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Messages - Goran the Balkanian

Pages: [1]
Classic Roguelikes / Re: Rogue - let's beat it
« on: December 21, 2014, 07:27:18 PM »
I am playing Rogue version 5.4 I think, and from some other differences where I have played other Rogues like Version 1 and 3 it is pretty hard.
Right now my best score is level 24, killed by a Dragon, pretty proud of it (level 24, not a Dragon :)

So common guys, nobody is playing here Rogue anymore? Or nobody wants to talk about it?

Classic Roguelikes / Rogue - let's beat it
« on: November 28, 2014, 09:56:27 AM »
Ok guys, does anyone play this game still in 2014? It is so hard to find some help and players who actually beat the game, even more players who actually play this game actively. I know, it is the holy grail of roguelikes. But can it be beaten? I believe it could be.
This is my post on reddit (which has pretty large roguelike community) about my tactics, I didnt finished it, but when I finish it I will paste it here.
My name is Thund7 on Reddit. I hope this tips will help someone.

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