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Messages - LisacPisac

Pages: [1]
I really thought I've already written some instructions already, but cannot find it now =|. Using the library with Lua should be really simple: en:bearlibterminal:using:lua. Essentialy, you just have to place the binary near the main script and load the module with 'require'.

Only I somehow missed Lua 5.3 which has a slightly different binary interface and therefore not compatible with the current BearLibTerminal binaries. I'll fix that shortly.

If you've added that "using lua" section, maybe you should link it somewhere from the API reference, because it seems to me that, even if the articles exists somewhere, they are unreachable apat from guessing links. Parts of the documentation have been lying dormant for a while now.

make a while loop that takes input from the keyboard. Ala
Code: [Select]
while (key != terminal.TK_Q)
    key =
    if key == terminal.TK_KP_4
        // Something, etc

The __ members are useful meta variables that have their place in the python langauge and are supposed to be used, as they add new options to developers.


I'm trying to add BearLibTerminal to PyCharm in Linux, but I'm not meeting much success. I'm not even sure how to get the system to use the shared object (if python even uses it?). I get this error:
    "RuntimeError: BearLibTerminal library cannot be loaded."

Do you have any advice on what I should do?

PS: Honestly, it'd be great if you could create a pip package that we could easily install.

Right, but what if I am using a standard array to store data about the map? The array uses a [row][column] format, where as the terminal itself uses a [column][row] format. And so, if I am to translate data from the array into the terminal in the right order, using two for loops using counters 'i' and 'j', I address my array as array[j]. Which is counter intuitive.

Okay, granted, perhaps I am doing something TERRIBLY WRONG and don't realise :P

I have a small, but I believe important request. When setting the window size, IE. to 120x60, could you make it so that it doesn't create a [60][120] arrangement, but a [120][60] one, since it's more natural because of arrays. That is to say, you don't address column, then row, but rather row and then column as is the case with arrays.


How well suited would BearLibTerminal be for developing a MUD?

EDIT: For example, the implementation of a scrollback buffer?

Dead simple. Thanks! Also, on the topic of documentation, reading through the replies of this thread, I notice that certain tricks and interesting things aren't mentioned in the API reference. Things like the various tags that can be used in print functions and such. It'd be great if you could expand the documentation in that direction.

Here's a paste of my code.

Hey! Your library looks great, and I'm trying to make a roguelike with it. However, as usual, I get stuck at the beginning. Namely, it seems that terminal_set() does absolutely nothing in my game. It doesn't change the window size, font, or anything. I am using Windows 8.1 64-bit Pro, with MinGW 4.8.

I compile it with
g++ map.cpp -L. -lBearLibTerminal -o map.exe -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++

Could you please help me out?

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