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Messages - Faceless

Pages: [1]
Early Dev / Re: Rogue Survivor Alpha 3.1
« on: June 23, 2010, 12:45:30 PM »
I will, I'm just in the process of designing all the character clothes/details. Oh, you should probably look at your blog comments about the bug fixes. I left a comment about a crash bug.

Early Dev / Re: Rogue Survivor Alpha 3.1
« on: June 23, 2010, 06:00:14 AM »
I have been enjoying your game for a few days now, difficult but not too difficult. However, and I know you are aware of this, the exception caused by the "illegal" shout action is driving me crazy. It's ruined 3 of my best games by unexpectedly appearing.

If you want to know where it comes from, I think it's caused by a sleeping CHAR Guard, at least that is where it has happened for me 2 of the 3 times. Just as a I break into the CHAR offices and the Guard is sleeping (it shows in the chat that he shouted "HEY YOU!" at me but clearly he has a blue Z over his head.

In addition, I have been working on some graphics - far from done and really they were just to wet my appetite because - and no offence intended - the default graphics are a bit ugly. My graphics haven't turned out "great" but with the limited number of tiles I think I did a half decent job of it.

A few pictures taken, features the "RIP" replacement (it's meant to be blood, it's a shame that it's also used for things like doors but I think the sacrifice of bleeding doors is just fine ;D), posters are all new and much better in my opinion, walls, floors and doors are all redone. There are a few other things like followers now have a green glow below their feet instead of a blue square around them, CHAR Offices have new walls/symbols (the symbol is the same but the tile is redone) and floors (minor modification, checkered floors). I'm planning to redo the characters with a different design style  and obviously finish up the rest of the graphics...

[Somehow this post was redirected to the wrong topic, weird huh, anyway it's in it's rightful home now]

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