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Messages - Haddoc

Pages: [1]
Early Dev / Re: Rogue Survivor Alpha 3.1
« on: June 24, 2010, 06:53:37 PM »
The ammo combine is already present. Lets say you have 12 handgun bullets and pick up a box of six it will make a box of 18. Then you pick up a box of 20, the game adds the two to the first box you have and makes a new box of the left overs (which by the way would be the 18 anyway.)

Early Dev / Re: Rogue Survivor Alpha 3.1
« on: June 24, 2010, 07:14:04 AM »
It's funny. I told my friend a year ago about this awesome idea I had about a roguelike zombie game. Then I see that you've come along and basically made my dream come true (bows before such genius).

The couple of things i would like to see would be the ability to not just mark a home base, but let followers know *This is home* if they can't get in they should hang around out front or call you.

Another thing i could think of would be "unique" buildings based on amount of Districts allowed in the city: A police station and doctors office in small cities (I know there's a drug store, but if later we can build traps having some bloodbags from hospitals and the like could come in handy) to things like Prisons, Full sized hospitals, army base in larger cities. (maybe even a gas station oh please, please, please!)

As for things like sewers and sub-ways the only thing that i could think of is to either have the sewer unmap-able or to rotate the map each time you enter or some such fiendish method to make it more difficult.

I love the fact that the cars themselves serve as a tacticle part of how you move, but it would be great if a burning car could provide a light source (probably just a small bonus) or standing on top of cars increase FoV (not sure if this is already implemented)

Basic hostiles suggestion would be to allow certain enemies to push objects such as a wall of shelves cutting a building in half. If the NPC is clever enough it should recognize this and possibly want to see whats on the other side. This ones not really important in my dream-list but might as well throw it on the pile.

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