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Messages - Numeron

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7DRLs / [7DRL 2019] Summoner's Handbook - Success
« on: March 11, 2019, 03:11:16 AM »
Really not a lot of action here this year, maybe we just need someone to kick it off :)

Download here

My game is called Summoner's Handbook, and is my 11th entry for the 7DRL challenge.

This is an asymmetric two player game, where each player must summon minions to defend their side of the dungeon, and attack the opposing side. The game features traditional turn-by-turn grid movement, but each side of the dungeon has its own turn cycle so players are not restricted by one another.

There is also a single player defence mode, where 10 waves of increasingly huge hordes attack, while you must summon enough minions to hold them back.

Being the only person I know who plays roguelikes, the 2 player mode is probably horribly unbalanced, or maybe so balanced it's impossible to win haha.

Played the game with some profiling on, and at its worst the shadow layer rendering took up to 15ms per frame to render. When trying to keep a steady 60fps, that means 900ms out of every second is spent drawing shadows, so while my pc can keep up, i can def see how that bottle neck would blow over on others. I have some ideas on improvements but theyre significant and involved enough that i think i wont be fixing them in this 7drl branch (sorry javelinrl), rather do it more leaisurely in trunk after merging down the changes I want to keep.

I was wondering why I managed to download your last year entry (Cult) instead of the right one the first time I went to your site. Now I realized why: following your link in the OP send me to a page where Cult is listed! You should probably fix that!

Thanks, link fixed.

Cult is a neat little game though! It's like a single-player MOBA roguelike, very interesting. Did you design it with that in mind? Or did you just create your own design from scratch without thinking about MOBAs at all?

I have a history of arena-type games for the 7drl, my first ever was a king of the hill, and the two that followed were area capture games. I didn't have a lot of time last year to work on a game so I went with what I knew best :P

(performance stuff)

Hm, it works alright on my dev PC, which purposely isn't the latest and greatest for that reason, but trying it on my shitty work laptop can see some slowdown. I'll have to chuck it into a profiler when I get home from work tonight. The lighting seems the obvious thing, there's a lot of alpha blending going on. The pegged CPU is because when the FPS dips below the 60 cap I don't sleep the main thread, just let it go immediately to the next frame.

How did you solve this A* problem? I suppose you could convolve the whole map with an NxN tile of 1s, and then compute the A* in the convolved space? (i.e., if the map is MxM you make an (M-N+1)x(M-N+1) grid where tile (x, y) is passable if and only if tiles (x+i,x+j) are passable in the original space for all 0<=i,j<M, and then compute A* on the (M-N+1)x(M-N+1) grid.)

I can't reduce the search space because gaps in walls and so forth are all irregular. The way I solved it is by tracking onto the target tile, but returning a successful path if any of the 2x2 nodes checked for passability are next to the target (or any of the targets since the player can be multi tile too). Then the AI has to determine if it is next to the target and attempt to bump in that direction, even though the path doesn't go quite that far. Also for some corner cases resorting to "blind steps" where the mob simply tries to walk towards the player with no regard to path. Basically, previously my pathing always went onto the target tile, and the AI had rules to not step there if it was an ally, now it only goes next to the target tile, and the AI has rules to do the extra step if its an enemy.

Thanks! I removed that restriction, rebuilt and re-uploaded.

The window can now be any size, but the health-bar on the left may not be fully visible at lower window height than the initial default. Better that everyone can play, even if it means minor bugs in the interface :)

Day 7 - Success

Ok, so all done, and ready! Last day was hectic - it took way longer than expected because of issues with the multi tile enemies. Turns out that pathfinding wasn't as simple as directing the top left tile to the target while checking multiple tiles on each A* node for blockages - because if the target is standing next to a wall on the right there is no path even if the left is open... and then if the target is also a multi-tile unit standing in a doorway, enemies have to know they can reach you without going all the way around. That and more...

So it was a full 23 hour working day bringing my total time worked this week to 110 :O But I love it so all good :D

Anyway, have some screenshots!

7DRLs / Re: Cyan Security - A Cyberpunk Adventure [7drl 2017]
« on: March 12, 2017, 12:52:53 AM »
All done! Download here.

Extremely tired though - been working a solid 24 hours  :'( I cant do a write up right now, or any decent presentation work like screenshots and descriptions but I have made the thing available above. I'll do all that other stuff properly tomorrow after I've rested. Hopefully I haven't botched the pack, and it works correctly for everyone. You gonna need java 8 and OpenGL2+

7DRLs / Re: Cyan Security - A Cyberpunk Adventure [7drl 2017]
« on: March 10, 2017, 11:55:50 AM »

Day 6

World-gen all done! I have different weather effects for each of the three areas all created this 7drl - rain you can see above, fog, and a smoky black fog. In Area 2 (with the fog) there are a lot of walls missing (on purpose) so there is fog indoors and that's ok for the quarantine zone theme. Section three doesn't though so when I got to that today I couldn't just pallette swap the fog to a black color I had to completely re-write the weather routine for a third weather type instead.. took too long! Here is a little sample from area 3. Its darker and eviller, and has a few things going on...

Now tomorrow to start distributing enemies evenly and start on balancing and polishing!

7DRLs / Re: Cyan Security - A Cyberpunk Adventure [7drl 2017]
« on: March 09, 2017, 04:43:37 PM »
Day 5

So the world-gen is done for the metro area and for the quarantine area - now trying to wrangle the final area is proving tricky. I hope to have that done before the end of tomorrow so I can start adding all the spawners, and then begin play-testing and balancing on the final day...

Ugh world gen always takes the longest... I have the week off work and it still takes 3-4 full days just on that! I really need to work on my tools for doing this stuff, its all janky as heck... maybe I'll see what I can do when I merge enhancements from this 7drl cleanly back into trunk.

7DRLs / Re: Cyan Security - A Cyberpunk Adventure [7drl 2017]
« on: March 09, 2017, 06:47:32 AM »
Full update for today coming later, but just wanted to share some cyberpunk goodness...

7DRLs / Re: Cyan Security [7drl 2017]
« on: March 08, 2017, 02:48:52 PM »
Day 4

Well I've been doing proc world gen today, and as anticipated its going slooowly. Because of my tiles, rooms have to have a lot of stuff in them or they look very empty, so it takes time writing room generators as well as map generators. While I can certainly go back and take some from past 7drls, they often need improving or porting to work with the system as it is now. In addition I've had smooth lighting implemented in the engine since last year, and while it looks amazing, it means I not only have to make rooms look good I also have to give them sensible lighting... but when it works it works extremely well! Here are some room samples I've collected as I'm going... Lights actually flicker, glow and change color too!

This shit is cyberpunk as f*ck, and I haven't even added graffiti and other wall decorations yet

7DRLs / Re: Cyan Security [7drl 2017]
« on: March 07, 2017, 02:56:51 PM »
Day 3

After working until 2:30 last night, I had to get up at 8 this morning to babysit some tradesmen while they replaced carpet in one of our rooms... Didn't know they were coming today until they rocked up! Well I'm extra tired today now, but I've been alright with progress. All story stuff and hand-crafted mini-sections are all totally squared away - you can go from start to end and win (though bosses are currently unresponsive). You can also die, and everything hangs together nicely. I have the 2x2 mobiles working well except its sometimes obvious that they tend to lead with their top left tile, and also target the top-left tile in their opponents. I'll have to look into that... I've also fixed all my items and shooting code to work from the 2x2 unit, and also made the items into permanent upgrades instead of consumables. I figure the consumable is now your health so lets try to keep tactical focus on that.

Additionally, I've added an pseudo-XP bar which fills as you kill. Once it reaches top you can transform into the 2x2 model, during which time it will drain back down to zero and then drop you back to 1x1. Switching over bodies was a pain because this old codebase doesn't have that ability. So I had to hack in some nasty code so that the internal server tells the client to forget all its assets before switching. This means the entire map is wiped on the client side and rebuilt from scratch. It seems to work instantly but, its causing plenty of issues as some bits and pieces of the old map linger in various hidden references due to all this janky 7drl code.

Here are a couple of screenshots of the story sections...

In a spot of bother with some big lads in the subway:

Accidentally foiling the neighbors:

7DRLs / Re: Cyan Security [7drl 2017]
« on: March 06, 2017, 01:29:19 PM »

FOV for multi tile units took a little longer than expected, and I never even got started on enemy AI being ok with large. I did get the tiles working properly, and even a 3x3 unit for the final boss which when controlled directly all works just fine! Mostly I got a lot of story stuff and cut scenes done today instead - a number of hand crafted mini areas and events that trigger to progress what little story there is. Hoping tomorrow I can finish off enough to be comfortable starting random level generation the day after - a task that always seems to take me the longest...

7DRLs / Re: Cyan Security [7drl 2017]
« on: March 05, 2017, 02:00:50 PM »

Got some UI work done - a nice segmented health/power bar on the left, and some work for the mapping upgrade (you can see walls in undiscovered areas.

Also, those 4 guys in the middle are actually the same guy! I need to get 32x32 tiles working for him, but he can move around and bump walls and enemies properly as a 2x2 unit. Even open and close doors, and pick stuff up from any of the 4 tiles! Tomorrow will be harder though because I need to make the AI handle this, both attacking me as 2x2 and also being sensible controlling 2x2 units. Also need to do FOV, currently its only from the top left tile.

Happy with the progress so far though :)

7DRLs / Cyan Security - A Cyberpunk Adventure [7drl 2017 - Success]
« on: March 05, 2017, 01:56:50 PM »
This game was a success!
Download HERE!
Requires Java 8 and OpenGL2+

Hello! My name is Numeron, and this is my 10th entry in the 7 day roguelike challenge! This year, my game is (tentatively) called Cyan Security.

This will be a standardish hask-n-slash type game set in the same universe as my previous game Rogue City Scavenger. This time however, instead of a CDC agent you take the role of a Cyan Security robot. This robot's health pool is its power supply, and its from this health pool you must draw power to use special abilities. This means a careful balance on spending for powerful abilities since they might kill you just as fast as they kill your enemies! In addition to this, I'm implementing multi-tile enemies and a multi-tile chassis for the player! So you can increase your size to 2x2 and also fight enemies that size too.

Stay tuned!

7DRLs / Re: CULT - Success!
« on: March 25, 2016, 01:19:59 AM »
Thanks Jere!

When attempting to move while affected by a net, there is some code which checks whether an interactable is in the next tile. If there is, it allows the move which will flow on to interact instead of actually move - otherwise the move is prevented. When dying, the same code moves creatures to a null tile which causes the above check to throw a null pointer.

I've added a new post-challenge download to the downloads page which fixes this issue. Everything else seems pretty stable so that's the only post-challenge change so far!

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