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Messages - Danakh

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The more I code, the longer my TODO list is!

Do you like swamps? Now you want like thme a little more, with the brand new 1Quest content patch!

  • New Features
    • New Race! Meet the Lizard folks, strong with hard skin but poor armor skills, and natural Water affinity
    • New spell: Disease! Beware as the spell spread to additional targets to not be affected
    • New spell: Water Dance! A magic-enhanced fighting skill.
    • New spell: Clairvoyance! A simple spell to see chests, stairs, altars ...
    • New spell: Quicksand! Slow and hurt your enemies at the same time
    • New monster: Moskito! merely annoying, until it feeds too much on your blood
    • New monster: Swamp drake! Its poison breath can be deadly if you cannot kill him fast
  • Adjustments
    • Swamp improvements: a lot of wandering smoke clouds should prevents you from being visible from too many enemies at once
    • The last race / class you played is now selected by default
    • The defeat screen now propose a fast restart for those who seeks only perfection (and saving all the children)
    • You can now still see loots, traps, chests and other permanents features while out of sight.
    • The last boss now knows a deadly spell which should make the fight harder
    • Charm (Enchanter) is no longer usable while you already have someone under Charm
  • Bug fixes
    • The loot is now chosen based on the skills when the merchant escape rather than at the start of the level.
    • SDK modifications (see for details)
    • stuffPackages are now packages
    • added buildLibrary function
    • added sortArray function
    • added indexOf function
    • CctlEffectLaunchEffect and CctlEffectLaunchAction now can create new attributes in the additional parameters
    • CctlEffectLaunchAreaEffect now accept direction for the cone, instead of guessing it

Programming / Re: Wall top sprites on 3/4 perspective
« on: January 26, 2015, 07:23:15 AM »
In the first version of 1Quest, I had a somewhat more complex system, with wall casting shadows on other tiles. I don't have any screenshot accessible here, but you can watch the video (at 15 seconds)

My way of dealing with it was looking at the 4 tiles around:
Code: [Select]
3 2 1
4 X 0
5 6 7
So I looked upon 0 2 4 and 6 (I use trigonometric order) and compute a simple string composed of 0 for non-wall and 1 for wall in that order

So for example
Code: [Select]
would be 1100 (wall in 0 and 2, no wall in 4 and 6). And then I directly named my assets with this string in the names (cavewall_0011.png for this wall in caves) so I just have to create the asset name dynamically. You can check that it makes 16 different tiles and I needed the 16 for what I wanted.

I had to add special additional name for upper left and right corner, because if tile 1 or 3 and non wall, but 0 and 2 (2 and 4 resp.) are walls, you must add additional small corner to make things nice. So cavewall_0011 may add another graphic cavewall_UR.png for adding the upper right corner.

In top of that, I add a last "_0", "_1" etc... at the end for the different version of the same tile (to avoid repetition)

Vacations definitely helps to finish things :)

Now time to work on some new content!

I am pleased to announce that the 1Quest Modding Document is finished! You'll find it at

Be sure to start by the first examples in the "Getting Started Section". It will give you a valuable first experience in editing the xml files of 1Quest.

Modding can make you add/remove/modify spells, monsters, items, interface, levels, even combat rules, magic system or experience system ... about everything. You can even build a entirely new roguelike!

The documentation will continue to evolve as I clarify some part. Feel free to report anything you do not understand so I can focus my effort on those pages, or add new ones.

No difference, beyond offline version and modding

My biggest map got 500 ground tiles (not including walls) with about 50 monsters, and it is playable on Nexus 7 (first generation, 2012), but not lightning fast. I have no complains about performances on PC, even if in combat with several monsters you feel the drop in fps.

Behaviors are in XML so you can make them as complex as you want :). I got those performances with fairly basic ones. Some monsters heals their friends, some flee from close combat, but most monsters try to find a way to kill the hero.

Depending on the steam answer, I may port the game to full C++ (now that you can compile for android with visual studio new community edition, free of charge). If I do so, it should be a large boost in performance over actionscript

The modding possibility can go really far. I think you can reproduce 80% of DCSS out of the box if you want to (except it won't have the same performances). And the engine can be extended (by me) to raise up to 95+% if I add the right layout generator and some more possibility for targeting. Things like Abyss are to complex for now.

The engine is cut in two. You've got an executable and a lot of xml files (xml files weight more than the engine's code). Modding is on XML files only, so there is no code to do.
You are not bound to use hit points, experience or skills, the engine works at a lower level. Creating monsters, removing monsters, applying action (which can be the use of an item, casting a spell, use a special ability) or effects, modifying values.

For example, in 1Quest, the xml add a value "hitPoints", an event that check when hitPoints are modified, and request the removing of the actor if the hitPoints are negative. And their is a power (divine intervention, a priest ability) that override this behavior so the first time you "die", you are healed instead.
The engine only care about modifying values and removing the actor if requested.
The xml add an event so that when the hero die, the game over screen appears

The aim is to be able to create a totally new roguelike if wanted too. I planned to make my next game (a turn based zelda-like, not a roguelike) on the same engine, with npc, quest and rock to push with the gantlet of strength to access the mountain zone.

And 1Quest is now released on Steam!

It is now in the 1.03.000 version (most modification since last version are around modding), and I now support modding officially! Which means you have no doc (in progress ) but you can ask questions!

1Quest has been grenelit !

It is sooooo great :)

Some spells, like healing spell, decrease the maximum energy. It's called exhaustion.
You get 2 points back each day (1 in the tower of chaos)
Permanent buff also decrease the maximum energy as long as the buff is active

Magic stats increase hit and damage, so it won't affect summons.

For Kongregate you should use the "cinematic mode" (top left of the game)
For the Nexus 7, give a try to the Nexus 10 mode. There is an Air bug, I guess on all big android display, but I failed to find the complete list of impacted device. I have develop the game with the first gen Nexus 7 and it runs smoothly.

Never heard of such a bug. What is your configuration and OS ?
You may try to switch to CPU rendering in the settings. If it works, try to update your graphic drivers ...

About the flurry of hits, some enemies can stun you, which would lead to such situation. a debuff should appear quickly in the effect list, and you can confirm in the combat log

Now with real auto explore! :)

Version 1.02.008
  • New Features
    • Character sheet can now be increased to full screen height for better readability
    • Auto-explore no longer makes you picking up hearts if you are full life
    • Auto-explore makes you going to every loot once
    • Auto-explore now makes you going to the exit stairs or portal once you have explored everything
    • Auto-explore make you rest before exploring
    • Auto-explore stops on damage (like traps)
  • Balancing
    • Heavy armor no longer reduce move speed!
    • Warrior's Armor mastery now increases Armor with additional Strength
    • Hero now regains 2 points of exhaustion per day (1 in tower of chaos)
  • Bug fixes
    • Moving to attack no longer make you move away from the target when you have selected a power with a minimum range greater than one
    • Auto explore now correctly stops when spotting a monster, even if the monster hide from sight on its turn
    • Error log are now more precise
    • Correct artifacts bonus on loot

Programming / Re: Slow progress is slow.
« on: August 28, 2014, 05:05:51 AM »
Ideally, if you define both wolf and fox, not much would change between the two.

Cannot you define some meta monster ?
Like Standard close combat monster (monster that can only attack in close combat). Then wolf inherit from this monster and only redefine some properties like movement speed.

Later, when you improve your game, you can add a new meta monster like "monster that fight in pack" with AI behavior that flee when alone and fight when with other monsters of the same kind. This meta back inherit from close combat monster and then wolf inherit from this new meta monster

On a more general purpose. I found it is often (not always ;) ) a bad idea to throw all the code away. Maybe your first project, but not 3 f them. The key is to have a playable thing as fast as possible, and then improve it when you need a new feature, step by step. Refactor your code all the time.

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