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Messages - BtS

Pages: [1] 2
Design / Re: Damage reduction algorithm - looking for advice
« on: October 09, 2014, 06:10:28 PM »
Thanks! I can see the problem there now.

Design / Re: Damage reduction algorithm - looking for advice
« on: October 08, 2014, 12:14:16 PM »
I beg you - do NOT do damage reduction like in Crawl. It's the worst idea.

Could you elaborate why it's such a bad idea? I thought it was a really good way of solving it. What are the main drawbacks with this method?

Design / Re: Damage reduction algorithm - looking for advice
« on: October 06, 2014, 09:58:47 PM »
Actually, the basic idea of Crawl is really simple (if we disregardguaranteed damage reduction and special cases): on a hit reduce damage by a random number between 0 and AC.

I would really like to get The Ground Gives Way (for Windows) reviewed (currently at Release #2, Release #3 coming shortly)!

It is a coffebreak roguelike with lots of items and highly varying play. Every game looks very different, is very quick to play and has a modern interface. No grinding or character levels,  progress is made through equipment and training.

Screenshots, information, downloads, game manual and FAQ is available at:

Gameplay vids:
Another vid:

Other Announcements / Re: A new roguelike - The Ground Gives Way
« on: June 22, 2014, 03:24:08 PM »
What sort of general roadmap to you have in mind from here aside from fixing up anything that slipped through the cracks and/or tweaking this or that?

Well, mostly that, to make the game play experience as good as possible. But I might very well add new features and content in the future, so basically I'm interested in what players would like to see in the game.

Other Announcements / Re: A new roguelike - The Ground Gives Way
« on: June 22, 2014, 08:01:46 AM »
So yes, just in case someone has missed it: The game is out now and can be downloaded at I'd appreciate any comments or feedback so I can make updates to the game as soon as possible. Thanks!

Other Announcements / Re: A new roguelike - The Ground Gives Way
« on: June 14, 2014, 06:00:24 PM »
I have now set a release date for the game, on 20th of June. That is, in less then one week!  :)

I will tell you one thing. The urge for rewriting won't stop no matter how experienced you are... If you're completely new, maybe it's a good way to start over, but later you have to resist the urge when it grows as fast as the game.

As for a solution to the problem: I usually think that I will finish this and make a new game (with better code) later.

Design / Re: Shops
« on: April 19, 2014, 05:58:43 PM »
I think I'm in the majority when I say that much of what makes a roguelike fun is improvisation. Say you make a sword specialist, and all you end up finding are magic axes. Those sorts of conundrums are a pleasure to deal with.

I really agree with this, and in addition I really enjoy it when store inventories are unpredictable so it feels exciting to go to them. The possibility of finding something really great and unusual for a really expensive price is something that keeps it interesting, and in the same way not finding what you are looking for is interesting as it forces you to play differently.

Other Announcements / Re: A new roguelike - The Ground Gives Way
« on: April 16, 2014, 09:05:16 PM »
Well, it's not really binary. Sometimes it just that the odds are stacked against you. It is possible (but not likely), for instance, to descend the first five levels (or more) without even finding a weapon. Or find a very unusual and out of depth monster without any means of escape. That kind of thing. No way to tell in advance...

I have posted a new blog post:, where I met a nearly inescapable situation.


Other Announcements / Re: A new roguelike - The Ground Gives Way
« on: April 16, 2014, 05:37:33 PM »
Yes I agree with everything you say. If the game is consistent and fair and more or less guarantees that it is possible to win every time (as a long game should), then this would be an impossible design goal and would probably in the end lead to a game which is too easy.

In my case I have solved it like this: there are absolutely no guarantees that a given game is possible to win. Again, I justify this by the short length of the game. Think of it a bit like solitaire (where some games are impossible to win right from the start due to the order of cards). However, since you don't invest hours or days in a single game (in the case for TGGW, the typical playtime is 5-45 minutes), I think this is a reasonable trade-off for making a game interesting.


Other Announcements / Re: A new roguelike - The Ground Gives Way
« on: April 16, 2014, 09:17:25 AM »
In the case of The Ground Gives Way, my own biased opinion is that it is definitely not too easy and I am not sure there is an optimal play strategy that will work for all possible games. However, as awake says, the game is definitely very luck based. I think that is fine considering the short length.

Other Announcements / Re: A new roguelike - The Ground Gives Way
« on: April 08, 2014, 10:12:52 PM »
Looks pretty cool. Fullscreen?!

Thank you! It runs in a normal console window so it depends on your Windows version I guess (in Windows 8 it doesn't seem to work).

Other Announcements / Re: A new roguelike - The Ground Gives Way
« on: April 08, 2014, 02:57:02 PM »
The game is now approaching release, I have set up a form so you can be notified when it is available:

Design / Re: Item pricing?
« on: March 10, 2014, 09:26:51 PM »
The classical 5000gp bread. It could be interesting to make weapons so rare that they actually would cost more than a bread, but it can be difficult if enemies carry weapons and you can just grab them.

Well, most weapons are still more expensive (and some much more rare) than bread :). Also, I don't have enemies dropping their weapons for this reason (among others).

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