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Messages - wyzzarrdd

Pages: [1]
Programming / combat/conflict resolution system development
« on: January 08, 2013, 10:51:44 PM »
I just finished my proof of concept roguelike in Unity and I'm pretty confident I can handle any kind of game mechanics I decide to throw at it.

The step I'm at now is building the combat/conflict resolution system and I'm looking for ideas.  What I don't want is to use is the standard critical existence failure hit point pool or the usual attack roll vs armor class and damage roll vs damage resistance mechanic.

I'm a big fan of wound/incapacitate/kill abstract systems from more story-based rpgs but I don't think that would work in a combat heavy, single character game like a traditional roguelike.  I also really like the anatomy/location based damage system of dwarf fortress but think that can definitely be abstracted away from that level of pure simulationism.

My first attempt was cribbing the old TSR Marvel Super Heros universal table tweaking the power curve and adding critical failures.  I like the concept of an agent rolling against his rank to determine outcomes with opposition and other circumstances modifying either the roll itself or adjusting the rank at which the agent rolls.

So does anyone have examples of interesting resolution systems in roguelikes or in pnp gaming in general that I could study?

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