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Messages - joe

Pages: [1]
Temple of the Roguelike / Re: Send your banners!
« on: May 27, 2010, 01:17:11 AM »
Here's my banner, not very artistic but it serves the purpose.

(Removed because of Auth request)

It's for

I've already got the Roguetemple button up.

Other Announcements / Re: Project: Roguelike Renaissance
« on: May 24, 2010, 01:00:44 AM »
"Regex" is short for "regular expression," which is a way to match text with a search string. For example, "[red|gold|yellow] dragon" would match "red dragon," "gold dragon" and "yellow dragon." Similarly, ".* dragon" will match any word followed by "dragon" and so will match all of the above as well as "black dragon" or whatever. There's plenty of documentation online.

Grep is a a command-line utility that prints all lines in a file or files that match a given regex.

If you end up doing a lot of coding, you'll find that using one of the major keyboard-based editors like vim or emacs and having a terminal window open is a lot more efficient and less painful than using most of the IDEs and "notepad replacements" that are out there. Being able to use revision control systems is also an absolute must - eventually, you will make a change that you want to revert.

Something a bit simpler than libtcod is good news for beginning C++ programmers. I'm going to post a link to this library in Monday's Roguelike News Grab.

I was busy for a couple of weeks but I've started doing news grabs again in an abbreviated format, just a simple "link list". Hopefully I'll be able to keep up from now on.

The Roguelike News Grab has been up for 9 days now and has received almost 300 hits. The form of the News Grab is still very much in an experimental stage, and I have decided to start making fewer, longer posts (about two or three per week,) which I think better suits its nature as a news digest. I plan to work out a more regular posting schedule soon and would appreciate feedback on how readers feel about post frequency, length, and style.

Thanks for all your encouragement. I've just made my first "news grab" digest post, but am still working out the format and what to include. As per your suggestion, Darren, I've made posts to the newsgroups. Also, Elderlore is definitely a great news source.

I have just begun The Roguelike News Grab, in an attempt to make discovering the most newsworthy roguelike information easier and less time-consuming. A few times a week, I will make concise posts summarising and linking to the most important articles, discussions, and game releases. Subscribe to the RSS feed to stay updated.

Please feel free to send links or comments to me, Joe, at

If you play roguelikes on a laptop, just use hjklyubn. It seems strange at first but after about an hour it becomes second nature.

Off-topic (Locked) / Re: Realtime Roguelike
« on: November 27, 2009, 03:03:47 PM »
My ideas for a mutliplayer roguelike would in reality more or less be a roguelike like any other, with afew additional features and the social aspect of it. (Like merging a forum with the actual game)

A while ago I thought it would be an interesting experiment to take Rogue or some other roguelike and add some social features like these. Nethack and other roguelikes already have some inter-player interaction in the form of bones files, but there's a lot more interaction that could occur without fundamentally changing the typical turn-based roguelike gameplay style. For example, there could be a shop or auction house on certain levels where players can leave items to be bought or bid on by other players.

Off-topic (Locked) / Re: Realtime Roguelike
« on: November 18, 2009, 05:36:31 AM »
I don't know to what extent my real-time game will end up being a roguelike, but my solution is to divide the dungeon into screen-sized rooms. There can be only one monster in each room and the player automatically targets it. The player can choose to fire different kinds of projectiles at it or enter "fight mode", in which he and the monster, once adjacent to each other, will engage in hand-to-hand combat until one is either dead or moves away. So, when a player enters a room with a monster in it, the monster will run towards him and the player might press "fire magic arrow" a few times, then press "f" when the monster is near him to fight the weakened enemy hand-to-hand.

The tactical challenge in this game comes from the fact that ammunition and healing potions are relatively rare and not often found in the dungeon. Instead, the player has to undergo perilous travels to reach safe havens where he can restock. If a player is low on regular arrows, he has to decide whether to engage in hand-to-hand combat and use up healing elixers instead, or whether to use his magic arrows and risk not having any when he encounters a creature that is not harmed by the regular kind (there are in fact three kinds of projectiles - iron arrows, magic arrows, and phials of tana powder, all of which do different amounts of damage to different monsters.) Projectiles are also more accurate the closer the monster is to the player, so the player has the choice of shooting at the creature when it is far away, and potentially wasting arrows, or of only shooting at it when it gets close - then, he runs the risk of it getting too close and having to go into hand-to-hand combat. When he's running low on resources, he also has to decide whether to return to a known haven to restock, and then have to fight his way back (random monsters spawn at a rate dependent on the amount of treasure the player is carrying,) or to press on in the hopes of finding a haven or a chest of arrows soon.

I've considered two systems of targeting if I end up allowing more than one monster per room. If there are only ever two or three in a room, then the player could easily just press a "switch target" key. If there are more monsters than that, or if I ditch the room-per-screen system and have a scrolling map, I'll have to use the mouse. ncurses allows for using the mouse, but I don't think you can do that over SSH or telnet, which would be a bit of a disadvantage.

If anyone knows the old Apple II game "SuperQuest," you'll see how my game was influenced by it.

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