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Messages - Rembo

Pages: [1]
Programming / Re: Need some total newbie help...
« on: April 26, 2011, 02:47:56 PM »
Thanks for all the great suggestions guys!

First off, I'm goin to ask (formally  :P) if it's okay to ask for miscelaneous help and info on this thread, so as not to clutter this fine board with my jammering.

If the answer to the above is negative, disregard the following jammering :P

EDIT 22:00 2/5

After a lot more tinkering and stuff I've run into another problem. I've been trying to implement a map that's a vector of vectors of chars, in preparation for making my own class/type for mapTiles. I've also been trying to keep every variable and function pertaining to certain areas of the game, like map display, input etc, in separate header files with their own cpp files. The problem I'm running into now is this:
I've declared a vec of vec of chars in Map.h, but unless I make this a 'static', no code in other files seems to be able to access it. Even then it seems to be read only, though i think this is caused by a scope/reference problem... Any ideas,. or do i need to be more specific?

Programming / Re: Need some total newbie help...
« on: April 25, 2011, 07:58:48 PM »
Another question: any pointers when it comes to randomization? As in: any libraries or functions, or random number generators you could recommend? Or would you rather recommend I stick to the rand() function?

Programming / Re: Need some total newbie help...
« on: April 20, 2011, 08:36:54 AM »
Wow, speedy replies  ;D It's morning over here now, so I've got to get to work, butI'm testing this stuff out first thing tonight  :P  Thanks a lot already!


By Jove, it worked! Thanks a lot! First step taken and all that  :)

Going to look into libtcod, as it seems to be one of the better RL libraries I've come across. Especially the 24bit colour, and AA functions seem quite useful, looking at output alone.

The point of getting curses to work, and working with curses is actually to familiarize myself more with C++, the design process and the code hoops one has to jump through when programming. I thought roguelikes might be an realistic though hard example of a complex unit of code, which I'm craving after so many usefull but ultimately pointless excercises...

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn-based) / Cataclysm on windows
« on: April 19, 2011, 10:25:14 PM »
Cataclysm looks to me like a promising new RL, even more so due to its open source and c++ nature... Problem is I can't seem to get the source to compile or any help for it anywhere, so I was wondering if anyone here has had any luck?

Programming / Need some total newbie help...
« on: April 19, 2011, 10:13:25 PM »
I've recently taken up programming again, both in the little spare time I have and as a course I'm following. Trying to make my self-teaching interesting I'm trying to make a tiny little roguelike to expand my abilities in a 'fun' way  :P I'm running into some very basic problems though, and searching the net doesn't seem to get me anywhere...

Here goes noob-deadlock 1: I'm trying to compile the simple roguelike found here on C++ using VC++ 2010. I've already added the int that appears to be missing (or not... I don't know), placed curses.h, panel.h and pdcurses.lib in a directory that I\v added to the project properties include dirs, and added pdcurses.lib to external dependencies.

It gives me the error: LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'curses.lib'

I'm really at a loss at this point, since this is, contraryb to my earlier statement, far from noob-deadlock #1 for me, including errors about unresolved externals pointing me to functions defined in curses...So basically, I think a little help on this one might... well... help

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