welcome.