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Messages - Jigxor

Pages: [1]
Early Dev / Re: Dungeon Dashers - Multiplayer Co-op Dungeon Crawling
« on: April 18, 2012, 08:57:01 AM »
Looks kinda cool.

Will it be multi-player only or will there be single player mode too?

It's up to 4 players, so you can play single player or multiplayer. If you play by yourself (as in the video), then you control all 4 heroes. If you play with 2 people, then you control 2 each, etc.

Early Dev / Re: Dungeon Dashers - Multiplayer Co-op Dungeon Crawling
« on: April 17, 2012, 04:23:23 AM »
Very nice. The wheel menu interface looks like it might be a tad awkward, but I like how the rest looks. By the way, though your other site talks about changing up the graphical style, I do like the tiles being muted and dark. One wouldn't expect a dungeon to seem bright and cheery, after all.

If this came with tools (or at least the ability) to edit my own maps and script quests, I'd seriously consider paying for it.

Thank you for your comments!

I'll be putting in mouse controls as well, so that the wheel will only be used if you're using the keyboard. The graphical style for the caves was initially dark for exactly what you said - so that it feels like a dark muted cave - however it doesn't really match some of the other tiles such as inside a tomb or near lava. I'm looking into adding some atmospheric lighting though.

If this came with tools (or at least the ability) to edit my own maps and script quests, I'd seriously consider paying for it.
I developed the map editor for this game myself, and because of that it's got very poor usability (it's a lot of shortcuts and things to make my life easier). I do not plan to release the map editor for this game, however once it is complete, and if there is enough interest, I will definitely consider releasing some tools for making your own levels!

Thank you again for your feedback.

Early Dev / Dungeon Dashers - Multiplayer Co-op Dungeon Crawling
« on: April 16, 2012, 08:19:58 AM »
Hey everyone!

I'm currently working on a graphical turn-based multiplayer dungeon crawler called Dungeon Dashers - though purists would argue that it's not a true roguelike! The dungeons are handcrafted rather than randomly generated. I'm sharing information about the game here because I think if you like roguelikes in general then you will hopefully like my game as well. I'm aiming for a good combination of tactical gameplay as well as fast-paced action. A list of features can be found at the website: I'm currently working on getting a playable build out soon.

Here's a screenshot:

Gameplay video:

Please let me know what you think of the game. I'd love to hear your comments!


Other Announcements / Re: Acquiring feedback for your roguelike project
« on: August 30, 2010, 10:11:09 AM »
It's not all bad. I didn't know about this site before, and now I do! And I'm really interested in playing some Roguelikes. So at least you've gotten some positive traffic from all of this :)

Early Dev / Re: Serial Killer Roguelike
« on: August 29, 2010, 01:14:14 AM »
I'm just determined to make this game now! Bastard. Well played.

Early Dev / Re: Serial Killer Roguelike
« on: August 28, 2010, 03:09:46 PM »
Really excited to hear this! Can't wait to play it :)

Early Dev / Re: Serial Killer Roguelike
« on: August 26, 2010, 01:57:09 PM »
I made an account just to post in this thread. I REALLY WANT TO PLAY THIS GAME! It looks fantastically amazing and I can't wait until it's finished!!!

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