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Messages - damakun

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If you manage to make a *roguelike* with Inform, sure why not. If it is IF with a roguelike flair you might appeal more to the side of me that likes IF.

I have no idea how flexible inform is but if it can do a RL, why should i mind? I've heard some folks even look at RLs programmed in freebasic ;)

Distinction duly noted, lol ! Out of curiosity, where would you draw the line ? Would the IF side of you be switched off if and only if you saw the @ ? Would flowery room descriptions ruin the rogue mood too much for you ?

I ask this question because I am planning one, and I stumbled across a thread at bay12 games that mentioned Inform 7. I already have that installed and working, but that happens to be an interactive fiction tool (think Zork). I think the rogue concept may be a hard sell to IF fans unless I dripped it in prose (not hard, I like to write). But if I do that, will traditional rogue fans be turned off ? Would you try out or play a roguelike no matter how it was put together ?

Okay, first rule of roguelike development:
It's "Rogue," not "Rouge."

(Someone had to say it.)

lol, I will definitely have to put in some Moulin Rouge references in my roguelike...

hmm - great responses, guys. I figured that a solo Rouge would take up to as much time as a solo RPG, but with much more replayability (which is the attractive feature for me; nothing like slaving away at something that people finish in a few hours and get bored with....) I have a better idea of how to proceed. I forgot about Python and will take a closer look.

One other quick question : is planning in rougelikes sophisticated enough to say how long the game will take ? Say, is there a way to plan on one hour vs. 10 vs. 40 ?

Programming / The Role of Planning and Design in Rougelike Development
« on: April 13, 2009, 07:12:41 AM »
Hello ! I am new to rouge dev, but not new to programming. I have lurked here and at rougebasin, and I have not seen much discussion about "modern" development practices. Granted, I don't want to shower people with corporate buzzwords, but I wonder what role does OOP and RAD play in Rogue-dev, if any ?

Indeed, I see a great deal of trial by error. How much planning goes into a Rouge, in general ? Are data structures, key interactions, etc. thought out in advance ?

Also, how long does it take to complete a rougelike to the point where it is playable ? How much time does it take to maintain out in the wild ?

On an unrelated note : thinking of using java or a game builder like Torque (the 2d version) - any ideas about that ?

Please let me know if you need me to clarify or give additional information. Thanks !

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