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Messages - skaldicpoet9

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Other Announcements / Re: Roguebasin is troubled!
« on: December 31, 2013, 04:14:15 AM »
I just created an account on Roguebasin and intend to start doing a lot of editing. I did notice in the changes log that it seemed that there were a lot of spammy looking accounts created before I created mine. I wouldn't mind helping out with some kind of user verification process to cut the spam out. Roguebasin is a bit rough around the edges right now, but I would love to help make it much more comprehensive then it is now.

Other Announcements / Re: Roguelike Bundle
« on: July 29, 2013, 01:26:42 AM »
Yeah, I figured that commercial roguelikes would be a no-go. I just wanted to include the games that I felt best represented an good stepping-stone for newcomers. Like I said above, Infra Arcana, Powder and IVAN would be other roguelikes that are good starting points for beginners.

The various different bundle categories could be a good idea. I just think that it is advantageous to keep things 'bite sized' so as not to overwhelm potential newcomers to the genre.  I would say that each individual bundle shouldn't comprise more than 8-10 games with a list of recommendations pointing to similar games. That way the bundles could stay focused and allow people to get a good grasp on the variety of different games there are in the genre.

Other Announcements / Re: Roguelike Bundle
« on: July 29, 2013, 12:40:39 AM »

Personally I think that the bundle should be kept slim so as not to overwhelm newbies and concentrate on a few select games that are the most accessible in the genre. I threw together a quick mock-up of those games that I personally consider to be the most easily picked up by newcomers to the roguelike genre.

I think the strong suits for these games are the following:

  • Graphics - Each of these games have tiles or graphics. Most newcomers to roguelike games tend to be turned off and bewildered by ASCII.
  • Familiar mechanics - Gamers coming from various different genres will find a variety of familiar mechanics adapted from other genres. Spelunky's platforming, FTL's RTS style mechanics, Tales of Maj 'Eyal's usage of skills/abilites similar of modern day RPGs, The Binding of Issac's Zelda-esque gameplay.
  • Accessibility - The majority of these games are either mouse driven or have a simple keyboard layout. No having to lookup an in-game readme for commands. I would argue the toughest of the above two games to get into for a new player would be DCSS and ToME, but I feel that they serve as a good introduction to the more 'traditional' roguelikes. 
The only problem I would see with the above games is that 4 of the 9 are paid games. However, if this is a bundle that is being done for charity then perhaps the developers could be contacted for their blessing ala the Humble Bundle. I don't know anything about how that works but if these games can't be included there are a few replacements I would suggest that still keep with the theme of introductory roguelikes. Infra Arcana, Sword of the Stars: The Pit, IVAN or Powder would fit in as well as a few others that escape me currently.

I love this idea though. I think it is an excellent way to gain more exposure to the genre. I'll definitely be keeping my eye on any ideas/improvements and will add my input when I can. I am extremely excited for this project! Keep up the great work.

OP is a computer science student.

Hit the nail on the head.

Yeah, I am talking Programming 1 this semester so they are starting us off with C but form there who knows where I'll go?

I guess they are forcing him to use C, perhaps stick to one language at a time, writting a roguelike certainly will teach you a lot about the language.

I am hoping so. Before I start the real roguelike I want to make I'll probably just toy around with a couple of basic Rogue-clones just to get the feel of writing a roguelike and coding in C. I don't know what language I'll end up using but eventually I may switch, it just depends on how much I like C as opposed to other languages.

Other Announcements / Re: your favorite roguelike
« on: January 21, 2008, 10:50:43 PM »
Yeah, Ivan is definitely up there for me. I would have to say that it is a tie between DoomRL and Ivan actually. I haven't played ADOM in awhile but it does have a special place in my heart because it was the first RL I played. However, Ivan and DoomRL are just crazy, good, masochistic fun. I don't think I have ever died so many times in a game (Ivan) or had much more fun then the original (DoomRL). Dwarf Fortress also gets a special mention, I love the game and the concept but until I get a handle on being able to play it better I can't really justify saying it's my favorite (even though it is pretty damn tempting even without full knowledge of the game). Dwarf Fortress I think will be one of those games that will continue to grow on me until it finally is my favorite.

Hope to see your roguelike project soon, remember to teach yourself :P

Yeah, I am definitely pacing myself right now. I just started learning C so it'll probably be a little while before i get started on the project. I want to go ahead and make some really basic games before I start something as intensive as a roguelike. I have a lot of ideas brewing that I want to implement into a 2-D type game at some point that I would love to try out in a roguelike format. Hell, I may just decide to make the game in ASCII period. I am fascinated with the limitless gameplay possibilities when you use ASCII instead of the typical graphical interface. The game I am brewing is a sort of RPG/RTS/Action-RPG type of game, with a dynamic world where your actions open up and also close certain possibilities in the game depending all upon your choices. Anyways, thanks for the welcome slash I hope to learn a lot here :)

Hey, everyone my name is Stephen. I just got into playing Roguelike style games just recently but I have to say it is one of the best things I have stumbled across in recent memory. I started playing with ADOM and then Dwarf Fortress, DoomRL, Ivan and then finally just recently (I know, it's so backwards isn't it lol) Nethack. I have just decided to major in Computer Science so I've been learning code and hope to make a roguelike game of my own someday. Anyways, I am glad I found out about this place through TIGS, I'll see all of you around :)

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