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Messages - magikmw

Pages: [1]
Programming / Re: Music & Sound For Your Rougelike!
« on: August 21, 2013, 11:43:24 AM »
But, my conditions for free are: a strong GDD, a history of shipping work, rev-share if more than say... 4 tunes.

It's fair to require some stability, though I doubt you'll find it here :)
Most of the games here are fully hobby open-source projects, and hardly anyone bothers with 'strong GDDs'. Not to mention the revenue is usualy $0. Unless someone is lucky enough to get awesome fans that are willing to donate.

As far as pricing goes. For fully produced and polished tunes I'd charge $50 per minute of music for exclusive rights, with up to 3 revisions. I can usually finish a 3 minute tune in about a day or two depending on the complexity required. All of the tracks in my portfolio, except the dubstep ones, were made in two days or less.

Good to know what's the base we've got here. See above :]

Incubator / Re: Intro to the Incubator
« on: August 20, 2013, 02:47:11 PM »
Sorry for digging up such an old topic, but I honestly think this should be sticked up on the top of the subforum as an introduction to it. I had to scrounge a bit through the threads to finally dig up what's this all about. As I understand the Roguelike Bundle is dead-ish, but I think the incubator idea still works?

Programming / Re: Music & Sound For Your Rougelike!
« on: August 20, 2013, 02:40:51 PM »
Do you consider working on free projects? What's your idea of licensing music and sound effects if the game were free and open source?
What would you consider a starting point in pricing for your work? Would you collaborate for free if the game wasn't supposed to bring any income to the dev?
It's cool that you're here. I don't think there is any excuse to not have proper music and sound effects in the game these days, unless of course money is the barrier. [And that does not mean I think you should work for free, just some of us make games as a hobby and don't really consider puting money into it. Or out for that matter].

Also, please consider using something less white for your site background, the text is bit difficult to read.

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