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Messages - Drome

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Early Dev / Re: Rogue Survivor Alpha 3.1
« on: June 23, 2010, 05:37:16 PM »

so I my brother just told me about this new cool Game he found and let me play it for a while, unfortunately he alredy uses the save Slot, but we still have this slow beatdown pc that still can handle those Games, that don't solely rely on their Graphics. Lucky me.

First a little fun Story, that happened to me, but you can also skip down to the part with things I thought about. Me having build up a Base in a Shop, it was still early in the Game so I wasn't that strong and had only few things. So I set out to find some Stuff, while exploring found a Girl sleeping in a barely baricaded house, so I waited to invite her into my group with the leadership skill i just learned after she would wake up. Suddenly some Zombies storm the house, so she wakes up from the noise and together we break through the Window and Run like hell. After we lost the Creatures I checked why she couldn't run that fast, she was close to starving and very tired, so I decided to quit exploring for the day bring her to my Base, while on the way I found a Hammer and Bullets for my empty Pistol. We walked past some broken Cars and around the Corner to the Entry but what stood there, one of those Zombie Masters and I wasn't sure if I could beat him. We went around the house, hoping to lure him away so we could enter my Base and regain our Strength. At first it worked, but we soon lost sight of him and hurried on. On our Way some more Zombies spotted us and we ran for our lives. As soon as the Entry to my Base was in sight we also saw the Zombie Master who seemed to have walked back there to wait for us (smart bas####). We had to continue on the Street. Luckily I saw another Store, I ran ahead and prepared to barricade the Door. The Girl didn't come, so I went outside, to see she passed me and kept running and entered another house by the Window while I shot the Creatures to take their attention. I hurried inside my improvised second base and barricaded it behind me. While the Zombies broke through I shot a Magazine at them and then I smashed those that came to close with the Hammer. Finally safe Again I went outside to look for the Girl, but to my surprise a torn body that barely resembled her crawled out of the Window she went in before. Terrified I went back inside and Barricaded the only Door again, hoping I would be left alone, but like I would be responsible for her death she haunted me and broke with some Zombie friends my barricades. The others went down struck by my bullets, but my formerly companyon like a last survivor like I was wouldn't go down so easily. I fought with myself as I was left with an empty Gun and just the Hammer in my Hand, could I really do this, maybe this was really my fault? The Moonlight fell through the open entry as I sunk blood covered down into a Corner. Not my Blood, but what had I done. I had to survive and defeat this Infection, not knowing that I cant win.

I pepped the story a bit up^^

My Thoughts while Playing:
"Go to Order". If there isn't already and I'm just too blind to find it maybe there could be a "Go To" Order be added, because while Playing I had a safe Place where we could loose our followers but my companion preferred to run around and get killed in the end.
"Give Me ** ". Again, if I'm not just blind^^. Even if it wasn't intentional it is very realistic, that you cant just take everything from others, but if I pump someone full with stuff I'd like to be given things I need and not just trade it.
"More Floors". I know you want to add Subways and such but my brother and me also would like Buildings to have more than one floor. For more Realistic and Fun situations like "you entered a Building and it looks save, barricade all Windows and Doors but then one of those strong Zombies crawls down the Stairs and you have to break out and flee or attack the Monster".

more to come^^.

Sorry if I'm writing too much but you have to know, some days ago I bought some new Games from the store but somehow I prefer to play yours over those ;D.

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