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Messages - jab

Pages: [1]
Thanks! Scaling this to 3D isn't that large of a task, thought, I'd imagine it would be MUCH harder on the CPU. :P

You can look at examples/cave.c and then examples/dung.c to get an idea on how the library works at a basic level.

Just thought I'd announce this here. I've been showing off some of the maps this can generate to #rgrd for the past couple of months, so I decided to turn it into a generic library.

Documentation (and screenshots!):

Let me know what you think!

Other Announcements / Re: ARRP HYPE THREAD!!!
« on: September 14, 2012, 10:19:33 PM »
I will be doing an ARRP for a BileBio update ( I'll be working on map generation, reworking abilities, and overall balancing and making it more fun/engaging.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / BileBio
« on: December 15, 2011, 09:49:22 AM »
Recently I participated in the 1DRL (Link: The idea seemed interesting enough to continue, and so I did, guided by some suggestions from #rgrd. The game can be found here: Let me know what you think!

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