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Messages - mondayrocks

Pages: [1]
Early Dev / Re: Serial Killer Roguelike
« on: August 28, 2010, 09:28:39 PM »
Did anyone see his youtube account? It could be that someone stole his password or something as he seems incredibly serious about this. Also, speaking as a ph.d graduate student, the poster uses emotionally judgmental language in his explanation that this game was just an experiment.  That would not happen if they actually were doing a university study.  Also, there is a specific board of ethics that must approve various experiments like this. Usually, but not always, the participants (IE us) have to sign a form saying we understand the consequences. The form also gives contact info. I don't know, but I don't think I believe the youtube edit.

"This game is a hoax. The purpose was to gather statistical information for a University project. We reviewed individual YouTube accounts, as well as the forum posting history of various users who expressed interest in the game, to determine if they are also avid players of other extremely violent games. We paid special attention to gamers who sent us PM's with extremely disturbing, sexually explicit content suggestions. There's a lot of you out there.

There is hope in that a quantitative portion of gamers were repulsed by the notion of simulating serial killers as player characters in a video game. Kudos to you if you fall in that category.

For future reference, two university students were responsible for this small experiment. We both took turns posting comments under the same name in order to keep up initial momentum."

Early Dev / Re: Serial Killer Roguelike
« on: August 26, 2010, 05:36:46 AM »
For me, it is the crime simulator thing and novelty. There hasn't really been a straight 'serial killer' game. I know it sounds weird, but people play GTA all the time and murder 1,000s of people at a time whereas this is more strategic and with more RPG elements.

my attempt at an explanation.

Early Dev / Re: Serial Killer Roguelike
« on: August 26, 2010, 02:23:44 AM »
I lurk here as I love ADOM and the like, but this idea seems wonderful. I too made an account to tell you.

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