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Messages - Oryx

Pages: [1]
Challenges / Trials of Oryx [Nov 24th - December 24th]
« on: November 25, 2013, 10:16:01 PM »


The Trials of Oryx challenges game developers to create a game of any kind using the Ultimate Roguelike Tileset. The contest lasts one month(final entries are due December 24th, 2013) and winners will receive wonderful prizes including free Oryx Design Lab sprites for life and up to $500.00 in cash for first place.

More information on the trial including rules can be found here:

Spread the word!

Early Dev / Re: Zagadka, very early but playable
« on: August 09, 2013, 04:40:37 AM »
Game looks cool! I'd love to see it with my "ultimate roguelike tileset" :)

Programming / 16-Bit Fantasy sprite set
« on: July 27, 2013, 04:45:14 PM »
Hey all,

I just released a big new set of sprites that you might find useful for making finished games or for mockups.
It includes animated heroes, monsters, dozens of environment sets, props, items, fx and more, all at 24x24 and in full color.


Programming / The Ultimate Roguelike Tileset
« on: May 01, 2013, 03:15:43 AM »
Hello Roguelike creators!

I'm stopping by the forum because I know many of you are familiar with my sprite work on Brogue, Infra Arcana, Realm of the Mad God, or the LOFI Fantasy sprites that I made as part of the TIGSource competition a few years back.

I have recently completed a new set of higher resolution fantasy sprites that might interest you! The set features thousands of fantasy sprites including heroes, creatures, dungeons, items, portraits, cinematic sets, interface, and more!

Based on the style started with Brogue and Infra Arcana, the set is monochromatic allowing them to be colored dynamically in engine. The set also attempts to retain the simplicity, charm, and flexibility of ascii, with the advantages of a more modern look.

The set is called the Ultimate Roguelike Tileset.
You can get information on the set, including screenshots at:

Please share with any forums or game authors you think might be interested!


Programming / Artist looking for collaboration
« on: March 31, 2013, 06:40:58 PM »

If you don't know me, I was the creator of the lofi 8x8 fantasy sprite set that has been used often in roguelikes, and also did the sprites for Infra Arcana, and Brogue Tiles, among other projects.

Many years ago, after I created the lofi 8x8 sprites, I was working on a project called Lune. It is done in Flash. We had the creature editor, random name generator, combat engine, and all the artwork done (including dozens of background scenes, icons, skill icons, FX, and over a 100 creatures and player classes fully animated with idles, attacks, special attacks, deaths, etc.)
You can see a test version of it here:

I would LOVE to find someone to finish that game. The combat was simple but fun, and was far along except for the meta game and more abilities, and lots of stats. If you are interested please let me know!

However, I don't want all those hundreds of hours making hundreds of animated creatures to go to waste. I think a traditional roguelike game using these creatures would be excellent, very few roguelikes are animated, also because they are 1-bit they can be easily colored like ascii (as seen in Brogue or Infra Arcana).

Interested? or know someone who might be interested? reply here or send a message to - only serious inquiries please, I don't want someone who's going to ditch it after a week.


Traditional Roguelikes (Turn-based) / Re: Castlevaniarl tiles
« on: March 18, 2008, 05:27:45 AM »

I'm a game developer by day who likes Roguelikes and thought it would be fun to make some tiles. I love doing pixel work.

I don't think I realized at the time how much work it would be :) I think Slash still needs a bunch of tiles from me.

Anyway, yeah they are free to use if Slash wants them to be.

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