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Messages - 7h30n

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Hello everyone. It's been far too long since I've been around here and since my work on ITD++ began.
I've been really busy with Computer Sciency stuff at college and I even landed a couple of part time jobs.
This all boring stuff reinvigorated my motivation for finishing ITD++ and as you all know finishing a game is really the hardest part.

So without further ado, I present you new version of Into the Dungeon++:

My site:

Download page:

Code: [Select]
Version Beta 0.9, 22.09.2013.
# Disabled features:
- At the moment highscore tracking, saving and loading the game is disabled
- Using mouse in game is also disabled
- Chain lightning may now chain on player
- Changed behaviour and skills of boss
- Boss monster may now select any of his skills and perform them in one turn
- Boss's AOE skills are reduced to single missile that deals damage in 2x2 area
- Smoother fog of war and line of sight effect
- New player animations
- Teleport animation
- Damage indicators now properly disappear in arrival order after 2 seconds
- The game is now licensed under GNU GPL
- Refactored the game engine design to be entity-system based (instead of OO)

Unfortunately the changes aren't that significant, they might even feel like a step back. Should have this been ITD++ 0.7? Perhaps, perhaps not. The reason for that is, I've done most of my work on re factoring the code. Most of the game data can now be accessed through .XML files so the game is easier to mod and add new content... And there will be more content! Psiweapon is enthusiastically drawing new animations into the late hours and I'm designing a skill system. That's right, this game will have a sort of a skill tree in order to provide more tactical and strategical options to the player!
Expect more updates in shorter time periods!
Oh and the game is now open source. I haven't hosted the code yet, so if anyone is interested send me an e-mail.
When I clean up the old code and system I'll put it on github or something.

Programming / Re: How to distribute executables with shared libraries?
« on: September 17, 2012, 06:39:29 PM »
Yes thank you. That does work.
I presume in reverse situation, 64bit binary will need to be recompiled for 32bit distros.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: 2012 ARRP Roguelikes List
« on: September 17, 2012, 03:54:34 PM »
Have a cookie for making the list!

If anyone tries Into the Dungeon++ please do send me feedback (either here or over official website)!

Programming / Re: How to distribute executables with shared libraries?
« on: September 17, 2012, 03:24:24 PM »
Thanks a lot for everyone's input! I guess I'll just list the dependencies for the binary and let the user find and install them. Overall ratio is in favor of Windows binary downloads, so yeah...

Another newbie thing I'm concerned with is 32vs64bit. I have downloaded Brogue and it's binary is ELF 32bit while I'm compiling and using 64bit library. Obviously I can't run Brogue because it says my libSDL is in wrong ELF class...

Programming / How to distribute executables with shared libraries?
« on: September 16, 2012, 10:55:04 AM »
It's about time I ask this newbie question.

As some of you may know, I'm making a roguelike with SDL library and I am compiling it both on Linux and Windows.
What I have trouble with is providing the people with binary version for Linux that works by executing the binary and doesn't require from the user to find and install needed library dependencies.

On Windows I just put in SDL.dll files along with the binary and everything works by double clicking on the exe.
How can I get pretty much the same result on Linux?

Thanks for your help!

P.S. I've been looking on google but I can't find a straightforward answer... Should I put .so files with the binary and create a script for user that sets his LD_LIBRARY_PATH to target where provided .so files are or what?!

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: RailRL ALPHA (ARRP)
« on: September 15, 2012, 08:56:22 PM »
I think you should change the way you perform interaction, because "alt/cmd + direction" interferes with my browser's shortcuts.

Would adding of ctrl/shift to the list of interaction modifiers improve your experience? The main goal regarding UX is to keep stuff as simple as possible (by reducing the amount of memorized keystrokes to a minimum, for instance)...

Yeah, I think shift would work

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: RailRL ALPHA (ARRP)
« on: September 15, 2012, 07:41:42 PM »
Hmm, looks interesting. Love the train representation :D

I think you should change the way you perform interaction, because "alt/cmd + direction" interferes with my browser's shortcuts.

Other Announcements / Re: ARRP HYPE THREAD!!!
« on: September 15, 2012, 06:50:56 PM »
Is there, or will there be like a compilation thread of ARRP releases?

Thanks, now I better start downloading new releases :D Soo many roguelikes to play

Hello everyone!
It's been a long time since I've updated my very first game. I believe the ARRP last year saw the introduction of my game and now you can enjoy its almost finished state.

How this game came into existence and what can I say about it:

Into The Dungeon++ started off as a roguelike in C. I had some free time during college so I started to code a game (Into The Dungeon) in roguelike genre that I like really much. If you haven’t heard about roguelikes I suggest to check the definition out on RogueBasin and Wikipedia. As the game grew bigger and code messier I decided to rewrite the game in C++ and I would add graphics instead of using ASCII symbols. Thus I appended “++” to the title name and Into The Dungeon++ was born.

Main Features:
*Randomized Dungeons, Enemies and Loot
*Boss Fights
*Animated sprites
*Original soundtrack
*Moral unobvious choices storyline (to be implemented)
*Turn Based Combat
*Permanent Death
*Lighter than most roguelikes but still carries a great challenge to finish

General overview:

When wierd and foul things begin sprouting out of a dungeon, nearby townsfolk begins to worry a lot and sends an investigation team. Unfortunately they never return and people are getting scared even more. You, a mighty adventurer decide to help clear the matter. As you move closer to the Dungeon you can feel an evil force trying to corrupt you and lure you to loot (represented by a candle and being able to see loot through Fog of War). Will you be able to balance out the search for better equipment, corruption level and the dangers within?

A lot has changed since last year's ARRP so I'll just list the changes between the previous (v.07) and current realease:

Code: [Select]
#Bugfixes & Tweaks
- Items no longer spawn on ladder tiles
- Under the hood changes for better performance (saving, menus...)
- Boss will no longer spawn monsters inside other monsters if there is no room

- Criticals ignore armor instead of increasing damage
- Backstabs are 100% criticals instead of increasing damage
- Traps can now be disarmed (25% for success)
- Traps can now be picked up and deployed (one time use only)
- Unsuccessful disarm destroys the trap
- Monsters no longer respawn on levels

The game can be downloaded here:

What remains to be done is the story with multiple endings and treasure chests. After that I will consider the game finished and move onto wasting my free time on some new project. Ofcourse, I will probably come to revisit the game with bugfixes and gameplay changes as requested from the community.

Have fun, and don't forget to provide feedback!

Other Announcements / Re: ARRP HYPE THREAD!!!
« on: September 12, 2012, 09:21:48 AM »
I've been improving the engine stuff mostly. Expect bugfixes, better performance and balancing. Lately I've gotten lazy and haven't done as much as I used to. I hope I'll manage to implement full mouse support by the ARRP.

Hello everyone! It was a while since the last time I showed up here but I'm alive and still trying to get the game to a state I'd consider finished.

Without further ado I present you the new version of Into the Dungeon++! This time I even have a website where I will post updates so feel free to comment on things.

Name: Into The Dungeon++
Synopsis:  Fantasy, graphical roguelike with original sound and music
Version number:  0.7 Beta
Release Date:  Feb 24, 2012

Linky link


This is my 1st game project that I do in my free time. Written in C++ and uses SDL API, Into the Dungeon++ is my take at a coffeebreak roguelike intended to introduce people to roguelike genre with atmospheric pixel art, music and sound. Pixel art is done by Psiweapon and music & sounds by Foox.
Dungeons and items are procedurally generated while monsters and spells have fixed looks and stats. Every 5th level a player encounters a Boss with specialized AI and Spells. Instead of food there is a corruption mechanic represented by the candle. It allows the player to see the loot through the fog of war but prevents staying too long on a level. It will feature a choice driven storyline and multiple endings.


#Bugfixes & Tweaks
- Items no longer spawn on statues (being unable to pick up)
- Dead Enemies are rendered below everything (so not to obstruct items)
- No longer able to use scroll of ID on identified item
- Character Sheet is now properly rendered (minor graphical glitch)
- Other minor bugfixes

- New Menu! Still Work in Progress but looks heck of a lot better
   than the old one. Courtesy of Psiweapon.
- Exe and Tray bar Icons added!
- Added the basic particle effects (e.g. on torches)
- Tweaked certain text pop-ups (like Level Up, damage display)
- Added the death animation and corpse for the boss

- Mouse support in menu! Left click selects, Right goes back
- Tutorial tips added to the game (they turn off after some play time)

- Traps added!
- Dead Skeletons now may give free tips if you press Enter on them
- Items and Monsters now have special properties (e.g. LifeStealing)
- Item generation tweaks (e.g. greater chance of being unidentified)

This time don't restrict your criticism on the game only but feel free to criticise the website also!
Oh and if you want to support Psiweapon, Foox and me there is a donate button. (although I think it doesn't work because my account isn't verified yet... and probably because I'm in Croatia)

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: Roguelike of the Year!
« on: December 15, 2011, 08:40:33 AM »
Some roguelike developers take donations. It's commercial so let's burn them!

*gives krice a pile of wood and a lighter and smiles broadly*

Is that really that bad?! I was thinking about puttin' a paypal donation link on my site for ITD++ ...

P.S. If the above was sarcasm... well it is hard to detect it on internet.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: Roguelike of the Year!
« on: December 15, 2011, 08:07:29 AM »
Woohoo, my roguelike is on the list :D
BTW Into the Dungeon was also made this year, although it is not finished yet. Expect an update over the holydays!

Programming / Re: Language for new Roguelike
« on: October 16, 2011, 09:33:12 AM »
I would recommend C++ and SDL api. You can check out my roguelike done that way, it has tiles, animations, sounds and even original music! (Link in my signature).

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